Universität Wien

Mag. Dr. Neda Forghani-Arani

Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris



Teaching (iCal)

490007 KU KU Social and Personal Competencies - Service Learning
490015 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Pädagogischer Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität
490048 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Trauma-informed approaches to migration-related diversity in school settings
490049 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Denk- und Handlungsgewohnheiten, Werthorizonten und transformatorisches Lernen
490290 KU KU Social and Personal Competencies - Peer-Mentoring für Studienanfänger*innen
490015 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Pädagogischer Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität
490048 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Trauma-informed approaches to migration-related diversity in school settings
490290 KU KU Social and Personal Competencies - Peer-Mentoring für Studienanfänger*innen
490015 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Pädagogischer Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität
490039 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Pädagogischer Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität
490048 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Denk- und Handlungsgewohnheiten, Werthorizonten undtransformatorisches Lernen
490290 KU KU Social and Personal Competencies - Peer-Mentoring für Studienanfänger*innen
490048 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Traumasensibler Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität im schulischen Kontext
490097 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Pädagogischer Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität
490290 KU KU Social and Personal Competencies - Peer-Mentoring für Studienanfänger*innen
490048 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Pädagogischer Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität
490097 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Pädagogischer Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität
490290 KU KU Social and Personal Competencies - Peer-Mentoring für Studienanfänger*innen
490048 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Pädagogischer Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität
490097 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Pädagogischer Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität
490290 KU KU Social and Personal Competencies - Peer-Mentoring für Studienanfänger*innen
490048 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Pädagogischer Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität
490097 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Pädagogischer Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität
490290 KU KU Social and Personal Competencies - Peer-Mentoring für StudienanfängerInnen
490290 KU KU Social and Personal Competencies - Peer-Mentoring für StudienanfängerInnen
490290 KU KU Social and Personal Competencies - Peer-Mentoring für StudienanfängerInnen
490290 KU KU Social and Personal Competencies - Peer-Mentoring für StudienanfängerInnen
490206 PS Teaching and Learning - Introduction to the global education approach
490010 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
490206 SE Teaching and Learning - Introduction to the global education approach
490020 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
190097 SE Professionalisation and Professionalism in Pedagogical Professions - Pedagogical professionalism in transnational spaces
490020 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
490029 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Lifeworlds, migration, and acculturation: Education and diversity
490123 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
190097 SE Theory of Educational Science: Curriculum and Instructions - Concepts of Discontinuity in Teaching and Learning
490015 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
490123 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
490135 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
190097 SE Professionalisation and Professionalism in Pedagogical Professions - Pedagogical professionalism in transnational spaces
490011 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
490135 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
490145 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
490146 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
490135 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
190097 SE Professionalisation and Professionalism in Pedagogical Professions - Pedagogical professionalism in transnational spaces
490135 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
490168 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
190087 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
190659 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190659 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190178 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Researching Lived Experience - The Experience of Cultural Alterity in Pedagogical Settings
190659 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190667 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
190055 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Education, Migration, Social Heterogeneity; Theory and Practice of Intercultural Pedagogy
190659 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190667 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
190255 SE Education, Socialisation and Society - Education in teh World Society
190659 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190667 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
190196 SE Education, Socialisation and Society - Education, Migration, Social Heterogeneity; Theory and Practice of Intercultural Pedagogy
190659 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190667 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
190659 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190667 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
190659 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190667 SE+UE Pedagogy practicum
190659 SE Theory and Practice of Education - Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190667 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum
190659 SE Theory and Practice of Education - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190667 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
190659 SE Theory and Practice of Education - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190667 SE+UE Pädagogisches Praktikum - Pädagogisches Praktikum
190659 SE Theory and Practice of Education - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
190667 SE+UE Pädagogisches Praktikum - Pädagogisches Praktikum
190560 SE+UE Pädagogisches Praktikum - Pädagogisches Praktikum
900020 UE Globales Lernen - Globales Lernen
900020 UE Globales Lernen - Globales Lernen
900020 UE Globales Lernen - Globales Lernen
900020 UE Globales Lernen - Globales Lernen
900020 UE Globales Lernen - Globales Lernen
900020 UE Globales Lernen - Globales Lernen
901187 SE Globales Lernen - Globales Lernen (gilt als Wahlpflichtfach für den neuen Studienplan 2000, PWB)
900020 UE Globales Lernen - Globales Lernen

Last modified: Th 14.03.2024 12:20