Universität Wien

Directorate of Studies 23 - Sociology

The study programme directory 23 / Sociology -> http://soziologie.univie.ac.at supervises the study programmes in Sociology, Science and Technology Studies, Demography and Nursing Science.
The subject Sociology is offered at the University of Vienna by the Institute of Sociology -> http://www.soz.univie.ac.at/home/ as a six-semester Bachelor's programme as well as a four-semester Master's programme. Students of other Bachelor's programmes can attend certain courses within the framework of extension curricula.

The Master's programme Science-Technology-Society and the extension curriculum Science-Technology-Society are organised by the Institute for Science and Technology Studies -> http://sts.univie.ac.at.

The Institute for Nursing Science -> http://pflegewissenschaft.univie.ac.at/home/ offers a Master's programme in Nursing Science.

The Institute for Demography (-> https://demografie.univie.ac.at/) supervises the study programme "Global Demography".

Note on academic misconduct: if you are found to have cheated on your (partial) performance (e.g.: copying, plagiarism, use of unauthorised aids, falsification, ghostwriting, etc.), the entire course or course examination must be counted as cheated and counted as an attendance. Cheated performances will be indicated as such on the transcript (print X instead of a grade).

An automatic plagiarism check can be used for courses that use the Moodle teaching platform. Details can be found in the respective course descriptions or you will be informed about this at the beginning of the course.

Bachelor Sociology (505 [2])

Master Sociology (905 [2])

Master Nursing Science (330 [2])

Master Science-Technology-Society (906 [2])

Master Global Demography (945 [1])

Extension Curriculum Empirical Sociology (233 [1] Version 2009) - discontinued

Extension Curriculum Sociological Analyses of Contemporary Society (234 [1] - Version 2009)- discontinued

Extension Curriculum Science - Technology - Society (235)

Extension Curriculum Basic Quantitative Methods in the Social and Behavioural Sciences (236 [1] - Version 2014) - discontinued

Extension Curriculum Intermediate Quantitative Methods in the Social und Behavioural Sciences (237) - discontinued

Other Lectures

Last modified: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39