Universität Wien
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060113 UE Viking Age insights (2024S)

Geoarchaeological and geophysical settlement prospection in North Frisia (Island of Amrum)

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 10 participants
Language: German, English



An introduction to the course will be given.
Up to 10 Master or PhD students can apply to participate in this ERASMUS+ Blended Intensive Programme.

Students will have to apply for participation by submitting a motivation letter and information on their background regarding their prior experience and training in geoarchaeology and geophysical archaeological prospection methods. The letter has to be sent to Immo Trinks immo.trinks@univie.ac.at prior to May 1st 2024.


Aims, contents and method of the course

The Universities of Kiel (Germany), Ghent (Belgium), Aarhus (Denmark) and Vienna (Austria) are offering an Erasmus+ international Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in form of a combined hands-on field and online course on Geoarchaeological and geophysical settlement prospection in North Frisia (Amrum) using geophysical methods. The field-course will be held from August 5th to 9th 2024 on the island of Amrum, Germany.
The course comprises an introduction to the specific local archaeological situation and landscape development, archaeological research questions, and practicing ways to solving them through geophysical measurements. In the field course, state-of-the-art instrumentation including magnetics, electromagnetics, geoelectrics, ground penetrating radar, seismics and geophysical downhole measurements will be applied. The field component will be complemented by a compulsory online component during fall 2024 dedicated to data processing, analysis, and interpretation.
Before field course, students are expected to read up on archaeological prospection using geophysical methods and on the archaeology of the study region?. After the field course, online classes on data processing and data interpretation? will be given in autumn term 2024. The students will be evaluated on a collaborative assignment in form of the preparation of a scientific poster and corresponding presentation. Successful course participation will be rewarded with 5 ECTS credit points.
The course is directed towards MSc students of archaeology, geophysics, and geosciences with knowledge of geophysical prospection methods. The total number of all participants is restricted to 25 (10 from Vienna).
Travel and accommodation are organised by the respective universities. Travel costs will be covered up to ca. 70 EUR per day through ERASMUS+ funding. Funding is subject to successful participation in both the field course as well as the virtual online course.

The course website can be found here: https://www.prospect.ugent.be/sample-page/bip-viking-age-insights/

More general and practical information on the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes can be found here:

Assessment and permitted materials

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

will be provided online

Reading list

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Th 11.04.2024 17:05