400013 SE Von der Interaktion zur Gesellschaft und zurück. Ausgewählte konstruktivistische Theorieansätze (2017W)
Seminar für DissertantInnen: Theorie
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Fr 01.09.2017 08:00 bis Mi 27.09.2017 17:00
- Abmeldung bis Di 17.10.2017 17:00
max. 15 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch
Vorbesprechung: DO 05.10.2017 16.00-19.00 C0628A Besprechung SoWi, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
DO 19.10.2017 13.00-17.00 C0628A Besprechung SoWi, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
FR 20.10.2017 09.00-13.00 C0628A Besprechung SoWi, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
DO 23.11.2017 13.00-17.00 C0628A Besprechung SoWi, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
FR 24.11.2017 09.00-13.00 C0628A Besprechung SoWi, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/6. Stock, 1010 Wien
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
The title of the course is both program and overall question for the selected theoretical approaches: do and if yes in which way do they show up with an argumentative structure that takes the individual (perception, intention, action, communication) as well as society (collectives, institutions, discourses, structures) into account and clarifies their interconnections. The theoretical focus lies on constructivism, especially on what has come to be known as Social Constructivism (one part of the theoretical challenge is to not mix up Social Constructivism with Social Constructionism). Social Constructivism has become the label of a widespread way of thinking in the very diverse settings within the social sciences, the humanities as well as in manifold trans-disciplinary settings, such as gender studies and science and technology studies. One mile stone in the development of the underlying thoughts as well as its labeling is the book ‘The Social Construction of Reality’ by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann (published 1966, translated into German in 1969 and later in a variety of different languages). Since the book can be considered as the founding document of what came to be known as social constructivism and the new sociology of knowledge, the seminar will address the scope and relevance of this approach which constitutes one of the most influential social scientific paradigms. However, social constructivism has been subject to severe criticism. As such, it provides the basis for a series of invigorating new ideas and approaches in the broad field of social sciences and humanities. The seminar aims to discuss the critics of social constructivism as well as new developments of the theoretical framework.
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
oral (presentation/active participation) / written (final paper)
The submitted written assignment will be evaluated according to Content; Development of argumentation; Text Organization; Language (Wording and Sentence structure); Format (academic presentation).
The deadline for submitting the paper (electronic version) is 15th of January 2018.
The submitted written assignment will be evaluated according to Content; Development of argumentation; Text Organization; Language (Wording and Sentence structure); Format (academic presentation).
The deadline for submitting the paper (electronic version) is 15th of January 2018.
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
* Active Participation/Attendance (see Course Schedule) - 20% of Grading
* In-class presentations (25-30 minutes) - 40% of Grading:
You will be expected to discuss one Course Topic (see below) during the semester. You will present your summary and then pose several critical questions to the class in order to spark a discussion. Please bear mind that, as these questions are designed to generate discussion among the participants, they should be open-ended.
* Final research paper (10-12 pages) - 40% of Final Grading
This paper will highlight your ability to apply the major sociological concepts and theories that you have learned in this course to a phenomenon of your choice. You are free to analyze any related topic that interests you (e.g. in your PhD thesis). But: You are asked to refer to a number of our readings.
* In-class presentations (25-30 minutes) - 40% of Grading:
You will be expected to discuss one Course Topic (see below) during the semester. You will present your summary and then pose several critical questions to the class in order to spark a discussion. Please bear mind that, as these questions are designed to generate discussion among the participants, they should be open-ended.
* Final research paper (10-12 pages) - 40% of Final Grading
This paper will highlight your ability to apply the major sociological concepts and theories that you have learned in this course to a phenomenon of your choice. You are free to analyze any related topic that interests you (e.g. in your PhD thesis). But: You are asked to refer to a number of our readings.
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Letzte Änderung: Mo 07.09.2020 15:47