Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants (2019S)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Fr 08.02.2019 08:00 to Th 21.02.2019 18:00
- Deregistration possible until Su 31.03.2019 18:00
max. 20 participants
Language: German
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
Initial meeting on 1. March, 11-12:00. Personal attendance strongly recommended.
Course dates: 2 whole-day excursions to the field (18.5., 8.6.)
- Friday 01.03. 11:00 - 12:00 Übungsraum 2 (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg 1.OG
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
One interim test each per excursion in the field on the topics of the respective excursion (for both interim tests students can use their field notes); written protocol on both (!) excursions: species list sorted by vegetation type plus a short and single characterization per each vegetation type; a corrected version of the protocol may be submitted after a first check, but only if received until the 30. June 2019. The final deadline for finishing this course is 31. July 2019.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Minimum requirement for positive credit: 20.25 points (of totally 40 points). These 40 points are distributed as follows:
10 points: test after first excursion
10 points: test after second excursion
20 points: protocol (6 points for habitat descriptions, 8 points for assignment of species to these habitats, 6 points for correct spelling of taxa names)Credit key:
0-20 points: failed (5)
20.25-25 points: sufficient (4)
25.25-30 points: satisfactory (3)
30.25-35 points: good (2)
35.25-40 points: excellent (1)
10 points: test after first excursion
10 points: test after second excursion
20 points: protocol (6 points for habitat descriptions, 8 points for assignment of species to these habitats, 6 points for correct spelling of taxa names)Credit key:
0-20 points: failed (5)
20.25-25 points: sufficient (4)
25.25-30 points: satisfactory (3)
30.25-35 points: good (2)
35.25-40 points: excellent (1)
Examination topics
Materials shown during the two field excursions.
Reading list
MA Fischer, K Oswald, W Adler (2008) Exkursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein und Südtirol (3. Aufl.). Biozentrum der oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen.
Association in the course directory
BBO 5, BAN 6, BOE 11, BPB 11, BZO 11
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:43
excursion flora (recommended, but not mandatory): ca. 40 Euro
tickets for public transport (in case none are already available): ca. 10 Euro