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230210 SE Open Science: The Better Science? (2017S)
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Mi 01.02.2017 07:00 bis Mi 22.02.2017 23:59
- Abmeldung bis Fr 24.03.2017 23:59
max. 25 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch
Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert
- Mittwoch 08.03. 14:30 - 17:30 Seminarraum STS, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/6. Stock, 1010 Wien (Vorbesprechung)
- Mittwoch 22.03. 14:30 - 17:30 Seminarraum STS, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Mittwoch 05.04. 15:30 - 18:30 Seminarraum STS, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Mittwoch 26.04. 15:30 - 18:30 Seminarraum STS, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Mittwoch 10.05. 15:30 - 17:30 Seminarraum STS, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Mittwoch 24.05. 14:30 - 17:30 Seminarraum STS, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Mittwoch 07.06. 15:30 - 17:30 Seminarraum STS, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Mittwoch 28.06. 15:30 - 18:30 Seminarraum STS, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
The notion of Open Science is enjoying great popularity at the moment; some even go so far to call it "the better science". The European Union has recently adopted the term Open Science in its research framework programme, however, negotiations about benefits and challenges of Open Science take place in many different arenas. In general, Open Science demands the highest possible transparency, accountability, and share-ability in knowledge production, as well as the participation of all relevant stakeholders in the scientific process. In this seminar we will be looking at the diversity of Open Knowledge cultures in science and humanities. Discussing ideal and actual realms of Open Science practices we will approach aspects such as Open Access, Open Research Data, Open Education, Open Evaluation, Citizen Science and Open Innovation from several perspectives, drawing on literature from stakeholders such as science, policy, science administration, technology, NGOs and Open Science activists. The objective is to understand Open Science situated within the movement of Open Cultures, therefore investigating its promising roles as change maker both in traditional academic settings and in society at large. The focus will be particularly on exchanges and translations of practices of science in society and respective epistemic politics. Besides, the seminar aims at introducing Open Science as a set of practices to students to let them explore options for their own studies and theses.
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
Every unit is prepared by an assignment. Besides active contribution to the discussion in class students are expected to submit these - mostly written - assignments by 9am the day of class. Assignments are based on reading max. 2 articles or similar types of content. Furthermore, students are required to develop a research question until March 22nd, which will then be elaborated according to given guidelines into a blog until June 7th. These blogs will be presented and openly peer reviewed in the last unit and will be accessible via: and other websites.
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
Grading Scheme
The grading of the course is based on the separate assessment of different tasks on a scale of 1-5.Active contribution and involvement in discussion: 30 %
Homework / assignments: 30 %
Presentation / Blogging: 30 %
Formal criteria (delivery on time,citation, layout,...): 10 %Minimum requirements
To successfully complete the course, a weighted average of at least 4,5 is required. Failure to meet the attendance regulations, to deliver course assignments on time or to adhere to standards of academic
work may also be considered in the course assessment.Attendance
Presence and participation is compulsory. Absences of four hours at maximum are tolerated, provided that the lecturer is informed about the absence. Absences of up to eight hours in total may be compensated by either a deduction of grading points or/and extra work agreed with the lecturer. Whether compensation is possible is
decided by the lecturer.
Absences of more than eight hours in total cannot be compensated. In this case, or if the lecturer does not allow a student to compensate absences of more than four hours, the course cannot be completed and is graded as a ‘fail’ (5), unless there is a major and unpredictable reason for not being able to fulfil the attendance requirements on the student’s side (e.g. a longer illness). In such a case, the student may be de-registered from the course without grading. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate this in a timely manner, and to
provide relevant evidence to their claims if necessary. Whether this exception applies is decided by the lecturer.Important Grading Information
If not explicitly noted otherwise, all requirements mentioned in the grading scheme and the attendance regulations must be met. If a required task is not fulfilled, e.g. a required assignment is not handed in or if the student does not meet the attendance requirements, this will be considered as a discontinuation of the course.
In that case, the course will be graded as ‘fail’ (5), unless there is a major and unpredictable reason for not being able to fulfill the task on the student's side (e.g. a longer illness). In such a case, the student may be de-registered from the course without grading. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate this in a timely
manner, and to provide relevant evidence to their claims if necessary. Whether this exception applies is decided by the lecturer.
If any requirement of the course has been fulfilled by fraudulent means, be it for example by cheating at an exam, plagiarizing parts of a written assignment or by faking signatures on an attendance sheet, the student's participation in the course will be discontinued, the entire course will be graded as ‘not assessed’ and will be
entered into the electronic exam record as ‘fraudulently obtained’. Self-plagiarism, particularly re-using own work handed in for other courses, will be treated likewise.
The grading of the course is based on the separate assessment of different tasks on a scale of 1-5.Active contribution and involvement in discussion: 30 %
Homework / assignments: 30 %
Presentation / Blogging: 30 %
Formal criteria (delivery on time,citation, layout,...): 10 %Minimum requirements
To successfully complete the course, a weighted average of at least 4,5 is required. Failure to meet the attendance regulations, to deliver course assignments on time or to adhere to standards of academic
work may also be considered in the course assessment.Attendance
Presence and participation is compulsory. Absences of four hours at maximum are tolerated, provided that the lecturer is informed about the absence. Absences of up to eight hours in total may be compensated by either a deduction of grading points or/and extra work agreed with the lecturer. Whether compensation is possible is
decided by the lecturer.
Absences of more than eight hours in total cannot be compensated. In this case, or if the lecturer does not allow a student to compensate absences of more than four hours, the course cannot be completed and is graded as a ‘fail’ (5), unless there is a major and unpredictable reason for not being able to fulfil the attendance requirements on the student’s side (e.g. a longer illness). In such a case, the student may be de-registered from the course without grading. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate this in a timely manner, and to
provide relevant evidence to their claims if necessary. Whether this exception applies is decided by the lecturer.Important Grading Information
If not explicitly noted otherwise, all requirements mentioned in the grading scheme and the attendance regulations must be met. If a required task is not fulfilled, e.g. a required assignment is not handed in or if the student does not meet the attendance requirements, this will be considered as a discontinuation of the course.
In that case, the course will be graded as ‘fail’ (5), unless there is a major and unpredictable reason for not being able to fulfill the task on the student's side (e.g. a longer illness). In such a case, the student may be de-registered from the course without grading. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate this in a timely
manner, and to provide relevant evidence to their claims if necessary. Whether this exception applies is decided by the lecturer.
If any requirement of the course has been fulfilled by fraudulent means, be it for example by cheating at an exam, plagiarizing parts of a written assignment or by faking signatures on an attendance sheet, the student's participation in the course will be discontinued, the entire course will be graded as ‘not assessed’ and will be
entered into the electronic exam record as ‘fraudulently obtained’. Self-plagiarism, particularly re-using own work handed in for other courses, will be treated likewise.
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Letzte Änderung: Mo 07.09.2020 15:39