1.5. Reading Theological Texts
Zulassungsvoraussetzungen (Sprachkenntnisse) sind bei den LVA-Leitern zu erfragen!
010011 SE 4 ECTS Texts- Places - Memory Landscapes. The Holy Land in the New Testament and in Early Christian TimesKühschelm, Th 16:00-17:30 (15×)
Öhler, Th 17:30-20:00 (9×)
140091 SE 10 ECTS Hastisailamahatmya - The legend of the origin of the Varadarajasvami temple in KanchiRastelli, Fr 16:00-18:00 (11×)
MacDonald, We 14:45-16:15 (14×)
Laine, Tu 17:45-19:15 (13×)
140153 UE 5 ECTS Readings in 'Jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas' gZhan stong dbu ma chen po'i Ita khridTauscher
Lohlker, Th 14:00-16:00 (14×)
Preisendanz, Tu 10:15-11:45 (13×)
Preisendanz, Th 12:00-13:30 (15×)
Pokorny, We 25.11. 10:15-11:45
Last modified: Th 19.05.2022 00:59