45.01. Courses for the Doctoral Studies Programme of SPL 28
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students) IV
- 450003 VO+SE [ de en ] Topics in environmental GeoScience IV - Environmental pollutants and remediation approaches
- 450004 SE Topics in Mineralogiy and Crystallography, IV - Stukturelle Charakterisierung mit Pulverdiffraktometrie
- 450005 SE Topics in Geodynamics and Sedimentology, IV - Environmental Crises from the Recent to Earth History
- 450007 VO Topics in lithospheric research, IV - Geomaterials under the TEM
- 450008 VO+UE Trends in Palaeontological Research, IV - Highlights in the Evolution of Vertebrates
- 450100 SE Astrophysical PhD-Seminar
- 450101 VO High Energy Astrophysivd (NPI)
- 450102 VU ISM and Extragalactic (PI) - The Multi-phase Interstellar Medium and its numerical Treatment
Doctorial Study Program Astronomy
Doctorial Study Program Earth Sciences
- 280195 VO+UE [ en ] Numerical modeling of lithospheric dynamic
- 280196 SE [ en ] Understanding the mechanics of the lithoshpere
- 280197 EX [ en ] Excursion to the SEM Fault
- 280198 VO [ en ] Sequence Stratigraphy and Cyclostratigraphy (NPI)
- 280199 EX [ en ] Excursion in Stratigraphy and Cyclostratigraphy (PI)
Doctorial Study Program Meteorology
- 450202 SE [ en ] Mesoscale Dynamics and Modeling
- 450203 SE [ en ] Advanced Topics in Seismology: Research Seminar 1
- 450204 SE [ en ] Topics in Geophysics: Literature Seminar 1
Last modified: Fr 13.12.2024 00:46