Master Geography (855)
Specialisation Modules (50 ECTS)
MG1.1 Geomorphology and Risk Research (25 ECTS)
- 280083 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) MA-ERD-A-4 Groundwater Systems (PI)
- 280135 VU ( ON-SITE ) MA-ERD-W-3.16 Karst Hydrology, Karst Morphology and Water Extraction (PI)
- 280250 SE [ en ] Transformative Change towards Sustainable Futures - Environmental Engagements: talks (PI)
- 290017 PS Anthropogenic Climate Modification
- 290058 PR ( ON-SITE ) Practical Training in Geomorphology and Natural Hazards Research
- 290173 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Measurement of Greenhouse Gases
- 290212 VU [ en ] Scientific Progress in Geomorphology and Natural Hazards Research (Focus: Climate Change)
- 290347 SE Master seminar in Physical Geography: Climate Change - How "fit" is "your" environmetal compartment?
- 300042 VO [ de en ] Water Framework Directive &Habitats Directives &European Standards related to the aquatic vegetation - Basics for assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in Europe
- 300238 VO ( ON-SITE ) Habitatmapping - Assessment of conservation value
MG1.2 Geoecology and Quaternary Research (25 ECTS)
- 280083 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) MA-ERD-A-4 Groundwater Systems (PI)
- 280135 VU ( ON-SITE ) MA-ERD-W-3.16 Karst Hydrology, Karst Morphology and Water Extraction (PI)
- 280250 SE [ en ] Transformative Change towards Sustainable Futures - Environmental Engagements: talks (PI)
- 290017 PS Anthropogenic Climate Modification
- 290071 PR [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Training in Geoecology and Quaternary Research
- 290173 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Measurement of Greenhouse Gases
- 290347 SE Master seminar in Physical Geography: Climate Change - How "fit" is "your" environmetal compartment?
- 290365 KU Scientific Progress in Quaternary Research
- 300042 VO [ de en ] Water Framework Directive &Habitats Directives &European Standards related to the aquatic vegetation - Basics for assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in Europe
- 300238 VO ( ON-SITE ) Habitatmapping - Assessment of conservation value
MG1.3 Social and Economic Geography (25 ECTS)
- 240057 VO ( REMOTE NR ) Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung
- 280250 SE [ en ] Transformative Change towards Sustainable Futures - Environmental Engagements: talks (PI)
- 290026 PS ( ON-SITE ) Social Area Analysis
- 290038 PSE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - Spatial and Regional Development in Carinthia Using the Example of St. Urban
- 290047 VU [ en ] Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis and Microeconometrics
- 290065 VU Theories of Spatial Development
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Geography of Innovation
- 290117 PS Analysis of Landscapes and Open Spaces - Case Studies, Methods and Applications
- 290148 SE Urban Development in South-Eastern Europa
MG1.4 Population and Urban Research (25 ECTS)
- 230005 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to urban sociology
- 230026 VO ( REMOTE ) Interdisciplinary urban research
- 280250 SE [ en ] Transformative Change towards Sustainable Futures - Environmental Engagements: talks (PI)
- 290019 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Migration and Covid-19
- 290022 SE [ en ] Masterseminar aus Humangeographie: Migration and Global Environmental Change
- 290023 PS Global Development in the Era of Climate Change: Perspectives from Population Geography
- 290026 PS ( ON-SITE ) Social Area Analysis
- 290039 VU [ en ] Facing the Challenges of Sustainable Global Food Systems
- 290042 PS [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Migration, Displacement and Asylum
- 290047 VU [ en ] Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis and Microeconometrics
- 290056 VU [ en ] Sustainable Cities
- 290106 SE [ en ] Seminar in Human Geography: Sustainable Urban Development and Digitalisation
- 290115 PSE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - New Hierarchies, Networks and Spaces: Case Study Upper Austria
- 290117 PS Analysis of Landscapes and Open Spaces - Case Studies, Methods and Applications
- 290148 SE Urban Development in South-Eastern Europa
- 290394 PS Transdisciplinary Methods in Urban Studies
MG1.5 Focus on Europe (25 ECTS)
- 280250 SE [ en ] Transformative Change towards Sustainable Futures - Environmental Engagements: talks (PI)
- 290018 VU Practical Aspects of Regional Policy in Austria
- 290026 PS ( ON-SITE ) Social Area Analysis
- 290039 VU [ en ] Facing the Challenges of Sustainable Global Food Systems
- 290047 VU [ en ] Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis and Microeconometrics
- 290055 PS Practice of Spatial Planning in Central Europe
- 290056 VU [ en ] Sustainable Cities
- 290065 VU Theories of Spatial Development
- 290106 SE [ en ] Seminar in Human Geography: Sustainable Urban Development and Digitalisation
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Geography of Innovation
- 290114 VO History of Spatial Planning and Urban Design
