Diploma Study of Law (101 [4] - Version 2017)
Introductory Stage (Module 1-3)
1.1 Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
- 030677 OV ( REMOTE OV ) Orientation Course - für Beginner*innen des Diplomstudiums Rechtswissenschaften
1.1.1. PM1 Introduction to the Science of Law and Its Methods
- EXAM COMM Written module examination in Introduction to Law and Legal Methods
- 030133 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to law and its methods Exercises
- 030164 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030639 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030650 UE Introduction to law and its methods Courses
- 030085 KU Introduction to law and its methods Revision Courses
1.1.2. StEOP Compulsory Exercises Romanistic Fundamentals
- 030028 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property - Sachenrecht
- 030458 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Sachenrecht
- 030765 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise - Sachenrecht
1.1.3. StEOP Compulsory Exercises Recent History of Law and Constitution
- 030027 PF ( STEOP ) Compulsory practical exercises on legal and constitutional history
1.2. PM2 European and International Basics (25 ECTS)
1.2.1. Romanistic Fundamentals of European Private Laws and Case Resolution Techniques Courses
- 030115 KU Preparation for the FÜM1 (Romanistic Fundamentals) - Simulation of the Roman Law Part
- 030160 KU Legal Life in Roman Egypt: Papyri and Roman Law
- 030214 KU Introduction to Roman Inheritance Law
- 030331 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030392 KU Roman Society - Law of Persons / Family
- 030656 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030664 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030672 KU Workshop in Legal writing
- 030736 KU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property and Principles
- 030793 KU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations and Principles
- 030822 VO History of Roman Law and selected fields of the law of persons and family law Exercises
- 030034 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030183 UE Civilian Foundations of European Private Laws - Exercise: Property and Obligations - Block im September 2023
- 030712 UE Civilian Foundations of European Private Laws - Exercise: Law of Property (not StEOP)
- 030728 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030738 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations (Law of Obligations)
- 030740 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations (Law of Obligations)
- 030747 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030759 UE Civilian Foundations of European Private Laws - Exercise: Law of Obligations
- 030762 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations (Law of Obligations)
- 030772 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations (Law of Obligations)
- 030806 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations Seminars / Moot Courts
- 030549 SE iudex and dikastes - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030745 SE Times of Turmoil: The General Austrian Civil Code (ABGB) and Legal Scholarship at the Fin de siècle - also for diploma and doctoral students
- 030750 SE The dark side of reception: The influence of Roman law on early-modern slave law - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen Privatissima
1.2.2. Recent History of Law and Constitution Lecture Courses
- 030033 VO Postwar Justice and Nazi Crimes. Austria in International Comparison
- 030120 VO Lecture in legal and constitutional history of modern times - Private Law History
- 030376 VO Legal and constitutional history of modern times - Constitutional history
- 030420 VO History of Fundamental and Human Rights Exercises
- 030046 UE Practical exercise on history of private law
- 030153 UE Practical exercises on legal and constitutional history - Ausgewählte Schwerpunkte aus dem gesamten Stoff
- 030211 UE Practical exercise on constitutional history
- 030293 UE Practical exercises on legal and constitutional history - core themes
- 030344 UE Compulsory practical exercise on private law history - Block course for the exam date in April
- 030691 UE Exercises on Legal and Constitutional History (focal points)
- 030804 UE Practical exercises on constitutional history Seminars / Moot Courts
- 030079 SE Seminar in Legal History: History of Civil Procedure Law
- 030393 SE Seminar of legal history: Colonial injustice, postcolonial restitution? - Provenance Research between History, Law and Politics
- 030418 SE Seminar: Forced migration from the perspective of legal and constitutional history - for diploma students
- 030528 SE Seminar: The "Upheaval" in 1918: From Monarchy to Republic - Continuities and Breaks - for diploma students
- 030566 MC [ en ] Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030684 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030707 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - Generalthema: Rechtsfragen im Spiegel von Medien (Presse und Film)
- 030727 SE Seminar on legal history & legal gender studies: Strategies of Emancipation - Gender identity and legal activism in legal historical perspective and current areas of tension; for diploma and doctoral students
- 030745 SE Times of Turmoil: The General Austrian Civil Code (ABGB) and Legal Scholarship at the Fin de siècle - also for diploma and doctoral students Courses
