PM14 Elective Module (26 ECTS)
4.1.1. Bank and Insurance Law - Core Area
4.1.2. Bank and Insurance Law - Elective Area
Peschetz, Mo 15:00-17:00 (4×), Mo 16:00-17:00 (2×)
Gall, Th 15:00-18:30 (3×), We 25.05. 15:30-19:00, Th 09.06. 15:00-16:30
Palten, We 14:30-16:00 (7×)
030534 SE 4 ECTS Current developements in financial market law in Germany, Austria and Switzerland - Comparison of new regulations und judgements on banking and financial market law in German-speaking countriesLehmann, Tu 15.03. 15:00-16:30, Mo 25.04. 09:45-17:45, Tu 26.04. 09:45-17:45
Rabl, Mo 10:00-12:00 (5×)
Lejsek, We 18:00-19:30 (8×)
Hagen, Tu 10.05. 13:15-16:30, Tu 15:00-18:15 (5×)
Oppitz, Mo 17:00-18:30 (7×)
Karner, Fr 13:30-15:00 (11×)
Wilfling, Th 16:30-19:30 (4×), Th 31.03. 16:30-20:00
Rubin, We 14:00-15:30 (6×)
Herndl, We 15:00-17:00 (10×)
4.2.1. Computer and Law - Core Area
030718 KU 2 ECTS Data Protection in E-Business and Internet - EU-Data Protection Directive, Austrian State&Federal Data Protection Laws and their relevance for the E-BusinessZeger, Th 16:00-20:00 (3×), We 30.03. 16:00-17:30
Korn, We 23.03. 14:00-18:30, Th 31.03. 14:00-19:00, Fr 08.04. 14:00-18:00, We 11.05. 14:00-15:00, Th 02.06. 14:00-15:00
Kustor, Th 14:00-20:00 (2×), We 25.05. 14:00-15:00
030754 KU 2 ECTS e-Justice - Electronic land register, Electronic business register, Edicts database, Case management system, Electronic legal communication, Archives, Justice 3.0, JustizOnlineAuer, Th 16:00-20:00 (2×), We 15.06. 16:00-20:00, Th 23.06. 16:00-17:00
4.2.2. Computer and Law - Elective Area
Forgó, Th 18:00-21:00 (12×)
Eberstaller, Th 10.03. 10:00-11:00
Salimi, Tu 16:30-18:00 (7×)
Eisenberger, Th 07.04. 14:00-15:00, We 09:00-15:00 (2×), Th 09.06. 09:00-15:00
030142 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] ( MIXED ) Legal Informatics - Legal Information Systems, Legal Tech, Artificial Intelligence and Law, IT-LawSchweighofer, Tu 08:00-10:00 (12×)
Pierer, We 18:00-21:00 (6×), We 04.05. 00:00-23:59
030250 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Diploma and LLB Seminar: Current Questions of IT Law - in Cooperation with Prof. Thomas Hoeren (WWU Münster)Forgó, Mo 21.03. 13:00-14:30
Abplanalp, We 16:00-19:15 (4×), We 16:45-20:00 (3×), Mo 16.05. 16:00-19:15, Th 19.05. 16:00-19:15
Zankl, We 23.03. 18:00-19:30
030423 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Seminar in Legal Informatics - also Seminar in international and European LawSchweighofer, Mo 14.03. 17:00-18:00, Sa 11.06. 09:00-18:00
Skorjanc, Th 09:00-12:00 (2×), Mo 04.04. 09:00-12:00, Th 07.04. 09:00-10:00
030630 KU 3 ECTS Hackathon "Legal Tech" - In Zusammenarbeit mit der FH Campus Wien (DI Heimo Hirner)Forgó
Schweighofer, Tu 11:30-13:30 (12×)
4.3. Protection from Discrimination
Schindlauer, Mo 16.05. 09:30-17:00, Tu 17.05. 09:30-17:00, We 18.05. 09:30-17:00
4.3. Protection from Discrimination
Hinterberger, Th 24.03. 09:00-11:00, Th 09.06. 09:00-18:00, Fr 10.06. 09:00-18:00
Lanner, Th 10.03. 10:00-12:00, Mo 04.04. 10:00-16:00, Tu 05.04. 10:00-16:00, We 06.04. 10:00-16:00
Hammer, We 09.03. 09:00-12:00, We 09:00-12:45 (3×), Th 07.04. 09:00-12:45
030743 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innenWindischgrätz, Tu 15.03. 10:00-11:30
Mazal, We 16.03. 10:00-11:00, Tu 31.05. 09:00-18:00, We 01.06. 09:00-18:00
Bruckner, Th 12.05. 13:00-17:00, Fr 13.05. 09:00-18:00, Sa 14.05. 09:00-18:00
4.4.1. Law of Succession and Asset Succession - Core Area
4.4.2. Law of Succession and Asset Succession - Elective Area
030220 KU 2 ECTS ( REMOTE ) European Family Law with a focus on International Protection of Children and AdultsSessa-Jahn, Tu 08.03. 16:00-20:00, Th 10.03. 16:00-19:00, Tu 15.03. 16:00-18:00, Th 17.03. 16:00-18:00
Nademleinsky, Sa 10:00-15:00 (3×)
030671 KU 2 ECTS Powers of attorney and legal guardianship for health care - Advisory and Decision-Making Situations in Role PlayLunzer, Fr 20.05. 15:00-16:30, Fr 03.06. 08:30-19:00
Schauer, We 09.03. 17:00-18:30
030739 KU 3 ECTS EU Regulation on Succession and Wills and Main Features of Foreign Law of SuccessionRudolf, Fr 09:00-12:30 (3×), Th 09:00-12:30 (2×), Fr 01.04. 09:00-10:30
Fucik, Fr 09:30-12:30 (4×)
4.5.1. European and Comparative History of Law - Core Area
030077 KU 4 ECTS [ en ] Vienna at the Beginning of the 20th Century: Hans Kelsen and the Vienna School of Legal TheoryGassner-Olechowski, Th 11:30-13:00 (12×)
Schneider, We 14:00-16:00 (5×)
Vec, We 16:30-18:00 (14×)
030194 KU 3 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Islam in Europe - (Issues from) Legal history and contemporory legal developmentsSchima, Th 14:30-16:00 (12×)
030263 KU 4 ECTS [ en ] History, theory and practice of humanitarian intervention - From the protection of persecuted co-religionists to the protection of universal human rightsWendehorst, Th 13:15-14:45 (12×)
Reiter-Zatloukal, Th 10.03. 15:00-16:00, Fr 13.05. 12:15-18:15, Sa 14.05. 10:00-18:00
Rodriguez Martin, We 14:00-15:30 (14×)
030373 VO 3 ECTS Lecture Series: Current research in legal and constitutional history at the JuridicumScheibelreiter, Th 18:00-19:30 (12×)
Wendehorst, Th 15:15-16:45 (12×), Mo 28.03. 18:00-19:30
Neschwara, We 16:00-18:00 (14×)
Schima, We 16:30-18:00 (14×)
Gamauf, Th 14:30-16:00 (12×)
Meissel, Th 13:00-14:30 (12×)
Kohl, Tu 10:00-12:00 (13×)
Muslu, Mo 16:30-18:30 (10×)
4.5.2. European and Comparative History of Law - Elective Area
Foljanty, Tu 14:00-15:30 (13×)
Foljanty, Mo 14.03. 10:30-12:00, We 11.05. 09:00-12:00, Mo 13.06. 09:00-16:00, Tu 14.06. 08:30-15:30, We 15.06. 09:00-16:00
Olechowski, Tu 15.03. 09:00-11:00, Th 09.06. 09:00-18:00, Tu 14.06. 09:00-18:00, We 09:00-18:00 (2×)
030256 SE 4 ECTS Seminar european and comparative history of law - for diploma and doctoral studentsNeschwara, Th 10.03. 18:00-19:00, Fr 14:00-17:00 (2×)
