Universität Wien

Studienprogrammleitung 47 - Doktoratsstudium Lebenswissenschaften

300126 SE [en] Bacterial symbiont cell biology and physiology - Seminar for Master and PhD Students
300219 SE [en] Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure 1 - Seminar for Master and PhD-students - im Fachbereich Cellimaging und Ultrastrukturforschung
300275 SE [en] Moleculare and Ecological Physiology of Plants 1 - Seminar for Master- and PhD Students - Specific Ecology of Plants: stress physiology, photo biology, anatomy, urban ecology, ecophysiology laboratory and field analysis, structural analysis, energy and material flow balances in cultural landscapes and urban habitats
300323 SE [de en] Current Trends in Parasitology = Journal Club - Current parasitological topics, lecture works english slides
300334 SE SE f. Master-Studierende, DiplomandInnen & DissertantInnen - im Fachbereich Verhaltensbiologie des Menschen
470005 SE [en] Advanced Topics in Cognition and Communication - Advanced Topics in Cognition and Communication
320005 SE [en] Academic training and discussion in Pharmacognosy - for doctoral students
330017 SE [en] International Nutrition Policy - Theory and Implementation
330102 SE+UE Ernährung und Epigenetik, Methoden und Epidemiologie - Molekulare Epidemiologie und Epigenetik für Ernährungswissenschafter

Letzte Änderung: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31