- 290148 SE Urban Development in South-Eastern Europa
- 290394 PS Transdisciplinary Methods in Urban Studies
MG1.6 Focus on Asia (25 ECTS)
- 150055 VO China and East Asia (M4)
- 150224 VO [ en ] Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
- 240047 VO ( REMOTE ) EC - TEFA Transdisziplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
- 280250 SE [ en ] Transformative Change towards Sustainable Futures - Environmental Engagements: talks (PI)
- 290019 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Migration and Covid-19
- 290023 PS Global Development in the Era of Climate Change: Perspectives from Population Geography
- 290042 PS [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Migration, Displacement and Asylum
- 290047 VU [ en ] Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis and Microeconometrics
Elective Modules (30 ECTS)
MG2.1 Methods and Functional Consolidation of Physical Geography (15 ECTS)
- 280083 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) MA-ERD-A-4 Groundwater Systems (PI)
- 280135 VU ( ON-SITE ) MA-ERD-W-3.16 Karst Hydrology, Karst Morphology and Water Extraction (PI)
- 280232 VU [ en ] PS4 Terrestrial Systems (VU)
- 280367 SE PM-Kl1 Literature seminar IPCC (PI)
- 300042 VO [ de en ] Water Framework Directive &Habitats Directives &European Standards related to the aquatic vegetation - Basics for assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in Europe
- 300238 VO ( ON-SITE ) Habitatmapping - Assessment of conservation value
MG2.2 Project Module Physical Geography (15 ECTS)
- 280083 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) MA-ERD-A-4 Groundwater Systems (PI)
- 280135 VU ( ON-SITE ) MA-ERD-W-3.16 Karst Hydrology, Karst Morphology and Water Extraction (PI)
- 280232 VU [ en ] PS4 Terrestrial Systems (VU)
- 280367 SE PM-Kl1 Literature seminar IPCC (PI)
- 290173 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Measurement of Greenhouse Gases
- 290212 VU [ en ] Scientific Progress in Geomorphology and Natural Hazards Research (Focus: Climate Change)
- 300042 VO [ de en ] Water Framework Directive &Habitats Directives &European Standards related to the aquatic vegetation - Basics for assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in Europe
- 300238 VO ( ON-SITE ) Habitatmapping - Assessment of conservation value
MG2.3 Regional Development (15 ECTS)
- 290018 VU Practical Aspects of Regional Policy in Austria
- 290026 PS ( ON-SITE ) Social Area Analysis
- 290028 VO Theory of Spatial Planning
- 290038 PSE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - Spatial and Regional Development in Carinthia Using the Example of St. Urban
- 290047 VU [ en ] Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis and Microeconometrics
- 290055 PS Practice of Spatial Planning in Central Europe
- 290065 VU Theories of Spatial Development
- 290082 PR Summer School 2021 Next Generation Lungau
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Geography of Innovation
- 290115 PSE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - New Hierarchies, Networks and Spaces: Case Study Upper Austria
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
MG2.4 Elective Module - Regional Tourism and Leisure Research (15 ECTS)
- 233030 VO [ en ] Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 233031 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Geography of Innovation
MG2.5 Geographic Development Research (15 ECTS)
- 150224 VO [ en ] Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
- 240047 VO ( REMOTE ) EC - TEFA Transdisziplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
- 240096 VO ( ISK ) Education and International Development - Transnationale und transdisziplinäre Perspektiven
- 290019 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Migration and Covid-19
- 290023 PS Global Development in the Era of Climate Change: Perspectives from Population Geography
- 290042 PS [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Migration, Displacement and Asylum
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
MG2.6 Methods of Human Geography (15 ECTS)
- 290026 PS ( ON-SITE ) Social Area Analysis
- 290047 VU [ en ] Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis and Microeconometrics
- 290394 PS Transdisciplinary Methods in Urban Studies
MG2.7 Geographies of Real Estate Markets (15 ECTS)
MG2.8 Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe (15 ECTS)
- 290077 PS ( ON-SITE ) Preparatory course for field excursion: Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290079 EX Field excursion: Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe
- 290148 SE Urban Development in South-Eastern Europa
MG2.9 Free Elective Module (recommended Lectures)
- 280083 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) MA-ERD-A-4 Groundwater Systems (PI)
- 280135 VU ( ON-SITE ) MA-ERD-W-3.16 Karst Hydrology, Karst Morphology and Water Extraction (PI)
- 280232 VU [ en ] PS4 Terrestrial Systems (VU)
- 280367 SE PM-Kl1 Literature seminar IPCC (PI)
- 290082 PR Summer School 2021 Next Generation Lungau