- 030003 KU [ en ] Constitutional History of the USA
- 030130 KU From poor relief to social welfare
- 030141 KU History of international law
- 030441 KU Colonialism and Law
- 030559 KU Globalisation and Legal Pluralism (Specialisation) - Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
- 030767 KU Legal media competence (Legal Sources and Searching, including historical sources)
- 030833 KU Introduction into Legal Writing - including an introduction into the Austrian Land Register and Commercial Register and other juristic databases as well as an excursion into an archive Revision Courses
- 030261 RE Revision course on legal history
- 030282 RE Revision course in legal and constitutional history (main topics) - Block-LV zum Juni-MP-Termin
- 030402 RE Revision course in legal and constitutional history (main topics) - Block-LV zum April-MP-Termin
1.2.3. Introduction to International Principles of Law European Law - Basics Lecture Courses
- 030032 VO Introduction to EU Law - European Constitutional Law - Fundamentals of European Law - European Constitutional Law: Foundations and Institutions in Preparation for the FÜM I exam Exercises
- 030150 PUE Excercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1" and the module examination Introduction to International Law
- 030336 PUE Excercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1" and the module examination Introduction to International Law
- 030459 PUE [ en ] Discovering the legal reasoning behind the ECJ case law - Practical exercises in preparation for the written exams in EU law
- 030475 PUE Excercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1" and the module examination Introduction to International Law
- 030508 PUE Excercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1" and the module examination Introduction to International Law
- 030610 PUE [ en ] Excercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams
- 030680 PUE [ en ] Excercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams International Law - Basics Lecture Courses
- 030477 VO Introduction into International Law - Introduction into International Basics of Law Exercises
- 030532 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of International Law for Beginners - Special preparation for the written exam "FÜM I" with a focus on case discussions
- 030633 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of International Law for Beginners - Preparatory course to the lecture on the introduction into International Basics of Law
1.3. PM3 Competence in Legal Case Analysis (6 ECTS)
1.3.1. Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030016 UE ( MIXED ) Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners - Block im September 2023
- 030104 UE ( MIXED ) Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030162 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030209 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030222 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030279 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030409 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030556 UE ( REMOTE ) Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030657 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
1.3.2. Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030022 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030075 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030089 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030106 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030242 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030351 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030470 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030486 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030493 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030494 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030607 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030854 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
1.3.3. Legal Research
- 030040 KU ( MIXED ) Legal Research
- 030367 KU Legal research in the cross-border context - Fiinding sources of law with special consideration to public international, EU law and selected foreign legal orders
- 030767 KU Legal media competence (Legal Sources and Searching, including historical sources)
- 030833 KU Introduction into Legal Writing - including an introduction into the Austrian Land Register and Commercial Register and other juristic databases as well as an excursion into an archive
Private Law Stage (Module 4-9)
2.1. PM4 Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure (16 ECTS)
2.1.1. Lecture Courses
- 030175 VO Conversatorium Criminal Law General Part I and Special Part
- 030685 VO Criminal law general section II - penalties and other legal consequences
- 030790 VO Criminal Procedure
2.1.2. Exercises
- 030059 PUE Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure
- 030221 PUE Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure
- 030236 PUE Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure - Intensive
- 030288 PUE Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure
- 030404 PUE Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure
- 030473 PUE Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure
- 030617 PUE Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure
2.1.3. Case study courses