030274 SE 4 ECTS [ de en ] On the Legal History of Europe’s oldest continuously existing Muslim Community: The Lipka Tatars - For diploma and doctoral studentsWendehorst, Th 19:15-20:45 (12×)
030393 SE 4 ECTS Women in the History of International Law: absent or invisible - Seminar for diploma and doctoral studentsVec, Tu 14:00-16:00 (4×), Th 02.06. 09:00-18:00, Fr 03.06. 09:00-18:00
030418 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Seminar: Birth and death from the perspective of legal history - for diploma studentsReiter-Zatloukal, Tu 08.03. 16:00-18:00, Mo 21.03. 16:00-18:30, Tu 17.05. 09:00-18:00, We 18.05. 09:00-18:00
Muslu, Mo 13:30-15:30 (10×)
030528 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Seminar: The Second Republic. Selected Aspects of Legal History - for diploma studentsReiter-Zatloukal, Mo 14.03. 17:30-19:30, Mo 21.03. 16:00-18:30, Th 19.05. 09:00-18:00, Sa 21.05. 09:00-18:00
Schima, Th 17:30-19:00 (2×), Th 09.06. 09:00-13:00, Fr 10.06. 09:00-12:30, Fr 10.06. 14:00-18:00
Foljanty, Tu 09:30-11:45 (9×)
030684 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for diploma and doctoral studentsReiter-Zatloukal, We 09.03. 16:00-18:00, Mo 21.03. 16:00-18:30, Mo 15:30-18:00 (5×), Mo 09:00-18:00 (2×), Tu 09:00-13:00 (2×), We 28.09. 09:00-18:00, Th 29.09. 09:00-18:00
030707 SE 4 ECTS Seminar on legal and constitutional history - Generalthema: Rechtsfragen im Spiegel der PresseKohl, Tu 17:00-19:00 (2×), Tu 24.05. 16:00-19:00
030727 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Seminar on legal history & legal gender studies: Misogyny and Antifeminism - Historical and current legal discourse; for diploma and doctoral studentsReiter-Zatloukal, Th 10.03. 16:00-18:00, Mo 21.03. 16:00-18:30
030750 SE 4 ECTS Roman Law at the times of Emperor Nero - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innenGamauf, We 09.03. 14:30-15:30
4.6.1. European Law (advanced) - Core Area
Schuhmacher, Mo 10:00-12:30 (12×)
Azizi, Mo 09:00-13:00 (3×), Tu 09:00-13:00 (2×), We 09:00-12:30 (2×), We 14:00-16:00 (2×), Th 09:00-12:30 (2×), Th 14:00-16:00 (2×), Fr 09:00-13:00 (2×), Sa 19.03. 09:00-13:00, We 30.03. 10:00-12:15
030536 KU 3 ECTS The System of European Union Law - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wirtschaftsverfassungsrechts, des Binnenmarktrechts und des GemeinschaftsprivatrechtsMüller-Graff, Fr 29.04. 09:45-21:45, Fr 29.04. 13:00-21:45, Sa 30.04. 09:00-14:00, Th 02.06. 14:00-16:00
4.6.2. European Law (advanced) - Elective Area
030036 KU 2 ECTS [ en ] European Competition Procedures - Procedural Law of EU Competition cases and before the ECJThyri, Mo 10:00-11:00 (12×), We 18.05. 14:00-17:00
030039 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] ( MIXED ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - Part IV: Federalism and DevolutionStelzer, Tu 15.03. 15:30-16:30, Tu 31.05. 10:00-18:00, We 01.06. 10:00-18:00
Bobek, Mo 13:00-16:00 (4×)
ter Haar, Mo 14:00-17:00 (2×), We 16.03. 09:00-12:00, Th 31.03. 14:00-17:00, We 06.04. 14:00-17:00
Mathé, Mo 09.05. 14:00-18:30, Tu 10.05. 14:00-18:30, We 11.05. 14:00-18:30, Th 12.05. 14:00-18:30, Fr 13.05. 14:00-18:30
Brameshuber, Tu 09:30-11:00 (13×)
030220 KU 2 ECTS ( REMOTE ) European Family Law with a focus on International Protection of Children and AdultsSessa-Jahn, Tu 08.03. 16:00-20:00, Th 10.03. 16:00-19:00, Tu 15.03. 16:00-18:00, Th 17.03. 16:00-18:00
Berger, Tu 22.03. 10:00-13:00, We 23.03. 10:00-13:00, Th 24.03. 10:00-13:00, We 13.04. 10:00-12:00
Martino, Mo 14.03. 16:00-17:00, Mo 16:00-19:00 (2×), Tu 16:00-19:00 (2×), We 23.03. 16:00-19:00, Th 24.03. 16:00-19:00, Fr 25.03. 16:00-19:00, Fr 01.04. 14:00-15:00
Fina, We 09.03. 14:00-15:00, Tu 17.05. 09:00-18:00, We 18.05. 09:00-18:00
Lengauer, Th 24.03. 14:00-15:30, We 08.06. 09:00-18:00, Fr 10.06. 09:00-18:00
Fina, We 09:00-12:00 (3×)
Fina, We 09.03. 16:00-17:00, Tu 31.05. 09:00-18:00, We 01.06. 09:00-18:00
Fina, We 09.03. 15:00-16:00, Tu 24.05. 09:00-18:00, We 25.05. 09:00-18:00
Brunner, Th 10.03. 18:00-19:30, Sa 09:00-18:00 (2×)
Somek, Th 10.03. 12:00-13:30, Th 02.06. 09:00-18:00, Fr 03.06. 09:00-18:00
030398 KU 2 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Worker and Environmental Protection in the System of European Internal Market LawBrunner, We 17:30-18:30 (10×)
Schramm, Mo 14.03. 15:00-18:00, Tu 15.03. 15:00-18:00, Th 17.03. 15:00-18:00, Fr 18.03. 13:00-14:00
030416 SE 4 ECTS [ de en ] EU Environmental Law: Climate Protection and Energy Regulation - The European Union and Climate Change: Energy Law and PolicyLengauer, We 23.03. 14:00-15:30, Th 02.06. 09:00-18:00, Fr 03.06. 09:00-18:00
Gschwindt, Th 14:30-17:00 (10×)
Weiss, Tu 10:30-13:00 (9×)
030601 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Free Movement of Persons in European Union Law - Workers, establishment, services and Union citizenshipWeiss, Tu 14:00-16:30 (8×), Mo 04.04. 14:00-16:30
030603 SE 4 ECTS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar in European Union Law - for diploma and doctoral studentsWeiss, Sa 09:00-18:00 (2×)
030652 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] ( MIXED ) EU Constitutional Law: The Evolving Constitution of the European Union - Structures, Principles and Recent DevelopmentsLengauer, We 16.03. 16:00-18:00, We 14:00-18:00 (2×), Th 14:00-18:00 (2×), Mo 25.04. 14:00-18:00, Tu 26.04. 14:00-18:00
030661 KU 3 ECTS [ de en ] European security law - EU security law - The central legal questions of the "European Security Architecture" are in the focusSensburg, Tu 08.03. 16:15-17:45, Mo 12:15-13:45 (3×), Mo 16:15-17:45 (3×), Fr 12:15-13:45 (2×), Fr 14:15-15:45 (2×), Fr 13.05. 16:15-17:45
Frauenberger, Tu 08.03. 15:00-18:00, Mo 15:00-18:00 (2×), We 15:00-18:00 (2×), Fr 15:00-18:00 (2×)
Schima, Tu 15:00-16:30 (13×)
030758 KU 2 ECTS [ en ] M & A International Part II - Competition Law (cartel-agreements, mergers) - Gesellschaftsrecht und KartellrechtStockenhuber, Mo 17:00-20:00 (5×)
