Studienprogrammleitung 52 - Doktoratsstudium Physik
- 260053 VU [ en ] Modern (Quantum) Cryptography
- 260054 SE [ en ] Climate change - The physical science basis
- 260056 SE [ en ] Current Research in Experimental Materials Physics
- 260079 VO [ en ] ( VDS-PH ) Low dimensional quantum solids
- 260083 SE [ en ] Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 260114 SE [ en ] Seminar Applied isotope physics
- 260004 VU [ en ] Scientific image processing
- 260005 SE [ en ] Physics and chemistry of clouds
- 260014 VU [ en ] Statistical Methods of Data Analysis
- 260016 VU [ en ] Testing Gravity in Experiments: from classical to quantum relativity - Part I
- 260039 VU [ en ] "Table Top" Quantum Gravity
- 260046 VU [ en ] Supergravity and Exceptional Field Theory
- 260047 VU [ en ] Supersymmetry - where geometry, algebra, and physics meet
- 260048 VU [ en ] Modern Methods in Particle Physics
- 260055 SE [ en ] Women in Physics at an International Level
- 260056 SE [ en ] Current Research in Experimental Materials Physics
- 260060 VU [ en ] Renormalization group flows
- 260070 VU [ en ] Foundations of mesoscopic engines - from classical to quantum
- 260072 VO [ en ] History of Physics - Supplemented with the development of Physics at the University Vienna
- 260096 VU [ en ] Quantum Information Theory -Quantum Computing & Machine Learning
- 260104 VU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Low-level programming in C and C++ (Part 2)
- 260105 UE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) C/C++ Programming exercises
- 260115 VU [ en ] Complex Systems I: Foundations, Concepts and Phenomena
- 260138 SE [ en ] Supplementary Seminar STEOP, M I (WiSe) - for sophomores of problem-solving courses accompanying Experimental Physics I
- 262000 VU [ en ] Academic Skills and Ethics
- 262003 VO [ en ] Introduction to Computational Meteorology
- 520002 SE [ en ] Quantum Photonic Technology
- 520003 SE [ en ] Vienna Physics Doctorate Highlights
- 520004 SE [ en ] Seminar on mathematical physics
- 520005 SE [ en ] Seminar about ongoing research in soft matter Physics
- 520006 SE [ en ] Modern Topics in Quantum Foundations - (Journal Club)
- 520007 SE [ en ] ( VDS-PH ) Challenges in research I- presentation of problems and solutions
- 520008 SE [ en ] VCQ - Quantum Optics Seminar - The Seminar consists of a series of talks, given by mainly international guests.
- 520009 SE [ en ] Quantum sensing and structuring with matter-waves
- 520010 SE [ en ] Literature seminar (Gravitation Theory)
- 520011 SE [ en ] Advances in magnonics
- 520012 SE [ en ] Seminar in particle physics
- 520013 SE [ en ] Recent advances of functional materials
- 520014 SE [ en ] Seminar on micro- and nanomaterials
- 520016 SE [ en ] Quantum Optomechanics - (Journal Club)
- 520018 SE [ en ] Literature seminar complex materials and hybrid systems
- 520020 SE [ en ] Advances in the interplay between quantum and space-time physics - Part I
- 520021 SE [ en ] Seminar on Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Physics
- 520022 SE [ en ] Applied Magnetism
- 520023 VO [ en ] Optical Spectroscopy and Group Theory
- 520027 VU [ en ] Advanced Topics in Quantum Information
- 520028 SE [ en ] Magnetism and Superconductivity
- 520029 SE [ en ] Seminar in low dimensional quantum solids - Seminar on new results on the properties of low dimensional quantum solids such as fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene, high temperature superconductors and optoelectronic materials as well as implications on their application potential
- 520032 SE [ en ] Science career development II: Responsibility of and in research
- 520033 SE [ en ] Research in Physics Education Research
- 520035 PR [ en ] Introduction in mechanical manufacturing technology
- 520036 VU [ en ] Geometry of Gauge theories: old and new
Letzte Änderung: Fr 10.01.2025 00:43