UF MA PP 02 Philosophy (8 ECTS)
Eines der beiden Alternativen Pflichtmodule ist auszuwählen.
UF MA PP 02A Focus Theoretical Philosophy - Alternative Mandatory Module (8 ECTS)
UF MA PP 02A - Lecture Course in Practical Philosophy (VO)
- 180172 VO Health: Ideal or Dangerous Threat?
- 180180 VO Practical Philosophy Seminar - Philosophie der Person und des Dialogs
UF MA PP 02A - Seminar in Theoretical Philosophy (SE)
- 180077 SE Wittgenstein: Tractatus
- 180085 SE Philosophy of Religion
- 180137 SE [ en ] Quantum Ontology
- 180212 SE [ en ] Artefacts and Scientific Reasoning
- 180219 SE [ en ] Introduction to Philosophy of Science
UF MA PP 02B Focus Practical Philosophy - Alternative Mandatory Module (8 ECTS)
UF MA PP 02B - Lecture Course in Theoretical Philosophy (VO)
- 010083 VO Metaphysics - Contemporary Approaches to Metaphysics
- 180060 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180070 VO-L [ en ] Introduction to Philosophy of Technology
- 180167 VO-L Philosophy of Immunology
- 180168 VO Introduction to Analytical Metaphysics
- 180169 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180175 VO-L Philosophy of Science and History of Science of Research in Psychoanalysis Part 1
- 180179 VO Theoretical Philosophy - Denken und Sein
- 490400 VU PM1 Digital Transformations
UF MA PP 02B - Seminar in Practical Philosophy (SE)
- 180087 SE Theodor W. Adorno: Aesthetic Theory
- 180092 KU Philosophical Practice: an introduction
- 180093 KU Philosophy of human rights
- 180094 SE [ en ] Collective Responsibility
- 180098 SE Power and Subject in Foucault
- 180100 KU Levinas and Jullien
- 180200 SE [ en ] Introduction to Applied Ethics and its Methodologies
Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:46