Merli, Tu 15:30-17:30 (11×)
Zerbes, Th 10:00-11:30 (12×)
Rechberger, We 09.03. 17:00-18:30, Th 02.06. 12:00-18:00, Fr 03.06. 10:00-16:00
4.7. Finance (advanced)
4.8.1. Fundamental and Human Rights - Core Area
Kriebaum, Th 16:00-17:30 (10×), Th 30.06. 16:00-18:00
Stelzer, Mo 16:00-17:30 (11×)
Merli, Tu 15:30-17:30 (11×)
Holzleithner, Tu 08.03. 09:30-10:30, Tu 09:30-12:00 (8×)
4.8.2. Fundamental and Human Rights - Elective Area
Tretter, Th 10.03. 12:00-14:00, Th 12.05. 12:15-16:15, Fr 27.05. 09:00-15:00, Sa 28.05. 09:00-17:00
Cargnelli-Weichselbaum, Mo 15:00-17:00 (6×), Mo 09.05. 17:00-20:30, Fr 10.06. 10:00-15:00
030425 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)Synek, Fr 13.05. 09:00-18:00, Sa 14.05. 09:00-18:00
030500 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Selected issues of Comparative Constitutional Law - for diploma and doctoral studentsStrejcek, Th 10.03. 15:00-16:00, Mo 23.05. 09:00-17:00, Tu 24.05. 09:00-17:00
Somek, Tu 11:30-13:00 (13×), Mo 11:30-13:00 (12×)
Schima, Th 17:30-19:00 (2×), Th 09.06. 09:00-13:00, Fr 10.06. 09:00-12:30, Fr 10.06. 14:00-18:00
Schima, We 16:30-18:00 (14×)
Kriebaum, We 09.03. 17:00-18:30, We 30.03. 09:00-12:00, We 15.06. 09:00-17:00, Fr 17.06. 09:00-17:00, Sa 18.06. 09:00-17:00
Janik, We 10:00-12:00 (10×), Mo 13.06. 10:00-12:45
Strejcek, We 17:00-19:00 (9×)
Schima, Tu 15:00-16:30 (13×)
030792 VO 3 ECTS Are there privileged and discriminated Religious Communities in Austria? - Legal Position of religious Communities in AustriaSchima, Mo 16:30-18:00 (12×)
4.9. Human Resources Management
4.10.1. Indigenous Legal Studies - Core Area
Schindlauer, Mo 16.05. 09:30-17:00, Tu 17.05. 09:30-17:00, We 18.05. 09:30-17:00
4.10.2. Indigenous Legal Studies - Elective Area
Foljanty, Tu 14:00-15:30 (13×)
Foljanty, Tu 09:30-11:45 (9×)
4.11. International Private Commercial Law and Comparative Law - Core Area
030004 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Law & International Security - Formerly called: Law & Politics of International Conflict ManagementAfsah, We 15:00-18:00 (2×), Fr 15:00-18:00 (2×), Mo 15:00-18:00 (2×)
030012 KU 2 ECTS Current questions of medical law - Current issues in the areas of: Medical liability, living wills, reproductive medicineSpickhoff, Mo 20.06. 15:00-16:00, Tu 21.06. 11:00-14:00, We 22.06. 10:00-13:00, Th 23.06. 10:00-13:00
030039 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] ( MIXED ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - Part IV: Federalism and DevolutionStelzer, Tu 15.03. 15:30-16:30, Tu 31.05. 10:00-18:00, We 01.06. 10:00-18:00
Rudolf, Th 09:00-12:00 (2×), Fr 13.05. 09:00-12:00, Fr 27.05. 09:00-10:00
Foljanty, Tu 14:00-15:30 (13×)
Afsah, Th 09:00-12:00 (2×), Th 13:00-15:00 (2×), Mo 09.05. 09:00-12:00, Mo 09.05. 13:00-15:00, Tu 17.05. 09:00-12:00, Tu 17.05. 13:00-15:00
Basinas, We 10:00-12:00 (5×), Th 10:00-12:00 (4×), Tu 05.04. 10:00-12:00
030166 SE 4 ECTS Current developments in international private and procedural law - for diploma and doctoral studentsSchacherreiter, We 06.04. 09:00-10:30, We 08.06. 09:00-18:00, Mo 13.06. 09:00-18:00
030208 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] State-Building after Conflict - Formerly called: Law & Politics of International Conflict ManagementAfsah, We 09:00-12:00 (2×), Fr 09:00-12:00 (2×), Mo 09:00-12:00 (2×)
030220 KU 2 ECTS ( REMOTE ) European Family Law with a focus on International Protection of Children and AdultsSessa-Jahn, Tu 08.03. 16:00-20:00, Th 10.03. 16:00-19:00, Tu 15.03. 16:00-18:00, Th 17.03. 16:00-18:00
030228 KU 2 ECTS Introduction to Austrian Sports Law - with particular reference to private law issues - with aspects of comparative lawStelzer, We 16:00-17:30 (8×)
Wrbka, Fr 15:00-17:00 (6×)
Goulden, Tu 14:15-15:45 (13×)
Bautista Gomez, We 08.06. 09:00-14:00, Th 09.06. 09:00-14:00, We 15.06. 09:00-13:00
030297 KU 4 ECTS [ en ] Public Markets, Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance - A Comparative EU and US ApproachHössl-Neumann, Tu 15.03. 17:00-18:00, Sa 09:00-12:00 (4×), We 30.03. 15:00-18:00, Fr 08.04. 15:00-18:00
Nademleinsky, Sa 10:00-15:00 (3×)
030367 KU 3 ECTS Legal research in the cross-border context - Fiinding sources of law with special consideration to public international, EU law and selected foreign legal ordersKomuczky, Th 08.09. 17:00-21:00, Sa 10.09. 09:00-16:30, Fr 16.09. 09:00-14:00, Fr 23.09. 09:00-15:30
Vucic-Milovanovic, We 13:00-16:00 (4×), Mo 13:00-16:00 (2×)
030534 SE 4 ECTS Current developements in financial market law in Germany, Austria and Switzerland - Comparison of new regulations und judgements on banking and financial market law in German-speaking countriesLehmann, Tu 15.03. 15:00-16:30, Mo 25.04. 09:45-17:45, Tu 26.04. 09:45-17:45
030536 KU 3 ECTS The System of European Union Law - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wirtschaftsverfassungsrechts, des Binnenmarktrechts und des GemeinschaftsprivatrechtsMüller-Graff, Fr 29.04. 09:45-21:45, Fr 29.04. 13:00-21:45, Sa 30.04. 09:00-14:00, Th 02.06. 14:00-16:00
Foljanty, Tu 09:30-11:45 (9×)
030623 MC 4 ECTS [ en ] PAX Moot Court - Moot Court for International Civil Procedure and Private International LawLehmann
Thomale, We 15:00-17:00 (10×)
Rudolf, Tu 09:00-12:30 (3×), We 09:00-12:30 (2×), Tu 05.04. 09:00-10:30
030686 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Analysing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Legal Arguments: Comparative Case StudiesBusch, Fr 14:00-18:00 (4×), Mo 13.06. 14:00-18:00
030703 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English IV - Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Anti-trust Law US, UK, AustriaSanjath, Th 18:30-20:00 (11×)