- 030202 KU Case studies - criminal law
- 030484 KU Intensive work on criminal law cases - Exam preperation for June 2023
2.1.4. Seminars
2.1.5. Revision Courses
2.1.6. Courses
- 030013 KU Criminal defence
- 030049 KU Cyber Criminal Law II
- 030073 KU 50 questions on criminal law / general part I
- 030202 KU Case studies - criminal law
- 030265 KU Criminal Policy
- 030305 KU White collar crime law in practice
- 030480 KU Discussion group on terrorism
- 030484 KU Intensive work on criminal law cases - Exam preperation for June 2023
- 030687 KU Economic and european criminal law
2.1.7. Seminars
- 030053 SE ( MIXED ) Organised crime and terrorism in international law - Seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 030138 SE Seminar in Financial Crime - Seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 030590 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Transnational Organised Crime: Organised Crime, Criminal Procedure, and Prisons, Part 2 of 2 - seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 030611 SE Seminar in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure - for graduates and doctoral candidates
2.2. PM5 Civil Law (14 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE COMM Oral module examination in Civil Law
- EXAM COMM Written module examination in Private Law
2.2.1. Lecture Courses
- 030281 VO International Private Law - Main features of (Austrian and European) private international law
- 030558 VO ( MIXED ) Consumer Law
- 030732 VO Family Law
- 030755 VO Law of Succession
- 030763 VO ( MIXED ) Property Law - Austrian Private Law
2.2.2. Exercises
- 030065 PUE Exercise in Civil Law - with an additional focus on private international law
- 030110 PUE ( MIXED ) Exercise in Civil Law
- 030159 PUE Exercise in Civil Law - einschließlich Internationalem Privatrecht
- 030266 PUE ( MIXED ) Exercise in Civil Law
- 030364 PUE Exercise in Civil Law
- 030453 PUE Exercise in Civil Law
- 030569 PUE ( REMOTE ) Exercise in Civil Law
2.2.3. Case study courses/Exercises
- 030063 KU ( MIXED ) Case Studies in Private Law - für den Prüfungstermin Juni 2023
- 030234 KU Case Studies in Civil Law
- 030377 KU Case Studies in Civil Law
- 030546 KU Case study course in Civil Law
2.2.4. Revision Courses
- 030497 VO Review course: Conflict of Laws, Convention on the International Sale of Goods
- 030746 VO Revision Course in Civil Law - for October 2023
- 030774 VO ( MIXED ) Revision Course in Civil Law - for June 2023
2.2.5. Seminars
- 030255 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Private Law, Conflict of Laws and Comparative Law
- 030460 SE ( REMOTE ) Recent decisions on law of succession - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030465 SE [ de en ] New liability rules in the European Union
- 030583 SE Crypto Assets in Private Law
- 030596 SE Seminar in Austrian, European and international private law
- 030699 SE Course in Civil and Labour Law - Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 030745 SE Times of Turmoil: The General Austrian Civil Code (ABGB) and Legal Scholarship at the Fin de siècle - also for diploma and doctoral students
2.2.6. Courses
- 030098 KU Construction contract and construction management aspects of supplementary contract management
- 030101 KU ( REMOTE ) Citation Styles & Reference Management Systems in Legal Studies
- 030223 KU ( MIXED ) Personality Rights - of private individuals and celebrities; authors; artists - national and international perspectives
- 030289 KU Problems of contract law, case studies insurance law
- 030297 KU [ en ] Public Markets, Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance - A Comparative EU and US Approach
- 030739 KU EU Regulation on Succession and Wills and Main Features of Foreign Law of Succession
2.2.7. Moot Court
- 030411 MC Moot Court Private Law
- 030623 MC [ en ] PAX Moot Court - Moot Court for International Civil Procedure and Private International Law
2.3. PM6 Business Law (14 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE COMM Oral module examination in Business Law
- EXAM COMM Written module examination in Private Law
2.3.1. Lecture Courses
- 030705 VO Commercial law and an introduction to intellectual property and unfair competition law
- 030752 VO Company Law
- 030815 VO Competition Law and Intellectual Property
2.3.2. Exercises
- 030083 PUE Exercise in Business Law
- 030111 PUE Exercise in Business Law
- 030291 PUE Exercise in Business Law
- 030295 PUE Exercise in Business Law
- 030310 PUE Exercise in Business Law
- 030340 PUE Exercise in Business Law
- 030381 PUE Exercise in Business Law
2.3.3. Case study courses
- 030347 KU Case Study Course in Commercial and Business Law - zur Vorbereitung auf die FÜM II
- 030391 VO Case Study Course in Commercial and Business Law - Zur Vorbereitung auf die FÜM II
- 030612 KU Case Study Course in Commercial and Business Law - zur Vorbereitung auf die FÜM II
2.3.4. Revision Courses
- 030127 VO Commercial and Business Law - Vormals Repetitorium aus Unternehmensrecht I Allgemeine Bestimmungen, unternehmensbezogene Geschäfte. 1., 3., 4. Buch zum UGB
- 030145 VO General Principles of Corporate Law and Law of Partnerships
- 030268 VO Commercial and Business Law - Law of Corporations
- 030604 VO ( MIXED ) Commercial and Business Law - Securities, Intellectual Property and Competition Law
- 030668 VO Intensive Course in Corporate Law - in preparation for the oral module examination in Business Law
