Universität Wien

30.01. Biology

A. Bachelor's Degree Programme Biology

I. Introductory Phase (STEOP)

B-BIO 1 Basic module Biology 1

B-BIO 2 Basic module Biology 2

II. Block of Compulsory Modules

B-BIO 3 Chemistry 1

B-BIO 4 Physics and Statistics

B-BIO 5 Bioethics and Gender

B-BIO 6 Evolution

B-BIO 7 Organisms, Structures and Functions

B-BIO 8 Physiology and Ecology

B-BIO 9 Molecular Biology and Genetics

B-BIO 10 Chemistry 2

III. ABCM Disciplines of Specialization

1. Anthropology

B-BAN 1 Anatomy and Human Physiology
B-BAN 2 Hominid Evolution
B-BAN 3 Human Ecology and Social Anthropology
B-BAN 4 Behavior and Human Genetics
B-BAN 5 Statistics, Mathematics and Electronic Data Processing (EDP) in Anthropology
B-BAN 6 Methods of Anthropology
B-BAN 7 Anthropology and Society
B-BAN 8 Cognition and Morphometrics
B-BAN 9 Elective Biological Courses
B-BAN 10 Bachelor - Module

2. Microbiology and Genetics

B-BMG 1 Methods in Molecular Biology
B-BMG 2 Basics in Microbiology and Genetics
B-BMG 3 Biochemistry
B-BMG 4 Molecular Biology
B-BMG 5 Advanced Methods in Molecular Biology
B-BMG 6 Advanced Chemistry
A: Organic Chemistry
B: Analytical Chemistry
C: (Bio)physical Chemistry
B-BMG 7 Mathematics
B-BMG 8 Cell-, Immune- and Infectious Biology
B-BMG 9 Bioinformatics
B-BMG 10 Molecular Developmental Biology and Evolution
B-BMG 11 Elective Biological Courses
B-BMG 12 Bachelor - Module
B-BMG 12 A Bachelor - Module
B-BMG 12 B Bachelor - Module

3. Molecular Biology

B-BMB 1 Methods in Molecular Biology
B-BMB 2 Advanced Molecular Biology
B-BMB 3 Biochemistry
B-BMB 4 Cell Biology
B-BMB 5 Analytical and Physical Chemistry
B-BMB 6 Organic Chemistry
B-BMB 7 Mathematics
B-BMB 8 Quantitative Methods in Molecular Biology
B-BMB 9 Bioinformatics
B-BMB 10 Elective Biological Courses
B-BMB 11 Bachelor - Module
B-BMB 11 A Bachelor - Module A
B-BMB 11 B Bachelor - Module B

4. Ecology

B-BOE 1 General Ecology
B-BOE 2 Physiological Basics and Fundamentals of Ecology
B-BOE 3 Structure and Diversity of Plants
B-BOE 4 Biodiversity of Animals
B-BOE 5 Biodiversity of Microorganisms
B-BOE 6 Field Biology
B-BOE 7 Functional Ecology
B-BOE 8 Special Ecology 1
B-BOE 9 Special Ecology 2
B-BOE 10 Special Ecology 3
B-BOE 11 Elective Biological Courses
B-BOE 12 Project-related Research
B-BOE 13 Bachelor - Module

5. Palaeobiology

B-BPB 1 Palaeodiversity of Plants
B-BPB 2 Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates
B-BPB 3 Palaeodiversity of Invertebrates
B-BPB 4 Applied Micropalaeontology
B-BPB 5 Palaeontological Research Methods - Lab
B-BPB 6 Palaeontological Research Methods - Field
B-BPB 7 Research in Evolutionary Biology
B-BPB 8 Diversity of Plants and Animals
B-BPB 9 General Ecology
B-BPB 10 System Earth
B-BPB 11 Stratigraphy, History of the Earth and Phylogenesis
B-BPB 12 Elective Biological Courses
B-BPB 13 Project-related Research
B-BPB 13/A Fundamentals of Vertebrate Palaeontology
B-BPB 13/B Applied Palaeobotany
B-BPB 13/C Biology of Marine Invertebrates
B-BPB 14 Bachelor - Module
B-BPB 14/A Vertebrate Palaeontology
B-BPB 14/B Palaeobotany
B-BPB 14/C Marine Palaeoenvironments

6. Plant Sciences

B-BPF 1 Cell Biology of Plants
B-BPF 2 Basics of Plant Molecular Biology
B-BPF 3 Basics of Plant Physiology
B-BPF 4 Evolution and Diversity of Algae, Mosses, Ferns, and Fungi
B-BPF 5 Evolution and Diversity of Seed Plants
B-BPF 6 Developmental Biology and Reproduction
B-BPF 7 Concepts and Methods in the Plant Sciences
B-BPF 8 Elective Biological Courses
B-BPF 9 Project-related Research
B-BPF 10 Bachelor - Module