030739 KU 3 ECTS EU Regulation on Succession and Wills and Main Features of Foreign Law of SuccessionRudolf, Fr 09:00-12:30 (3×), Th 09:00-12:30 (2×), Fr 01.04. 09:00-10:30
030761 MC 8 ECTS [ en ] Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)Koller
Fucik, Fr 09:30-12:30 (4×)
030832 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English VI - US/UK/Austrian Intellectual Property Law, Tax Law, Insurance Law - Eligible for the Vienna LLPHeidinger, Tu 08:30-10:15 (13×)
4.12.1. Law of Culture - Core Area
030674 KU 2 ECTS Libraries, Museums, Archives - Legal Perspectives on Traditional Repositories of KnowledgeWieshaider, Mo 14:00-17:00 (2×), We 18.05. 09:00-12:00
030719 KU 3 ECTS The Legal Protection of Cultural Objects - National, European and International PerspectivesWieshaider, Tu 15:00-17:00 (9×)
4.12.2. Law of Culture - Elective Area
030006 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Law of the Christian East - Orthodoxy before the challenges of modernity (for diploma and doctoral students)Potz, We 16.03. 13:00-15:00, Fr 20.05. 09:00-18:00, Sa 21.05. 09:00-18:00
Wieshaider, Tu 08.03. 11:00-13:00
Forgó, Mo 04.04. 13:30-16:30, Tu 05.04. 09:00-12:00, We 06.04. 09:00-12:00, Th 07.04. 09:00-12:00
Pierer, We 18:00-21:00 (6×), We 04.05. 00:00-23:59
030425 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)Synek, Fr 13.05. 09:00-18:00, Sa 14.05. 09:00-18:00
030675 SE 4 ECTS The Protection of Cultural and Natural Landscapes in Law - for the diploma thesis module as well (s. 21 of the curriculum)Wieshaider, Tu 08.03. 09:00-10:30, Mo 30.05. 08:00-11:00
030823 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Language Beyond Law - The Vehicle Talking Center Stage: On Laying down, Understanding, Conveying the LawWieshaider, We 09.03. 08:30-12:30, We 09:00-12:30 (4×)
Rechberger, We 09.03. 17:00-18:30, Th 02.06. 12:00-18:00, Fr 03.06. 10:00-16:00
4.13.1. Legal Gender Studies - Core Area (Women's and Gender Research)
Mathé, Mo 09.05. 14:00-18:30, Tu 10.05. 14:00-18:30, We 11.05. 14:00-18:30, Th 12.05. 14:00-18:30, Fr 13.05. 14:00-18:30
Reiter-Zatloukal, Th 10.03. 15:00-16:00, Fr 13.05. 12:15-18:15, Sa 14.05. 10:00-18:00
030727 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Seminar on legal history & legal gender studies: Misogyny and Antifeminism - Historical and current legal discourse; for diploma and doctoral studentsReiter-Zatloukal, Th 10.03. 16:00-18:00, Mo 21.03. 16:00-18:30
030814 KU 3 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Gender, law and power - Intersectional perspectives of Legal Gender StudiesHolzleithner, Tu 08.03. 15:00-16:00, Tu 15:00-17:30 (8×)
4.13.2. Legal Gender Studies - Elective Area
Matt, We 14:00-16:30 (3×), Fr 09:00-14:00 (2×)
030043 KU 3 ECTS Intersectional Legal Critique: Analysing intertwined relations of domination within the lawRössl, Tu 08.03. 10:00-11:00, Th 10:00-13:00 (5×), Th 09.06. 15:00-18:00
Holzleithner, Mo 09:30-12:00 (9×)
030246 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Dimensions of the Political: Injustice must be seen to be undone - On the visibilisation of injustice as an emancipatory strategy in law, literature and popular cultureHolzleithner, Mo 13:30-18:00 (5×)
Reiter-Zatloukal, Th 10.03. 15:00-16:00, Fr 13.05. 12:15-18:15, Sa 14.05. 10:00-18:00
Heidinger, Th 10.03. 10:00-14:00, Th 10:00-12:00 (5×), We 09:00-14:00 (3×)
030425 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)Synek, Fr 13.05. 09:00-18:00, Sa 14.05. 09:00-18:00
030727 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Seminar on legal history & legal gender studies: Misogyny and Antifeminism - Historical and current legal discourse; for diploma and doctoral studentsReiter-Zatloukal, Th 10.03. 16:00-18:00, Mo 21.03. 16:00-18:30
030743 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innenWindischgrätz, Tu 15.03. 10:00-11:30 International Legal Practice and Language (ILPL) - Core A Electives
Goulden, Tu 14:15-15:45 (13×)
Ambler Smith, Tu 09:30-11:00 (12×)
Ambler Smith, Tu 11:15-12:45 (12×)
Goulden, Tu 17:00-18:30 (13×)
Kummer, We 11:00-13:00 (11×)
Goulden, We 14:15-15:45 (14×)
030703 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English IV - Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Anti-trust Law US, UK, AustriaSanjath, Th 18:30-20:00 (11×)
030725 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English II - US/UK/Austrian Commercial law, Civil Prodecures, ADR, Labo(u)r law - eligible for Vienna LLPHeidinger, Mo 08:30-10:00 (12×)
030832 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English VI - US/UK/Austrian Intellectual Property Law, Tax Law, Insurance Law - Eligible for the Vienna LLPHeidinger, Tu 08:30-10:15 (13×) International Legal Practice and Language (ILPL) - Core B Electives
Stemeseder, Th 10.03. 15:00-17:00
030385 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Drafting and Negotiating Cross-border M & A and Joint Venture ContractsLuiki, Tu 17:00-18:30 (12×)
Goulden, Th 17:00-18:30 (12×)
030761 MC 8 ECTS [ en ] Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)Koller International Legal Practice and Language (ILPL) - Special Subject Electives
Reinisch, Th 09:00-10:30 (11×)
Foljanty, Tu 14:00-15:30 (13×)
Haas, We 09:45-11:45 (14×)
Kriebaum, Th 16:00-17:30 (10×), Th 30.06. 16:00-18:00
Fina, We 09.03. 14:00-15:00, Tu 17.05. 09:00-18:00, We 18.05. 09:00-18:00
Reinisch, Th 10:30-12:00 (12×)
Wilcox, We 17:00-20:00 (7×)
Muslu, Mo 13:30-15:30 (10×)
Weiss, Tu 10:30-13:00 (9×)
030601 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Free Movement of Persons in European Union Law - Workers, establishment, services and Union citizenshipWeiss, Tu 14:00-16:30 (8×), Mo 04.04. 14:00-16:30
030603 SE 4 ECTS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar in European Union Law - for diploma and doctoral studentsWeiss, Sa 09:00-18:00 (2×)