2.3.5. Courses
- 030080 KU Shareholder Disputes
- 030178 KU International Mergers, Reorganisations, Divisions and Conversions - Advanced International Business and Company Law I
- 030180 KU Mergers & Acquisitions Contract Competition Moot Court
- 030182 KU Private- and Company Law in Financial Accounting - Advanced International Business and Company Law III
- 030185 KU Corporate Finance Law - Advanced International Business and Company Law II
- 030249 KU European and Austrian Antitrust Law
- 030758 KU [ en ] M & A International Part II - Competition Law (cartel-agreements, mergers) - Gesellschaftsrecht und Kartellrecht
- 030829 KU ( REMOTE ) Copyright in the digital single market
2.3.6. Privatissimum
- 030186 KU Privatissimum Corporate Litigation
2.3.7. Seminars
- 030207 SE Seminar on Commercial and Business Law - für Diplomand*innen
- 030217 SE Seminar on commercial and company law - Seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 030239 SE [ en ] European and International Business and Technology Law Seminar
- 030252 SE Seminar on Commercial and Business Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030312 SE Seminar on Commercial and Business Law - for Undergraduates
- 030357 SE Seminar on Commercial and Business Law - for diploma students and graduates
- 030419 SE Seminar on Commercial and Business Law - for Undergraduates
- 030512 SE Seminar on Commercial and Business Law: Main Emphasis on Association Law - for Undergraduates
2.4. PM7 Law of Civil Procedure (14 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE COMM Oral module examination in Law of Civil Procedure
2.4.1. Lecture Courses
2.4.2. Exercises
- 030091 PUE ( REMOTE ) Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure - for examination candidates who take Prof. Oberhammer's module examination on civil procedure in April or in June
- 030195 PUE Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure
- 030421 PUE Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure
- 030605 PUE Exercise on Civil Procedure
- 030717 PUE Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure
- 030749 PUE Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure
2.4.3. Revision Courses
- 030148 VO Prep Course for the exam on civil procedure
- 030343 VO Prep Course for the exam on civil procedure
2.4.4. Seminars
- 030155 SE Digital assets in enforcement and insolvency law
- 030436 SE Seminar on Civil Procedure - Current developments in European and international civil procedure law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030573 SE Seminar on Civil Procedure - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030658 SE Seminar on Civil Procedure - Focus on: International procedural law - for diploma candidates
- 030797 SE Seminar in Labour Law and Civil Procedure - auch für Diplomand'innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030841 SE International procedural law and comparative law in the tri-border area - for undergraduate and graduate students (coop. with Universities of Lausanne and Heidelberg)
- 030842 SE Art and Law: Questions of Provenance Research - for doctoral and diploma students
2.4.5. Courses
- 030704 KU European Civil Procedure - Basics, Developments and Trends
- 030799 KU Austrian and international Procedural Law in Family Law Cases
2.4.6. Moot Court
- 030761 MC [ en ] Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030821 MC Mock Mediation Competition 2023: Training and Competition - in cooperation with Assoz.Prof. Dr. Sascha Ferz, University Graz
2.5. PM8 Labour Law and Law of Social Security (14 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE COMM Oral module examination in Labour Law and Law of Social Security
2.5.1. Lecture Courses
- 030051 VO Labour Law and Law of Social Security: Part I Collective Labour Law
- 030179 VO Employment and Contract Labour Law
- 030280 VO Social Security Law
2.5.2. Exercises
- 030011 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security - Block im September
- 030082 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security
- 030232 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security - Block-LV im Mai/Juni
- 030296 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security
- 030306 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security
2.5.3. Revision Courses
- 030190 RE Conversatorium
- 030462 RE ( REMOTE ) Conversatorium
- 030637 RE Conversatorium
2.5.4. Conversatoriums
2.5.5. Seminars
- 030066 SE Seminar in Labour Law - Workplace Co-Determination - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030074 SE Seminar: Labour Law and Social Security Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030092 SE Course in Labour Law - Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 030093 SE Seminar: Labour Law and Social Security Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030099 SE Social rights of migrants
- 030240 SE Seminar: Comparative Law, Austrian and Japanese Labour Law and Social Security Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030699 SE Course in Civil and Labour Law - Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 030743 SE ( MIXED ) Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030797 SE Seminar in Labour Law and Civil Procedure - auch für Diplomand'innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030820 MC Moot Court Labour Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030830 MC [ en ] Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition - Master Candidates
