Universität Wien

Wahlbereich (0-10 ECTS)

120015 UE ZLB MentorInnen
122030 VO [en] History of English
122031 TR [en] History of English - Tutorial
123020 VO [en] Literature Survey 1
123030 VO [en] Literature Survey 2
124070 VO [en] Culture, Society and the Media - The Anthropocene and the Environment in Cultural Theory and Media
124612 SE [en] (KPH) BEd 10: Wahlbereich für Studierende des Lehramts (PM) - Text Production and Creative Writing
127010 KO [en] Critical Readings in Literature - "Staging a Closet Drama"
127011 KO [en] Critical Readings in Literature - Magic Realism and the Destruction of Empire
127012 KO [en] Critical Readings in Literature - Displacement in Contemporary North American Literature
129003 AR [en] Freies Wahlfach - Coaching Peer Groups: learning processes in adult education

Letzte Änderung: Fr 10.01.2020 00:35