Wagner, Mo 28.02. 09:00-18:00, Th 03.03. 12:00-14:00, Fr 04.03. 15:00-16:30, Sa 05.03. 09:00-18:00
Loibl, Tu 18:15-19:45 (13×)
030756 KU 2 ECTS [ en ] U.S., UK and European Corporate Law - Policy comparison and recent developmentsStrasser, We 09:00-11:00 (6×)
030758 KU 2 ECTS [ en ] M & A International Part II - Competition Law (cartel-agreements, mergers) - Gesellschaftsrecht und KartellrechtStockenhuber, Mo 17:00-20:00 (5×)
Reisinger Coracini, Tu 12:00-13:30 (12×), Tu 31.05. 11:30-13:30
030835 SE 4 ECTS [ en ] Seminar on International Investment Law - for undergraduate and graduate studentsKriebaum, Th 17.03. 18:00-19:00, We 08.06. 09:00-18:00, Th 09.06. 09:00-18:00
Muslu, Mo 16:30-18:30 (10×)
4.14.2. Culture Juridique francophone européenne et internationale
030027 KU 2 ECTS [ fr ] The Relationship Between the State and Religions - Degrees of Separation in EuropeWieshaider, Mo 14:00-17:00 (3×)
Buffard, Th 10:00-13:00 (4×), Tu 17.05. 10:00-13:00, Tu 14.06. 10:00-14:00
Buffard, Th 10.03. 11:00-13:00, Tu 10:00-15:00 (2×), Th 12.05. 10:00-15:00, Tu 21.06. 10:00-13:00
4.15.1. Real Property and Construction Law - Core Area (Law of the Construction Industry)
030098 KU 2 ECTS Construction contract and construction management aspects of supplementary contract managementWiesner, Mo 13:00-19:00 (3×)
Karasek, We 09:00-16:00 (2×)
Schwartz, Tu 18:00-20:00 (2×), We 18:00-20:00 (2×), Mo 20.06. 18:00-20:00, Th 23.06. 18:00-20:00
4.15.2. Real Property and Construction Law - Elective Area
030719 KU 3 ECTS The Legal Protection of Cultural Objects - National, European and International PerspectivesWieshaider, Tu 15:00-17:00 (9×)
030722 SE 4 ECTS Handling of international real estate transaction - für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innenMadl, Mo 14.03. 15:30-17:00, Mo 09.05. 15:30-18:30, Mo 15:30-20:00 (3×)
030845 KU 3 ECTS Drafting of Contracts II (Building Law) - Gestaltung von Liegenschaftskauf, Bau- und VerwertungsverträgenLessiak, Fr 09:30-12:30 (6×)
4.16.1. Mediation - Core Area (Mediation and Other Forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution)
Frauenberger, Th 10.03. 14:00-16:00, We 30.03. 10:00-13:00, We 30.03. 14:30-17:30, Fr 01.04. 10:00-13:00, Fr 01.04. 14:30-17:30, Mo 11.04. 10:00-18:00
Adler, Tu 14:00-17:00 (4×)
4.16.2. Mediation - Elective Area
Horn, Tu 10.05. 17:00-19:00, Fr 13:00-17:00 (2×)
Mattl, Tu 13:00-16:00 (3×), We 13:00-16:00 (2×), Mo 23.05. 13:00-16:00
Ghasemipour-Yazdi, Fr 09:00-12:00 (2×), Th 07.04. 09:00-12:00
Schima, Tu 15.03. 17:00-18:30, Fr 20.05. 09:00-12:30, Fr 20.05. 14:00-18:00, Sa 21.05. 09:00-12:30, Sa 21.05. 14:00-18:00, Tu 07.06. 10:00-15:00, We 08.06. 09:00-15:00
Grill, Fr 18.03. 13:00-20:00, Fr 08.04. 09:00-13:00, Fr 20.05. 14:00-18:00, Th 02.06. 14:00-18:00
Schuster, We 16.03. 09:00-14:15, Th 17.03. 09:00-14:15
Strunk, Mo 09:00-17:00 (3×)
Reintjes, Tu 18:00-20:30 (13×), Sa 10:00-16:00 (4×)
Gruber-Risak, Mo 09:00-12:30 (2×), Mo 28.03. 09:00-11:00
Hausjell, Th 10.03. 16:00-18:00, Fr 25.03. 13:00-16:00, Th 31.03. 10:00-13:00, Th 31.03. 14:30-17:30
Fucik, Fr 09:30-12:30 (4×)
030821 MC 6 ECTS ( MIXED ) Mock Mediation Competition 2022: Training and Competition - in cooperation with Assoz.Prof. Dr. Sascha Ferz, University GrazFrauenberger, Mo 09.05. 17:00-20:00, We 17:00-20:00 (2×), Fr 13.05. 09:00-18:00, Tu 17:00-20:00 (2×), We 01.06. 16:00-20:00, Fr 01.07. 17:00-21:00
Philadelphy-Steiner, Tu 17.05. 09:00-14:00, We 18.05. 09:00-14:00
4.17.1. Medical Law - Core Area
Stöger, We 08:00-10:00 (13×)
Wallner, Th 14:00-15:30 (11×)
Ofner, Tu 11:30-13:00 (7×)
4.17.2. Medical Law - Elective Area
030012 KU 2 ECTS Current questions of medical law - Current issues in the areas of: Medical liability, living wills, reproductive medicineSpickhoff, Mo 20.06. 15:00-16:00, Tu 21.06. 11:00-14:00, We 22.06. 10:00-13:00, Th 23.06. 10:00-13:00
Schneeberger, Mo 14.03. 09:00-11:00, We 11.05. 10:00-13:00, Mo 13.06. 09:00-15:00, Tu 14.06. 09:00-15:00, We 15.06. 09:00-15:00
Zahrl, Mo 16:00-18:00 (7×)
030571 SE 4 ECTS Seminar in Medical Law - Current topics in Medical Law (for diploma and doctoral students)Stöger, Tu 09:00-11:00 (2×), Mo 13.06. 15:30-20:00, Tu 14.06. 08:30-12:00, We 15.06. 10:30-16:30
Stöger, Mo 14.03. 12:00-14:00, Mo 13:00-15:00 (11×)
Mazal, We 09:00-17:00 (2×), We 18.05. 13:00-17:00
030834 KU 2 ECTS Biotechnology Law - Legal Aspects of the Use of New Technologies in Medicine and BioethicsKorbel, We 16.03. 16:00-19:00, Th 16:00-19:00 (2×), Fr 18.03. 16:00-19:00
4.18. Migrations- and Integrations Law
Hinterberger, Th 24.03. 09:00-11:00, Th 09.06. 09:00-18:00, Fr 10.06. 09:00-18:00
4.19. New Public Management
4.20.1. Public Commercial Law - Core Area (Commercial Constitutional Law and Commercial Administrative Law)
030008 KU 3 ECTS Economic Law I - Public Economic Law I (Economic Constitiutional Law and European Law)Potacs, Tu 14:00-16:00 (11×), Tu 31.05. 14:00-17:00
Schneider, Fr 12:00-13:30 (11×)
4.20.2. Public Commercial Law - Elective Area
030303 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Blockchain rules. The legal background of innovative FinTech applications. - for diploma and doctoral candidatesPiska, We 09.03. 18:30-20:00, We 18:00-20:00 (3×)
Haas, Tu 18:00-20:30 (4×)
Petschinka, Mo 04.04. 17:00-19:30, Tu 05.04. 17:00-19:30, We 06.04. 17:00-19:30, Th 07.04. 17:00-19:30
Kassai, Sa 10:00-15:00 (2×)
Lejsek, We 18:00-19:30 (8×)
Oppitz, Mo 17:00-18:30 (7×)
Potacs, Th 10.03. 10:00-12:00, Th 09.06. 09:00-18:00, Fr 10.06. 09:00-18:00
Schwartz, Tu 18:00-20:00 (2×), We 18:00-20:00 (2×), Mo 20.06. 18:00-20:00, Th 23.06. 18:00-20:00
4.21. Political Theory and Political Science
030004 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Law & International Security - Formerly called: Law & Politics of International Conflict ManagementAfsah, We 15:00-18:00 (2×), Fr 15:00-18:00 (2×), Mo 15:00-18:00 (2×)