2.5.6. Courses
- 030023 KU Protection against discrimination - implementation, awareness and arguments
- 030094 KU European Labour Law
- 030105 KU The principle of equality and its foundation in human rights and European law
- 030128 KU [ en ] European Labour and Social Security Law
- 030237 KU Equality of people with disabilities
- 030302 KU Employment Law Cases from a Lawyer's Perspective
- 030695 KU Combating Discrimination - Equal Treatment Law in Practice
- 030696 KU Mediation of Employment Disputes
- 030735 KU Comparative Labour Law
- 030785 KU Aspects regarding consumerism of the anti-discrimination act
- 030796 KU ( MIXED ) Labour Law in Sports - Course in Labour Law in Sports
- 030813 KU People with disabilities in Austria
Public Law Stage (Module 10-13)
3.1. PM10 Public Law (32 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE COMM Oral module examination in Constitutional Law
- EXAM COMM Written module examination in Public Law
3.1.1. Lecture Courses
- 030267 VO Selected fields of Administrative Law
- 030788 VO Fundamental Rights
- 030794 VO General Administrative Law
- 030803 VO Constitutional Law I - Allgemeine Staatslehre und Organisationsrecht
- 380006 VO Methodology of Public Law - for diploma and doctoral students
3.1.2. Exercises in Constitutional Law
- 030158 PUE ( MIXED ) Exercise in Constitutional Law - Schwerpunkt Vorbereitung für die mündliche Modulprüfung
- 030203 PUE Exercise in Constitutional Law
- 030315 PUE ( MIXED ) Exercise in Constitutional Law - Schwerpunkt Vorbereitung für die mündliche Modulprüfung
- 030363 PUE Exercise in Constitutional Law
- 030408 PUE Exercise in Constitutional Law
- 030625 PUE ( MIXED ) Exercise in Constitutional Law - Schwerpunkt juristische Argumentation
- 030850 PUE Exercise in Constitutional Law
- 030852 PUE Exercise in Constitutional Law
3.1.3. Exercises in Public Law
- 030057 PUE ( REMOTE ) Exercise in Public Law
- 030225 PUE Exercise in Public Law
- 030317 PUE Exercise in Public Law
- 030328 PUE Exercise in Public Law
- 030412 PUE Exercise in Public Law
- 030456 PUE Exercise in Public Law for advanced students
- 030635 PUE Exercise in Public Law
3.1.4. Revision Courses
- 030125 KU ( MIXED ) Case study course in public law - Preparation for the FÜM 3
3.1.5. Conversatoriums
3.1.6. Revision Courses
3.1.7. Seminars
- 030029 SE ( MIXED ) Seminar on Public Law - Focus on Public Commercial Law and Environmental Law (also for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030061 SE ( MIXED ) Public Law Seminar - Focus: Climate protection hype: the good, the bad or the ugly
- 030062 SE Seminar on Public Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030087 SE Seminar on Public Law (Constitutional Law: fundamental and human rights)
- 030100 SE Seminar on Public Law - Tutorial workshop in public law for graduate and postgraduate students
- 030163 SE Seminar on Public Law: Sports in Public Law
- 030171 SE Seminar on Public Law
- 030241 SE ( MIXED ) Public Law Seminar
- 030303 SE ( MIXED ) Blockchain rules. The legal background of innovative FinTech applications
- 030342 SE Seminar on Public Law
- 030424 SE ( MIXED ) Seminar on Public Law - Focus: State security - When can and must the state intervene? (Climate protection, Corona, Migration Crisis & Co.) for diploma and doctoral candidates
- 030500 SE Selected issues of Comparative Constitutional Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030802 SE [ de en ] Seminar on Law of Communication - for diploma and doctoral students
3.1.8. Courses
- 030039 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - Heads of States
- 030109 KU Recent Issues of Constitutional Law
- 030128 KU [ en ] European Labour and Social Security Law
- 030210 KU ( MIXED ) That's (not) the way we are - A legal perspective
- 030435 KU Procedural law in the legal practice of the Supreme Administrative Court
- 030541 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - The Austrian Constitution in an International Setting
- 030683 KU Parliamentarism in Austria - Theory and Practice
- 030807 KU European Human Rights Protection
3.3. PM11 European Law (11 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE Oral module examination in European Law
3.3.1. Lecture Courses
3.3.2. Exercises
- 030427 PUE Practical exercise in European Law - for advanced students of Mag. iur and Bachelor of Laws in preparation of the respective oral exams in EU law
- 030483 PUE Exercises in European Law - Prinzipien des Unionsrechts, Europäisches Verfassungsrecht, Binnenmarkt, Rechtsschutz
- 030495 PUE [ en ] Practical Exercises in European Law
3.3.3. Revision Courses
3.3.4. Courses
- 030208 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Comparative Labour Law: A Trans-systemic Approach
- 030398 KU ( REMOTE ) Worker and Environmental Protection in the System of European Internal Market Law
- 030415 KU European Public Procurement Law
- 030600 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to European Union Law
3.2.5. Seminars
- 030238 SE [ en ] Seminar in International Law: International Investment Law and the Rule of Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030243 SE [ de en ] EU Constitutional Law: Principles and Common Structures
- 030308 SE European Internal Market Law and European Competition Law Seminar
- 030309 SE [ en ] European Union Law Seminar