7. Zoology

B-BZO 1 Anatomy and Morphology of Animals 1
B-BZO 2 Anatomy and Morphology of Animals 2
B-BZO 3 Animal Physiology 1
B-BZO 4 Animal Physiology 2
B-BZO 5 Behavioral Biology
B-BZO 6 Evolution and Development
B-BZO 7 Biodiversity of Animals
B-BZO 8 Field Biology
B-BZO 9 Animals in their Environments
B-BZO 10 Biology of Cognition
B-BZO 11 Elective Biological Courses
B-BZO 12 Project-related Research
B-BZO 13 Bachelor - Module

B. Master's Degree Programmes Biology (Curricula from WS 13)

1. Masterprogramme Anthropology (Version 2013)

1.1. Compulsory Modules

MAN 1 Compulsory module 1: Basic module in Anthropology
MAN 2 Compulsory module 2: Practical training in Anthropology

1.2. Block of Elective Modules: Anthropology

MAN W1 Human Evolution
MAN W2 Human Behavioral Biology
MAN W3 Human Ecology
MAN W4 Human Life History
MAN W5 Quantitative Methods in Anthropology and Biometry

1.3. Individual Specialization

MAN 3 Individual Specialization

2. Masterprogramme Botany

MBO 1 Systematic and Evolutionary Botany

MBO 2 Structural Botany

MBO 3 Molecular Biology of Plants

MBO 4 Basic Methods of Botany

MBO 5 Advanced Methods of Botany

MBO 6 Specific Research Project

MBO 7 Individual Specialization (elective courses)

3. Masterprogramme Ecology and Ecosystems

MEC-1 Evolutionary and ecological foundations of bidiversity

MEC-2 Ecosytem ecology and biogeochemistry

MEC-3 Biodiversity and ecosystems

MEC-4 Introduction to biodiversity or ecosystem research

MEC-5 Experimental design and data analysis

MEC-6 Techniques in biodiversity research

MEC-7 Techniques in biogeochemistry and ecosystem research

MEC-8 Specific research project

MEC-9 Individual specialization

4. Masterprogramme Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology

4.1. Compulsory Module

MMEI I Research topics in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology

4.2. ABCM (1) Molecular Microbiology

MMEI II-1.1 Proseminar Molecular Microbiology
MMEI II-1.2 Advanced Molecular Microbiology
MMEI II-1.3 Scientific Practice in Molecular Microbiology

4.3. ABCM (2) Microbial Ecology

MMEI II-2.1 Proseminar Microbial Ecology
MMEI II-2.2 Advanced Microbial Ecology
MMEI II-2.3 Scientific Practice in Microbial Ecology

4.4. ABCM (3) Immunobiology

MMEI II-3.1 Proseminar Immunobiology
MMEI II-3.2 Advanced Immunobiology
MMEI II-3.3 Scientific Practice in Immunobiology

4.5. Compulsory Module: Interdisziplinary Subjects

MMEI III Selected Interdisciplinary Subjects

4.6. Compulsory Module: Additional Scientifc Skills for Biologists

M-WZB Additional Scientific Skills for Biologists in the Master program

B. Master's Degree Programmes Biology

1. Anthropology

1.1. Compulsory Modules

MAN 1 Scientific Research in Anthropology and Human Ecology
MAN 2 Advanced Statistics in Anthropology

1.2. ABCM (1) Human Evolution

MAN I-1 Advanced Topics in Hominid Evolution
MAN I-2 Advanced Research Methods in Hominid Evolution
MAN I-3 Special Osteology
MAN I-4 Palaeontology

1.3. ABCM (2) Human Ethology

MAN II-1 Biological Principles of Human Behavior
MAN II-2 Observing Human Behavior
MAN II-3 Analytical Methods in Human Behavior Research
MAN II-4 Applied Human Behavior Research

1.4. ABCM (3) Human Ecology

MAN III-1 Basic Concepts and Methods in Human Ecology
MAN III-2 Economical, Sociological and Anthropological Background
MAN III-3 Selected Topics in Human Ecology

1.5. Block of Elective Modules: Anthropology

MAN W-1 Evolutionary Ecolgy
MAN W-2 Transition Studies
MAN W-3 Social Biology
MAN W-4 Reproductive Biology
MAN W-5 Sustainable Development and Political Ecology

2. Evolutionary Biology

2.1. Compulsory Modules

MEV 1 Basic Modul Evolutionary Biology
MEV 2 Methods and Research Training in Evolutionary Biology