Afsah, Th 09:00-12:00 (2×), Th 13:00-15:00 (2×), Mo 09.05. 09:00-12:00, Mo 09.05. 13:00-15:00, Tu 17.05. 09:00-12:00, Tu 17.05. 13:00-15:00
030208 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] State-Building after Conflict - Formerly called: Law & Politics of International Conflict ManagementAfsah, We 09:00-12:00 (2×), Fr 09:00-12:00 (2×), Mo 09:00-12:00 (2×)
Perthold, Fr 09:00-12:00 (6×)
030500 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Selected issues of Comparative Constitutional Law - for diploma and doctoral studentsStrejcek, Th 10.03. 15:00-16:00, Mo 23.05. 09:00-17:00, Tu 24.05. 09:00-17:00
Somek, Tu 11:30-13:00 (13×), Mo 11:30-13:00 (12×)
030537 KU 3 ECTS ( REMOTE ) We are the people! - Eine freie politische Debatte als Gefahr für die demokratische Gesellschaft?Dalpra, We 09:00-12:00 (6×)
4.22. PR and Media Work
Klenk, We 16:30-20:00 (2×), Th 02.06. 16:30-20:00
4.34.1. Criminal Justice and Criminology - Core Area
Stricker, Tu 15:30-17:30 (5×)
Stricker, Tu 15:30-17:30 (5×)
Grafl, Mo 13:00-14:30 (11×)
4.34.2. Criminal Justice and Criminology - Elective Area
Moser, Tu 18:00-19:30 (13×)
Stempkowski, Mo 14.03. 15:00-16:30, Mo 15:00-18:30 (3×), We 15:00-18:30 (2×)
030044 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy: Fighting Terrorism - a Challenge to the Rule of Law - for diploma and doctoral studentsMaier
Salimi, Tu 16:30-18:00 (7×)
030053 KU 2 ECTS Cinema of Criminal Law - Criminal - TV-Show Analyzed Unter the Scope of Criminal LawGhazanfari, Tu 16:00-18:30 (2×), Th 16:00-18:30 (2×)
Schäffer-Fischill, Mo 04.04. 17:00-18:00, Mo 09.05. 17:00-20:00, Mo 16:00-20:00 (2×)
Grafl, Th 13:00-17:30 (4×)
030304 SE 6 ECTS Comparison of Criminal Law and Delinquency LIVE - in collaboration with the Institute of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology, University of GrazGrafl
Rohregger, Fr 13:00-17:00 (4×)
Girod-Frais, Tu 08.03. 16:00-17:00, Tu 14:30-18:30 (5×)
030378 KU 4 ECTS Justice and Rule of Law - Fundamental questions of the legal system by current problemsScheiber, We 09:00-12:00 (6×)
Palten, Tu 15.03. 09:00-13:00, Fr 13.05. 09:00-13:00
Salimi, Th 10.03. 09:00-12:00, We 16.03. 09:00-13:00, Fr 18.03. 09:00-13:00, Tu 10.05. 09:00-15:00, We 11.05. 09:00-15:00, Fr 17.06. 09:00-12:00
Reindl-Krauskopf, We 09:00-18:00 (2×), Th 23.06. 09:00-18:00
030527 SE 4 ECTS Seminar "Criminal and Procedure: jurisdiction and doctrine - exchanging views" - for diploma and doctoral studentsKirchbacher
Matschnig, Mo 10:00-11:00 (10×)
030590 SE 4 ECTS [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Transnational Organised Crime: Legalisation and decriminalisation of narcotic drugs, Part 2 of 2 - seminar for diploma and doctoral studentsSchloenhardt, Tu 08:00-11:00 (3×), Mo 20.06. 08:00-11:00
Neschwara, We 16:00-18:00 (14×)
Beclin, Mo 15:30-17:00 (10×), We 08.06. 15:30-17:00, Mo 15:30-17:45 (2×)
Kriebaum, We 09.03. 17:00-18:30, We 30.03. 09:00-12:00, We 15.06. 09:00-17:00, Fr 17.06. 09:00-17:00, Sa 18.06. 09:00-17:00
030683 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Organised crime and terrorism in international law - Seminar for diploma and doctoral studentsSchloenhardt, Th 10.03. 09:30-11:00, Tu 05.04. 08:30-10:00, We 08.06. 12:00-17:30, Tu 12:00-17:30 (2×)
030721 KU 3 ECTS Course: After the judgement - Vollzug und Begleiterscheinungen in Gesetz und PraxisWalser, Th 10.03. 17:00-18:30, Sa 10:00-16:00 (4×)
030795 KU 3 ECTS How to fight exploitation and Trafficking in Human Beings in Austria? - penal, criminological and legal policy aspectsBeclin, Tu 15:30-17:00 (12×), Tu 10.05. 17:15-18:45
Salimi, Th 09.06. 09:00-13:00, Th 09.06. 15:00-17:00, Fr 10.06. 09:00-12:00, Fr 10.06. 12:00-17:00
Zerbes, Th 10:00-11:30 (12×)
030837 VO 3 ECTS Mental illness and dangerousness - gilt als LV für das Spezialisierungs-EC StrafrechtSchanda, Fr 10:00-19:00 (2×)
Auer, We 17:00-18:30 (13×)
4.24. Development Cooperation Law
4.25.1. International Relations Law (Including International Organisations) - Core Area
Reinisch, Th 09:00-10:30 (11×)
Kriebaum, Th 16:00-17:30 (10×), Th 30.06. 16:00-18:00
Reinisch, Th 10:30-12:00 (12×)
Kriebaum, Th 14:30-16:00 (10×), Th 30.06. 14:30-16:30
4.25.2. International Relations Law (Including International Organisations) - Elective Area
030004 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Law & International Security - Formerly called: Law & Politics of International Conflict ManagementAfsah, We 15:00-18:00 (2×), Fr 15:00-18:00 (2×), Mo 15:00-18:00 (2×)
030055 SE 4 ECTS Seminar in Public International Law: Procedure in International Law - for diploma and doctoral studentsWittich, Th 10.03. 17:30-19:00
Foljanty, Tu 14:00-15:30 (13×)
Stemeseder, Th 10.03. 15:00-17:00
Afsah, Th 09:00-12:00 (2×), Th 13:00-15:00 (2×), Mo 09.05. 09:00-12:00, Mo 09.05. 13:00-15:00, Tu 17.05. 09:00-12:00, Tu 17.05. 13:00-15:00
030208 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] State-Building after Conflict - Formerly called: Law & Politics of International Conflict ManagementAfsah, We 09:00-12:00 (2×), Fr 09:00-12:00 (2×), Mo 09:00-12:00 (2×)
030238 SE 4 ECTS [ en ] ( MIXED ) Seminar in Public International Law: The Rule of Law and Investment Arbitration - for undergraduate and graduate studentsReinisch, We 16.03. 17:00-19:00, We 08.06. 09:00-18:00, Th 09.06. 09:00-18:00
030263 KU 4 ECTS [ en ] History, theory and practice of humanitarian intervention - From the protection of persecuted co-religionists to the protection of universal human rightsWendehorst, Th 13:15-14:45 (12×)
Brunner, We 18:00-20:00 (4×)
030359 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Selected Issues of International Law and Development - Human Rights, Institutions, International Economic LawRoiger-Simek, Tu 09:00-10:30 (12×)
030379 MC 4 ECTS [ en ] Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court - Part 2 - Part 2 is dedicated to the writing of research papers based on the topics of the Manfred Lachs Moot Court caseMarboe, Tu 15:30-16:30 (2×)
