Universität Wien

150075 VO Japanese Writing Systems (2019S)

3.00 ECTS (1.00 SWS), SPL 15 - Ostasienwissenschaften


Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").




All texts read, including vocabulary, kanji and grammar; any additional materials provided in class and/or the e-learning platform (Moodle) by the lecturer and/or students. You’ll be expected to know the vocabulary, kanji and grammar covered in Grammar II as well.

Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel

The course is technically of the VO type, but is designed as if it were an [S]UE, so it’s continuous assessment (mit immanentem Prüfungscharakter) with a twist (see below).
Each text may include preparatory homework to be done before the respective session and/or homework to be done after, though there may also be homework that isn’t tied to a specific text. Homework may take various forms, from written documents submitted via and content added to Moodle to presentations given in class and chairing sessions. In class, students’ may be asked to demonstrate that they have made an effort to engage with the texts, e.g. by reading a passage aloud, having a go at a translation, answering questions on its contents and grammar and so on.
Active participation throughout the semester (both in class and outside it) is very important, so being prepared for class, submitting homework in a timely manner, volunteering, answering and asking questions, participating in group exercises etc. can really help your grade.
There'll also be a written final exam where students will be asked to translate a text that is new to them, but similar in type to one covered in class.
Certain reference materials (in a nutshell: those created by the students and/or lecturer on the texts read in class as part of the course, but not the text book, official vocabulary list, nor any dictionaries or other published works) are permitted during the final, a definitive whitelist will be provided ~1 week in advance. Exceptions can be made on request for students with a handicap.

Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab

In order to qualify for a passing grade, you must either a) score > 50 % on the final; or b) sit the final at the first opportunity (= at the end of this semester), have been present for the entirety of all reading sessions (but one, as long as you have a good reason) and score > 50 % in total on the following: texts (60 %, averaged), with homework and active participation weighed 1:1 for each; and final (40 %). If you’re eligible for both grading modes, the higher score counts. It’s then converted to a grade as follows:
> 87,5 % Excellent (A) [Sehr Gut (1)]
> 75,0 % Good (B) [Gut (2)]
> 62,5 % Satisfactory (C) [Befriedigend (3)]
> 50,0 % Acceptable (D) [Genügend (4)]
<= 50 %: Failed (F) [Nicht Genügend (5)]
* Assessment focusses on reading (both comprehension and reading aloud), understanding of grammar and Japanese–English translation. (Note that these are just informational guidelines, not individually graded categories.)
* There is a zero tolerance policy on cheating and plagiarism.
* Homework submitted late, incomplete, and/or missing the brief may not be accepted (0 points) at the discretion of the lecturer.
* If you miss a reading session for a good reason, the active participation component of that text’s grade may be (partially) struck instead of set to 0 (decision at the sole discretion of the lecturer).
* Any dispute concerning a score in the “texts” category that can not be resolved amicably will result in that student falling back to grading mode (a).

Letzte Änderung: Mo 07.09.2020 15:35