- 030327 SE ( REMOTE ) European Economic Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030368 SE Seminar in European Law - Next Generation EU
- 030416 SE [ de en ] EU Energy Law: Foundations and Current Developments - The European Union and Climate Change: Energy Law and Policy
- 030603 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar in European Union Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030661 SE European security law - EU security law - central legal questions of the "European Security Architecture"
3.2.6. Moot Court
- 030472 MC [ en ] European Law Moot Court Competition
3.3. PM 12 Public International Law (9 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE COMM Oral module examination in Public International Law
3.3.1. Lecture Courses
- 030117 VO [ en ] Public International Law
- 030757 VO Public International Law II - Core issues of substantive public international law
3.3.2. Exercises
- 030172 PUE Exercise in Public International Law - Special preparation for the oral exam in Public International Law based on the discussion of cases
- 030205 PUE [ en ] Exercise in Public International Law
- 030482 PUE Exercise in Public International Law
3.3.3. Revision Courses
- 030002 RE Repetition Course in International Law
- 030154 RE Repetition Course in International Law
- 030506 KU Course in Public International Law - Discussion of case law
3.3.4. Seminars
- 030050 SE [ en ] International Criminal Justice - for undergraduade and graduade students
- 030055 SE Seminar in Public International Law
- 030238 SE [ en ] Seminar in International Law: International Investment Law and the Rule of Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030393 SE Seminar of legal history: Colonial injustice, postcolonial restitution? - Provenance Research between History, Law and Politics
- 030570 SE [ de en ] Seminar in International Law
- 030775 SE [ de en ] Seminar in Public International Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030789 SE [ en ] Advanced research seminar in international dispute settlement - for the presentation of dissertation projects (for doctoral students)
- 030835 SE [ en ] Business and Human Rights - for undergraduate and graduate students
3.3.5. Moot Court
- 030090 MC [ en ] Jessup Moot Court, International Law Moot Court
- 030379 MC [ en ] Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court - Part 2 - Part 2 is dedicated to the preparation of the oral pleadings from 17 to 21 April in Jaen, Spain, and afterwards to the writing of diploma seminar papers based on the topics of the Manfred Lachs Moot Court case
- 030606 MC [ en ] International Investment Arbitration Moot Court
3.4. PM13 Tax Law and Economic Competence in Law (17 ECTS)
- EXAM COMM Written module examination in Tax Law
3.4.1. Lectures
- 030414 VO ( MIXED ) Lecture in Tax Law - kombiniert mit Übung
- 030586 VO Current issues in Business Taxation
3.4.2. Exercises
- 030389 PUE Exercise in Tax Law - Crash course income tax law
- 030551 PUE ( MIXED ) Exercise in Tax Law - kombiniert mit VO
- 030576 PUE Exercise in Tax Law - Crash course Transaction Taxes
- 030634 PUE Exercise in Tax Law - Crashcourse Value Added Tax
- 030817 PUE Exercise in Tax Law - Emphasis on: Case Solution
- 030846 PUE Exercise in Tax Law
3.4.3. Revision Courses
- 030711 VO Revision Course in Tax Law
3.4.4. Seminars
- 030124 SE Seminar in Tax Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030430 SE Seminar in Tax Law - for graduands and doctorands
- 030615 SE Seminar in Tax Law - for diploma and doctoral students
3.4.5. Lecture Economic Competence in Law
- 030417 VO ( MIXED ) Economic Competence in Law
3.4.6. Courses
PM14 Elective Module (26 ECTS)
4.1.1. Bank and Insurance Law - Core Area
4.1.2. Bank and Insurance Law - Elective Area
- 030035 KU Money laundering compliance in the financial services sector
- 030131 KU The framework conditions for insurance brokers in Austria under civil and professional law - die zivil- und berufsrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für Versicherungsmakler in Österreich
- 030151 KU Take over law
- 030152 KU Restructuring and insolvency law - für Diplomand*innen und Doktoratsstudierende
- 030174 KU [ en ] International Banking and Financial Law - Cross-border Financial Transactions and Global Financial Regulation
- 030289 KU Problems of contract law, case studies insurance law
- 030583 SE Crypto Assets in Private Law
- 030709 KU Basics of Bank Supervision Law
- 030713 KU Stock Exchange Law
- 030741 KU Special Aspects of the Law of Damages
- 030766 KU Main features of the Law of Personal Insurance
- 030783 KU ( REMOTE ) Basics of Liability Insurance Law
- 030818 KU Credit security with cross-border implications
- 030848 KU Corporate Debt Financing - National and international contractual practice
4.2.1. Computer and Law - Core Area
- 030718 KU Data Protection in E-Business and Internet - EU-Data Protection Directive, Austrian State&Federal Data Protection Laws and their relevance for the E-Business
- 030751 KU Competition & Trademark Law and the Internet
- 030753 KU Electronic Signature - IT-related questions: The Electronic Signature
- 030754 KU e-Justice - Electronic land register, Electronic business register, Edicts database, Case management system, Electronic legal communication, Archives, Justice 3.0, JustizOnline
4.2.2. Computer and Law - Elective Area
- 030049 KU Cyber Criminal Law II
- 030135 KU Digital Inheritance