Somek, Tu 11:30-13:00 (13×), Mo 11:30-13:00 (12×)
Mansour Fallah, We 16:30-18:00 (13×)
Wittich, Mo 14:00-15:30 (12×)
Foljanty, Tu 09:30-11:45 (9×)
Wagner, Mo 28.02. 09:00-18:00, Th 03.03. 12:00-14:00, Fr 04.03. 15:00-16:30, Sa 05.03. 09:00-18:00
Loibl, Tu 18:15-19:45 (13×)
Kriebaum, We 09.03. 17:00-18:30, We 30.03. 09:00-12:00, We 15.06. 09:00-17:00, Fr 17.06. 09:00-17:00, Sa 18.06. 09:00-17:00
Janik, We 10:00-12:00 (10×), Mo 13.06. 10:00-12:45
Buffard, Th 10:00-13:00 (4×), Tu 17.05. 10:00-13:00, Tu 14.06. 10:00-14:00
030775 SE 4 ECTS [ de en ] Seminar in Public International Law - for undergraduate and graduate studentsMarboe, Tu 08.03. 15:00-16:00, We 15.06. 13:00-17:00
030789 SE 4 ECTS [ en ] Advanced research seminar in international dispute settlement - For the presentation of dissertation projects (for doctoral students)Annacker, We 09.03. 17:00-18:30, Mo 09.05. 15:00-17:00, Fr 17.06. 15:00-19:00
Reisinger Coracini, Tu 12:00-13:30 (12×), Tu 31.05. 11:30-13:30
Zerbes, Th 10:00-11:30 (12×)
030835 SE 4 ECTS [ en ] Seminar on International Investment Law - for undergraduate and graduate studentsKriebaum, Th 17.03. 18:00-19:00, We 08.06. 09:00-18:00, Th 09.06. 09:00-18:00
4.27. Public Law in Practice
Palten, Tu 15.03. 09:00-13:00, Fr 13.05. 09:00-13:00
Kohl, We 16:30-18:30 (14×)
Salimi, Th 10.03. 09:00-12:00, We 16.03. 09:00-13:00, Fr 18.03. 09:00-13:00, Tu 10.05. 09:00-15:00, We 11.05. 09:00-15:00, Fr 17.06. 09:00-12:00
Kernbichler, Fr 13:00-18:00 (4×), We 04.05. 19:00-22:00
Schmaus, Fr 09:00-13:00 (6×)
Forgó-Feldner, Th 09:30-12:30 (7×)
030833 KU 3 ECTS Introduction into Legal Writing - including an introduction into the Austrian Land Register and Commercial Register and other juristic databasesOlechowski, Th 13:30-15:00 (12×)
4.1.1. Philosophy of Law, Ethics of Law and Methodology - Core Area
030015 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) System of a Pragmatic State Philosophy: Plato’s Nomoi - für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innenStadler, Mo 09:00-13:30 (2×), Tu 31.05. 09:00-13:30, We 01.06. 09:00-13:30, Fr 03.06. 09:00-19:00
030043 KU 3 ECTS Intersectional Legal Critique: Analysing intertwined relations of domination within the lawRössl, Tu 08.03. 10:00-11:00, Th 10:00-13:00 (5×), Th 09.06. 15:00-18:00
030044 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy: Fighting Terrorism - a Challenge to the Rule of Law - for diploma and doctoral studentsMaier
Hammer, Th 17.03. 14:00-15:00
Holzleithner, Mo 09:30-12:00 (9×)
030246 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Dimensions of the Political: Injustice must be seen to be undone - On the visibilisation of injustice as an emancipatory strategy in law, literature and popular cultureHolzleithner, Mo 13:30-18:00 (5×)
Somek, Th 10.03. 12:00-13:30, Th 02.06. 09:00-18:00, Fr 03.06. 09:00-18:00
Stadler, Mo 09:00-13:30 (2×), Tu 17.05. 09:00-13:30, We 18.05. 09:00-13:30, Fr 20.05. 09:00-19:00
Somek, Tu 11:30-13:00 (13×), Mo 11:30-13:00 (12×)
Reiter, Mo 08:00-09:30 (6×)
030702 KU 3 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Introduction into the Philosophy of Law and State of the Modern Age - Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law IIMaier
Wallner, Th 14:00-15:30 (11×)
Holzleithner, Tu 08.03. 09:30-10:30, Tu 09:30-12:00 (8×)
Stadler, Mo 28.03. 09:00-13:30, Tu 29.03. 09:00-13:30, We 30.03. 09:00-13:30, Fr 01.04. 09:00-18:00
4.28.2. Philosophy of Law, Ethics of Law and Methodology - Elective Area
Foljanty, Tu 14:00-15:30 (13×)
Foljanty, Mo 14.03. 10:30-12:00, We 11.05. 09:00-12:00, Mo 13.06. 09:00-16:00, Tu 14.06. 08:30-15:30, We 15.06. 09:00-16:00
030077 KU 4 ECTS [ en ] Vienna at the Beginning of the 20th Century: Hans Kelsen and the Vienna School of Legal TheoryGassner-Olechowski, Th 11:30-13:00 (12×)
030425 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)Synek, Fr 13.05. 09:00-18:00, Sa 14.05. 09:00-18:00
Foljanty, Tu 09:30-11:45 (9×)
Janik, We 10:00-12:00 (10×), Mo 13.06. 10:00-12:45
030814 KU 3 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Gender, law and power - Intersectional perspectives of Legal Gender StudiesHolzleithner, Tu 08.03. 15:00-16:00, Tu 15:00-17:30 (8×)
030823 KU 3 ECTS [ en ] Language Beyond Law - The Vehicle Talking Center Stage: On Laying down, Understanding, Conveying the LawWieshaider, We 09.03. 08:30-12:30, We 09:00-12:30 (4×)
4.5. Sociology of Law
4.30.1. Law of Religion - Core Area
Schima, Tu 15:00-16:30 (13×)
030792 VO 3 ECTS Are there privileged and discriminated Religious Communities in Austria? - Legal Position of religious Communities in AustriaSchima, Mo 16:30-18:00 (12×)
4.30.2. Law of Religion - Elective Area
030006 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Law of the Christian East - Orthodoxy before the challenges of modernity (for diploma and doctoral students)Potz, We 16.03. 13:00-15:00, Fr 20.05. 09:00-18:00, Sa 21.05. 09:00-18:00
030027 KU 2 ECTS [ fr ] The Relationship Between the State and Religions - Degrees of Separation in EuropeWieshaider, Mo 14:00-17:00 (3×)
Hammer, Th 17.03. 14:00-15:00
030194 KU 3 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Islam in Europe - (Issues from) Legal history and contemporory legal developmentsSchima, Th 14:30-16:00 (12×)
030425 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)Synek, Fr 13.05. 09:00-18:00, Sa 14.05. 09:00-18:00
Schima, Th 17:30-19:00 (2×), Th 09.06. 09:00-13:00, Fr 10.06. 09:00-12:30, Fr 10.06. 14:00-18:00
Schima, We 16:30-18:00 (14×)
Rudolf, Tu 09:00-12:30 (3×), We 09:00-12:30 (2×), Tu 05.04. 09:00-10:30
4.31. Revision and Controlling
4.31.1. Revision and Controlling Revision and Controlling - Core Area
Novak, Fr 11:30-14:45 (10×) Revision and Controlling - Elective Area
