030610 KU The byzantine Law of the basilica (2019S)
Continuous assessment of course work
max. 40 participants
Language: German
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
Di, 11.06.19, 09:00-13:00 Uhr und 14:00-18:00, Seminarraum Römisches Recht (Schenkenstraße 8, 3. Stock)
Mi, 12.06.19, 09:00-13:00 Uhr, Seminarraum Römisches Recht (Schenkenstraße 8, 3. Stock)
- Thursday 13.06. 09:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum SEM33 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, 3.OG
- Friday 14.06. 09:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum SEM42 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, 4.OG
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Examination topics
Reading list
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Th 31.03.2022 00:16