- 030142 KU [ en ] Legal Informatics - Legal Information Systems, Legal Tech, Artificial Intelligence and Law, IT-Law
- 030156 KU Legal Design Sprint: Tackling the Wicked - Interdisziplinäre Lösungen für rechtliche Problemstellungen
- 030223 KU ( MIXED ) Personality Rights - of private individuals and celebrities; authors; artists - national and international perspectives
- 030250 SE Diploma and LLB Seminar: On the legal relationship between innovation and digitization
- 030252 SE Seminar on Commercial and Business Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030258 KU ( MIXED ) Coding for Lawyers
- 030366 SE Seminar on internet law
- 030587 KU ( MIXED ) Platform Law
- 030630 KU Hackathon "Legal Tech" - In Zusammenarbeit mit der FH Campus Wien (DI Heimo Hirner)
4.3. Protection from Discrimination
- 030023 KU Protection against discrimination - implementation, awareness and arguments
- 030105 KU The principle of equality and its foundation in human rights and European law
- 030695 KU Combating Discrimination - Equal Treatment Law in Practice
- 030785 KU Aspects regarding consumerism of the anti-discrimination act
- 030813 KU People with disabilities in Austria
4.3. Protection from Discrimination
- 030215 KU [ en ] History of Citizenship and Migration Law
- 030237 KU Equality of people with disabilities
- 030743 SE ( MIXED ) Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030784 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates - for diploma and doctoral students
4.4.1. Law of Succession and Family Law - Core Area
- 030137 KU The compulsory portion in Austrian law
- 030146 KU Probate Proceedings
4.4.2. Law of Succession and Family Law - Elective Area
- 030135 KU Digital Inheritance
- 030143 KU Law of trustees
- 030220 KU European Family Law with a focus on International Protection of Children and Adults
- 030321 KU International Family Law
- 030460 SE ( REMOTE ) Recent decisions on law of succession - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030739 KU EU Regulation on Succession and Wills and Main Features of Foreign Law of Succession
- 030799 KU Austrian and international Procedural Law in Family Law Cases
4.5.1. European and Comparative History of Law - Core Area
- 030003 KU [ en ] Constitutional History of the USA
- 030033 VO Postwar Justice and Nazi Crimes. Austria in International Comparison
- 030072 KU [ en ] Law Crossing Borders
- 030130 KU From poor relief to social welfare
- 030141 KU History of international law
- 030194 KU Islam in Europe - (Issues from) Legal history and contemporory legal developments
- 030311 VO Women in Law - Part 1/Legal History: Women in the Legal Professions
- 030331 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030420 VO History of Fundamental and Human Rights
- 030441 KU Colonialism and Law
- 030559 KU Globalisation and Legal Pluralism (Specialisation) - Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
- 030595 KU [ en ] The Jews in Modern Times. A Legal History
- 030613 KU History of criminal law
- 030656 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030664 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030678 KU [ en ] Ukraine & International Law - Turns to history in international & constitutional law
- 030767 KU Legal media competence (Legal Sources and Searching, including historical sources)
4.5.2. European and Comparative History of Law - Elective Area
- 030078 SE Mapping Legal Systems - A Critical Reading of John H. Wigmore's "Panorama of the Legal Systems of the World"
- 030079 SE Seminar in Legal History: History of Civil Procedure Law
- 030165 KU ( MIXED ) Introduction to methods of legal history for diploma and doctoral students
- 030214 KU Introduction to Roman Inheritance Law
- 030215 KU [ en ] History of Citizenship and Migration Law
- 030216 SE History of Medical Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030218 KU [ en ] Transitional Justice
- 030392 KU Roman Society - Law of Persons / Family
- 030393 SE Seminar of legal history: Colonial injustice, postcolonial restitution? - Provenance Research between History, Law and Politics
- 030418 SE Seminar: Forced migration from the perspective of legal and constitutional history - for diploma students
- 030528 SE Seminar: The "Upheaval" in 1918: From Monarchy to Republic - Continuities and Breaks - for diploma students
- 030557 SE Development of matrimonial Law. A legal comparison between Canon Law and Austrian national Law - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertanti*innen
- 030566 MC [ en ] Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030567 MC [ en ] Jewish Law Moot Court - The Rabbinic Tribunal of Prague
- 030653 KU Academic Writing Workshop
- 030684 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030707 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - Generalthema: Rechtsfragen im Spiegel von Medien (Presse und Film)
- 030727 SE Seminar on legal history & legal gender studies: Strategies of Emancipation - Gender identity and legal activism in legal historical perspective and current areas of tension; for diploma and doctoral students
- 030745 SE Times of Turmoil: The General Austrian Civil Code (ABGB) and Legal Scholarship at the Fin de siècle - also for diploma and doctoral students
- 030831 KU [ fr ] French and Austrian Civil Law: historical and comparative approaches
4.6.1. European Law (advanced) - Core Area
- 030249 KU European and Austrian Antitrust Law