Fabel, Th 16:45-18:15 (13×)
Küpper, Tu 15:00-16:30 (13×)
Hartl, Tu 13:15-14:45 (10×)
Sichtmann, Tu 09:45-11:15 (13×)
Schaffhauser-Linzatti, Mo 15:00-18:15 (8×), Mo 20.06. 15:00-16:30
Schellner, Th 18:30-20:00 (13×)
Dörner, Tu 11:30-13:00 (6×), We 11:30-13:00 (6×), Mo 15:00-18:15 (4×), Th 24.03. 09:45-11:15, We 06.04. 16:45-18:15
4.31.2. Revision und Controlling - International Business Administration
Fabel, Th 16:45-18:15 (13×)
Küpper, Tu 15:00-16:30 (13×)
Hartl, Tu 13:15-14:45 (10×)
Sichtmann, Tu 09:45-11:15 (13×)
Schaffhauser-Linzatti, Mo 15:00-18:15 (8×), Mo 20.06. 15:00-16:30
Schellner, Th 18:30-20:00 (13×)
Dörner, Tu 11:30-13:00 (6×), We 11:30-13:00 (6×), Mo 15:00-18:15 (4×), Th 24.03. 09:45-11:15, We 06.04. 16:45-18:15
4.32. Roman Law and Ancient History of Law
Mathé, Mo 09.05. 14:00-18:30, Tu 10.05. 14:00-18:30, We 11.05. 14:00-18:30, Th 12.05. 14:00-18:30, Fr 13.05. 14:00-18:30
Rodriguez Martin, We 14:00-15:30 (14×)
Memmer, Mo 10:00-12:00 (12×)
030549 SE 4 ECTS Rem adquirere pretio soluto? Purchase of price and acquisition of Ownership in Roman Law - for diploma and doctoral studentsScheibelreiter, We 23.03. 13:00-14:00, We 13:00-15:00 (2×), We 01.06. 13:00-16:00, We 08.06. 12:30-15:30
Gamauf, Th 14:30-16:00 (12×)
Meissel, Th 13:00-14:30 (12×)
030822 VO 3 ECTS ( REMOTE ) History of Roman Law and selected fields of the law of persons and family lawScheibelreiter, Mo 13:30-15:00 (12×)
4.33.1. Tax Law (advanced) - Core Area (Tax Law and Accounting)
4.33.2. Tax Law (advanced) - Elective Area
4.35.1. Technology Law (Technology and Economy) - Core Area
030630 KU 3 ECTS Hackathon "Legal Tech" - In Zusammenarbeit mit der FH Campus Wien (DI Heimo Hirner)Forgó
Fina, Tu 14:00-20:00 (2×)
030834 KU 2 ECTS Biotechnology Law - Legal Aspects of the Use of New Technologies in Medicine and BioethicsKorbel, We 16.03. 16:00-19:00, Th 16:00-19:00 (2×), Fr 18.03. 16:00-19:00
4.35.2. Technology Law (Technology and Economy) - Elective Area
Forgó, Th 18:00-21:00 (12×)
Eberstaller, Th 10.03. 10:00-11:00
Eisenberger, Th 07.04. 14:00-15:00, We 09:00-15:00 (2×), Th 09.06. 09:00-15:00
Fina, We 09.03. 14:00-15:00, Tu 17.05. 09:00-18:00, We 18.05. 09:00-18:00
Schuhmacher, Mo 10:00-12:30 (12×)
030250 SE 4 ECTS ( MIXED ) Diploma and LLB Seminar: Current Questions of IT Law - in Cooperation with Prof. Thomas Hoeren (WWU Münster)Forgó, Mo 21.03. 13:00-14:30
Abplanalp, We 16:00-19:15 (4×), We 16:45-20:00 (3×), Mo 16.05. 16:00-19:15, Th 19.05. 16:00-19:15
Kernbichler, Fr 13:00-18:00 (4×), We 04.05. 19:00-22:00
Kassai, Sa 10:00-15:00 (2×)
Skorjanc, Th 09:00-12:00 (2×), Mo 04.04. 09:00-12:00, Th 07.04. 09:00-10:00
Engin-Deniz, We 16.03. 17:00-20:00, We 17:00-19:00 (6×), We 17:00-20:30 (2×)
Korn, We 23.03. 14:00-18:30, Th 31.03. 14:00-19:00, Fr 08.04. 14:00-18:00, We 11.05. 14:00-15:00, Th 02.06. 14:00-15:00
Miernicki, We 15:00-16:30 (8×)
4.36.1. Environmental Legislation - Core Area
Wessely, Mo 14.03. 15:35-16:30, We 11.05. 08:00-17:00, Th 12.05. 08:00-17:00
Nitsch, Mo 17:00-19:00 (2×), Tu 17:00-19:00 (2×), We 17:00-19:00 (2×)
4.36.2. Environmental Legislation - Elective Area
030029 SE 4 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Public Law - Focus on Public Commercial Law and Environmental Law (also for diploma and doctoral students)Schmelz, Tu 15.03. 17:00-19:00
Haas, Tu 18:00-20:30 (4×)
030461 SE 4 ECTS Fighting climate change or protecting the environment? - for diploma and doctoral studentsMerli, Th 17.03. 17:00-18:30, We 08.06. 17:00-18:30
Loibl, Tu 18:15-19:45 (13×)
Erlacher, We 17:30-20:00 (2×), Tu 24.05. 18:00-20:00, We 01.06. 18:00-20:00
Berger, We 16:45-19:15 (5×)
4.37. Form of Contract
Köck, We 14:30-17:30 (6×)
4.38.1. Business Law (advanced) - Core Area (Commercial and Business Law)
Holzweber, Tu 16:00-18:00 (10×)
Borth-Böhler, Th 09:00-11:30 (8×)
Schuhmacher, Mo 10:00-12:30 (12×)
030720 KU 3 ECTS ( MIXED ) Law of Group Companies and Reorganisations - including Mergers, Demergers and Transformationsvan Husen, Tu 10:30-12:00 (13×)
030758 KU 2 ECTS [ en ] M & A International Part II - Competition Law (cartel-agreements, mergers) - Gesellschaftsrecht und KartellrechtStockenhuber, Mo 17:00-20:00 (5×)
Dellinger, Mo 21.03. 17:00-19:30, Tu 22.03. 17:00-19:30, We 23.03. 17:00-19:30, Th 24.03. 17:00-19:30
4.38.2. Business Law (advanced) - Elective Area
Mitterecker, Th 18:00-19:30 (12×)
Gall, Th 15:00-18:30 (3×), We 25.05. 15:30-19:00, Th 09.06. 15:00-16:30
Thomale, We 08.06. 10:00-13:00, Th 09.06. 10:00-13:00, Mo 13.06. 13:00-16:00, Tu 14.06. 13:00-16:00, We 15.06. 13:00-16:00, Mo 20.06. 10:00-13:00
Kernbichler, Fr 13:00-18:00 (4×), We 04.05. 19:00-22:00
Konwitschka, Mo 17:00-18:00 (8×)
030609 KU 3 ECTS Legal Methods in the context of business law - Wirtschaftsprivatrecht (Unternehmensrecht iwS)Obergruber, Sa 12.03. 09:00-17:00, Mo 14.03. 09:00-17:00, Mo 28.03. 09:00-12:30
Thomale, We 15:00-17:00 (10×)
Engin-Deniz, We 16.03. 17:00-20:00, We 17:00-19:00 (6×), We 17:00-20:30 (2×)
030756 KU 2 ECTS [ en ] U.S., UK and European Corporate Law - Policy comparison and recent developmentsStrasser, We 09:00-11:00 (6×)
030761 MC 8 ECTS [ en ] Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)Koller
Reich-Rohrwig, We 17:00-19:00 (10×)
Reich-Rohrwig, Mo 16:00-19:00 (5×)
Kucsko, Th 16:00-16:45 (12×)
Herndl, We 15:00-17:00 (10×)
Miernicki, We 15:00-16:30 (8×)
4.39. Science and Education Law
4.40.1. Right of Abode - Core Area
Fidler, Th 09:00-12:00 (3×), Tu 09:00-12:00 (2×)
Ofner, Tu 08:00-09:30 (11×)
Kothbauer, Mo 30.05. 09:00-17:00, Tu 31.05. 09:00-15:00, Tu 14.06. 09:00-10:30
4.40.2. Right of Abode - Elective Area
Illedits-Heger, Th 14:00-17:00 (2×), Mo 04.04. 14:00-17:00, Th 07.04. 16:00-17:00
Weigand, Fr 16:30-19:30 (3×), We 06.04. 16:30-19:30
Zenz, Tu 17:00-19:15 (3×), Tu 05.04. 19:00-21:15
Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56