2.2. Block of Elective Modules: Evolutionary Biology

MEV W-1 Advanced Topics in Evolutionary Biology
MEV W-2 Developmental Biology
MEV W-3 Theoretical Biology
MEV W-4 Advanced Topics of Hominide Evolution
MEV W-5 Processes and Methods in Plant Evolution and Speciation
MEV W-6 Advanced Topics of Plant Evolution, Systematics and Biogeography
MEV W-7 Basic Modul Zoology
MEV W-8 Palaeontology and Evolution

3. Genetics and Developmental Biology

3.1. ABCM (1) Genetics and Molecular Pathology

MGE I-1 Advanced Genetics and Molecular Pathology
MGE I-2 Advanced Genetic and Molecular Pathology Techniques
MGE I-3 Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Genetic and Molecular Pathology

3.2. ABCM (2) Cell- and Developmental Biology

MGE II-1 Advanced Cell- and Developmental Biology
MGE II-2 Advanced Cell- and Developmental Biological Techniques
MGE II-3 Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Cell- and Developmental Biology

3.3. Block of Elective Modules: Genetics and Developmental Biology

MGE III-1 Advanced Genetics
MGE III-2 Elected Subjects in Biology or Chemistry

4. Molecular Biology

4.1. ABCM (1) Biochemistry

MMB I-3 Advanced Biochemical Techniques
MMB I-4 Elective Laboratory Course Biochemistry
MMB I-1 Dynamic Biochemistry
MMB I-2 Current Topics in Biochemistry

4.2. ABCM (2) Molecular Structural Biology

MMB II-3 Advanced Structural Biology Techniques
MMB II-4 Elective Laboratory Course Structural Biology
MMB II-1 Dynamic Biochemistry
MMB II-2 Current Topics in Structural Biology

4.3. ABCM (3) Molecular Cell Biology

MMB III-1 Advanced Cell Biology
MMB III-2 Current Topics in Cell Biology
MMB III-3 Dynamic Biochemistry
MMB III-4 Elective Laboratory Course Cell Biology
MMB III-5 Advanced Cell Biology Techniques

4.4. ABCM (4) Molecular Medicine

MMB IV-1 Advanced Molecular Medicine
MMB IV-2 Current Topics in Molecular Medicine
MMB IV-3 Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques in Molecular Medicine
MMB IV-4 Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Medicine

4.5. ABCM (5) Neurosciences

MMB V-1 Basics of Neuroscience
MMB V-2 Basics of Neuroscience (Lab Course)
MMB V-3 Current Topics in Neuroscience
MMB V-4 Elective Laboratory Course Neuroscience

4.6. Block of Elective Modules: Molecular Biology

MMB W-1 Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Biology
MMB W-2 Selected Subjects in Molecular Biosciences or Chemistry
MMB W-3 Selected Subjects in Bioinformatics

5. Molecular Microbiology and Immunobiology

5.1. ABCM (1) Molecular Microbiology

MMI I-1 Advanced Microbiology
MMI I-2 Advanced Microbiological Techniques
MMI I-3 Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Microbiology

5.2. ABCM (2) Immunobiology

MMI II-1 Advanced Immunobiology
MMI II-2 Advanced Immunological Techniques
MMI II-3 Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Immunobiology

5.3. Block of Elective Modules: Molecular Microbiology/ Immunobiology

MMI III-1 Advanced Microbiology/Immunbiology
MMI III-2 Elected Subjects in Biology or Chemistry

6. Conservation Biology and Biodiversity Management

6.1. Compulsory Modules

MNB 1 Conservation Biology
MNB 2 Conservation: Cultural, Social, Economic Perspectives
MNB 3 Conservation Laws and Conventions
MNB 4 Conservation Training
MNB 5 Ecological Restoration
MNB 6 Special Knowledge of Protected Species, Habitats and Landscapes: Species (Diversity, Ecology, Conservation Needs)
MNB 7 Special Knowledge of Protected Species, Habitats and Landscapes: Communities, Habitats and Landscapes

6.2. Block of Elective Modules: Conservation Biology and Biodiversity

MNB W-1 Management of Protected sites
MNB W-2 Conservation Policy
MNB W-3 Ex-situ Conservation
MNB W-4 Spatial Analysis and Presentation Techniques
MNB W-5 Conservation Related Methodologies of Social, Cultural and Economic Sciences
MNB W-6 Bioindication

7. Ecology

7.1. ABCM (1) Limnology

MOE I-1 Fundamentals of Limnology
MOE I-2 Limnochemistry, Aquatic Microbial Ecology and Hydrobotany
MOE I-3 Aquatic Bicoenoses and Quantitative Freshwater Ecology

7.2. ABCM (2) Marine Biology

MOE II-1 Fundamentals of Marine Biology
MOE II-2 Experimental Marine Biology
MOE II-3 New Findings in Marine Biology

7.3. ABCM (3) Microbial, Molecular and Chemical Ecology

MOE III-1 Microbial Genomics and Phylogeny
MOE III-2 Chemical Ecology
MOE III-3 Genetics in Ecology