- 300042 VO [ de en ] Water Framework Directive &Habitats Directives &European Standards related to the aquatic vegetation - Basics for assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in Europe
- 300238 VO ( ON-SITE ) Habitatmapping - Assessment of conservation value
Field Trips (10 ECTS)
- 290010 EX Field Trip: Cartography and GIS - GIS und Kartographie bei Behörden, wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen und Wirtschaft in Österreich
- 290016 EX Field Trip: Vienna - Gürtel West
- 290033 EX Field trip: Urban social innovation: actors, structures and effects (selected examples) - Akteure, Strukturen und Effekte anhand ausgewählter Beispiele
- 290041 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Excursion: Germany - Peripheral Places in the Bavarian Forest and along the North Sea Coast
- 290045 EX ( ON-SITE ) Climate and Water as Environmental Resources
- 290048 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Trip: Applied Climatology
- 290053 EX [ en ] Physiogeographical Field Trip: Flood Management in the City of Vienna
- 290060 EX Digitalization in Rural Areas - Part 1: The Concept of the 'Smart Village'
- 290061 EX Digitalization in Rural Areas - Part 2: Digital Service Provision
- 290062 EX Digitalization in Rural Areas - Part 3: Co-Working in Rural Areas
- 290063 EX Digitalization in Rural Areas
- 290066 EX Field Trip: Global Cause, Urban Effect: Tracking Major Geopolitical Events in Urban Space - Global Cause, Urban Effect - Wirken und Spuren geopolitischer Großereignisse im städtischen Raum
- 290077 PS ( ON-SITE ) Preparatory course for field excursion: Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290079 EX Field excursion: Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe
- 290080 EX Field Trip: National Sources of Geodata
- 290085 PS Preparatory Course for Field Excursion: Germany - Peripheral Places in the Bavarian Forest and along the North Sea Coast
- 290086 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Trip: Terrain Navigation
- 290093 EX ( ON-SITE ) Physiogeographical Field Trip: Loess Landscapes of Lower Austria
- 290098 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
- 290099 EX ( ON-SITE ) Physiogeographical Field Trip: Mountain Torrents in Vienna - Naturgewalt gebändigt im Stadtgebiet
- 290108 EX ( ON-SITE ) Physiogeographical Field Trip: Vienna Basin
- 290113 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Land Slides in Lower Austria
- 290156 EX Phyisogeographical Field Trip: Loess and Crystalline Landscapes of North-West Lower Austria
- 290161 EX Field Trip: Changing Vienna: Geopolitical Metropolis to Smart City
- 290171 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Trip: Water Management of the City of Vienna
- 290177 PR Field trip - Cartography and GIS: UAV-based and terrestrial 3D-data acquisition in remote sensing - UAV-gestützte und terrestrische 3D-Datenerfassung in der Fernerkundung
- 290242 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Soil Erosion Research in Lower Austria
- 290248 EX Field Trip: The Danube in the Vienna Basin
- 290390 EX ( ON-SITE ) Physiogeographical Field Trip: Geomorphology of the Salzkammergut
- 290395 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Trip: Water Ressource Management Lower Austria
- 290448 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Trip: Waterbalance and Agriculture in Marchfeld
Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)
- 290158 SE Colloquium in Social and Economic Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit aus Human- und Wirtschaftsgeographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
- 290450 SE Colloquium in Regional Research and Regional Planning - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit aus Humangeographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
- 450404 SE [ de en ] PhD and MSc Seminar: Physiogeography
Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04
Die Bezeichnung der Module entspricht dem Curriculum 2007.
Erläuterung der Deskriptoren (Codes):
Die Lehrveranstaltungen sind durch einen oder mehrere in Klammern angegebene Deskriptoren (Codes) gekennzeichnet, die ihre Anrechenbarkeit zu den einzelnen Modulen bzw. Prüfungsteilen gemäß Studienplan dokumentieren. Hierbei gibt der Großbuchstabe zu Beginn die Studienrichtung an (MG = Masterstudium Geographie). Die anschließende Zahl gibt das Modul und die nachfolgende Buchstabenkombination den Modulteil an, zu dem die jeweilige Lehrveranstaltung zählt. Lehrveranstaltungen, die zu einem Schwerpunktmodul gehören, sind überdies durch ein "S" gekennzeichnet, solche, die zu einem Wahlmodul anrechenbar sind, durch ein "W", Exkursionen durch "EX". Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen sind generell durch die Kennung "PI", nicht prüfungsimmanente durch "NPI" charakterisiert, Seminare durch die Kennung "SE".
Innerhalb der Schwerpunktmodule des Masterstudiums "Geographie" sind prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen aus dem Bereich der methodischen Vertiefung durch "PI.m" und prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen aus dem Bereich der fachspezifischen Vertiefung durch "PI.f" kenntlich gemacht.