7.4. ABCM (4) Ecophysiology and Ecosystem Ecology

MOE IV-1 Ecosystem Ecology
MOE IV-2 Ecophysiology

7.5. ABCM (5) Community and Landscape Ecology

MOE V-1 Population and Community Ecology
MOE V-2 Vegetation and Landscape Ecology

7.6. ABCM (6) Human Ecology

MOE VI-1 Basic Concepts and Methods of Human Ecology
MOE VI-2 Economical, Sociological and Anthropological Background
MOE VI-3 Selected Topics in Human Ecology

7.7. Block of Elective Modules: Ecology

MOE W-1 Interpretation of Ecological Data
MOE W-10 Special Topics in Vegetation Ecology and Landscape Ecology
MOE W-11 Sustainable Development and Political Ecology
MOE W-2 Quantitative Methods in Limnology
MOE W-3 Selected Topics in Limnology
MOE W-4 Selected Topics in Marine Biology
MOE W-5 Molecular and Chemical Methods in Ecology
MOE W-6 Stable Isotopes in Ecology
MOE W-7 Soil Ecology
MOE W-8 Plant Fitness and Stress
MOE W-9 Ecological Field Methods: Animals

8. Palaeobiology

8.1. Compulsory Modules

MPB 1 Taphonomy and Palaeoecology
MPB 2 Terrestrial Actuopalaeontology
MPB 3 Palaeontology and Evolution
MPB 4 Palaeoclimatology and Palaeogeography
MPB 5 Special Issues of Hominide Evolution
MPB 6 Sedimentology and Facies Analysis

8.2. Block of Elective Modules: Palaeobiology

MPB W-1 Aquatic Palaeo-Ecosystems
MPB W-2 Field Course in Aquatic Sediments
MPB W-3 Introduction to Archaeobiology
MPB W-4 Palaeobiology of Vertebrates
MPB W-5 Plant Evolution and the Development of Vegetation through Time

9. Plant Sciences

9.1. ABCM (1) Evolution, Systematics and Biogeography

MPF I-1 Processes and Methods in Plant Evolution and Speciation
MPF I-2 Principles and Methods of Plant Systematics
MPF I-3 Principles and Methods of Plant Biogeography and Biodiversity

9.2. ABCM (2) Reproductive, Developmental and Structural Plant Sciences

MPF II-1 Plant Reproductive Biology
MPF II-2 Plant Developmental Biology
MPF II-3 Plant Structural Biology

9.3. ABCM (3) Molecular Plant Biology and Physiology

MPF III-1 Plant Molecular Biology
MPF III-2 Plant Functional Genomics
MPF III-3 Plant Metabolism

9.4. Block of Elective Modules: Plant Sciences

MPF W-1 Advanced Topics of Evolution, Systematics and Biogeography
MPF W-2 Advanced Topics of Reproductive, Developmental and Structural Plant Sciences
MPF W-3 Advanced Topics of Plant Molecular Biology

10. Behavior, Neurobiology and Cognition

10.1. Compulsory Modules

MVN 1 Basic Module Behaviour, Neurobiology and Cognition
MVN 2 Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Behaviour, Neurobiology and Cognition

10.2. Block of Elective Modules: Behavior, Neurobiology and Cognition

MVN W-1 Behavioural Physiology
MVN W-10 Actual Research Topics in Neurobiology
MVN W-11 Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
MVN W-12 Cognition for Advanced Students
MVN W-13 Cognition Methods
MVN W-2 Behavioural Endocrinology
MVN W-3 Reproduction and Biological Rhythms
MVN W-4 Sound Communication in Animals
MVN W-5 Animal Communication
MVN W-6 Social Mechanisms
MVN W-7 Human Animal Relationship
MVN W-8 Neurobiology for Advanced Students
MVN W-9 Neuroanatomy

11. Zoology

11.1. Compulsory Modules

MZO 1 Basic Modul Zoology
MZO 2 Methods and Research Training in Zoology

11.2. Block of Elective Modules: Zoology

MZO W-1 Morphology, Anatomy and Ultrastructure of Animals
MZO W-2 Biodiversity and Systematics of Animals
MZO W-3 Developmental Biology
MZO W-4 Theoretical Biology
MZO W-5 Basic Modul of Evolutionary Biology
MZO W-6 Behaviour, Neurobiology and Cognition
MZO W-7 Ecological Field Methods: Animals
MZO W-8 Marine Biology
MZO W-9 Interpretation of Ecological Data

D. Additional Scientific qualifications for Biologists

B-WZB Elective Module Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists

Block of Elective Modules: Additional Scient. Skills for Biologists (Bachelor's and Master's Degree, and Teacher Training Programme). Additionally, courses with biological and other issues can also be attended (compare Curriculum).

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39