- 030536 KU The System of European Union Law - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wirtschaftsverfassungsrechts, des Binnenmarktrechts und des Gemeinschaftsprivatrechts
4.6.2. European Law (advanced) - Elective Area
- 030036 KU [ en ] European Competition Procedures - Procedural Law of EU Competition cases and before the ECJ
- 030039 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - Heads of States
- 030094 KU European Labour Law
- 030102 KU ( MIXED ) Equality between the sexes in European Community Law
- 030128 KU [ en ] European Labour and Social Security Law
- 030187 KU [ en ] Competition Law applied in practice: Case Studies in the area of digital markets and sustainability
- 030188 KU Combating antisemitism at international and EU level
- 030208 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Comparative Labour Law: A Trans-systemic Approach
- 030215 KU [ en ] History of Citizenship and Migration Law
- 030220 KU European Family Law with a focus on International Protection of Children and Adults
- 030230 KU ( MIXED ) The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice of the EU
- 030239 SE [ en ] European and International Business and Technology Law Seminar
- 030243 SE [ de en ] EU Constitutional Law: Principles and Common Structures
- 030244 VO [ en ] European Union Internal Market Law
- 030308 SE European Internal Market Law and European Competition Law Seminar
- 030309 SE [ en ] European Union Law Seminar
- 030327 SE ( REMOTE ) European Economic Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030368 SE Seminar in European Law - Next Generation EU
- 030390 KU Introduction to the Law Systems of Former Socialist Countries
- 030398 KU ( REMOTE ) Worker and Environmental Protection in the System of European Internal Market Law
- 030415 KU European Public Procurement Law
- 030416 SE [ de en ] EU Energy Law: Foundations and Current Developments - The European Union and Climate Change: Energy Law and Policy
- 030472 MC [ en ] European Law Moot Court Competition
- 030541 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - The Austrian Constitution in an International Setting
- 030600 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to European Union Law
- 030601 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Free Movement of Persons in European Union Law - Workers, establishment, services and Union citizenship
- 030603 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar in European Union Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030652 KU [ en ] EU Constitutional Law: The Evolving Constitution of the European Union - Structures, Principles and Recent Developments
- 030661 SE European security law - EU security law - central legal questions of the "European Security Architecture"
- 030704 KU European Civil Procedure - Basics, Developments and Trends
- 030726 KU Freedom of Religion and Belief in Europe
- 030758 KU [ en ] M & A International Part II - Competition Law (cartel-agreements, mergers) - Gesellschaftsrecht und Kartellrecht
- 030807 KU European Human Rights Protection
- 030828 KU International und European Criminal Law
- 030830 MC [ en ] Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition - Master Candidates
- 030842 SE Art and Law: Questions of Provenance Research - for doctoral and diploma students
4.7. Finance (advanced)
4.8.1. Fundamental and Human Rights - Core Area
- 030229 KU [ en ] International Human Rights Law
- 030644 KU ( REMOTE ) Course Theory and Dogmatics of Fundamental Rights in Court Rulings
- 030807 KU European Human Rights Protection
- 030808 KU ( MIXED ) Human Rights, Democracy and Peacekeeping
4.8.2. Fundamental and Human Rights - Elective Area
- 030050 SE [ en ] International Criminal Justice - for undergraduade and graduade students
- 030052 KU [ en ] International Humanitarian Law
- 030087 SE Seminar on Public Law (Constitutional Law: fundamental and human rights)
- 030201 KU Unfree Labour - Legal Philosophical Perspectives
- 030215 KU [ en ] History of Citizenship and Migration Law
- 030271 PR The protection of human rights in Austria in practice
- 030420 VO History of Fundamental and Human Rights
- 030425 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030500 SE Selected issues of Comparative Constitutional Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030578 MC [ en ] Price Media Law Moot Court
- 030724 KU ( REMOTE ) Freedom of expression and the fundamental rights of communication
- 030726 KU Freedom of Religion and Belief in Europe
- 030792 VO Are there privileged and discriminated Religious Communities in Austria? - Legal Position of religious Communities in Austria
- 030835 SE [ en ] Business and Human Rights - for undergraduate and graduate students
4.9. Human Resources Management
- 030735 KU Comparative Labour Law
4.10.1. Indigenous Legal Studies - Core Area
- 240017 VO The anthropological expert witness (3.2.2)
- 240032 VO What is Legal Pluralism? (3.3.2)
4.10.2. Indigenous Legal Studies - Elective Area
- 030072 KU [ en ] Law Crossing Borders
- 030559 KU Globalisation and Legal Pluralism (Specialisation) - Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
4.11. International Private Commercial Law and Comparative Law - Core Area
- 030025 KU Current questions of medical law - Current issues in the areas of: Medical liability, living wills, reproductive medicine
- 030039 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - Heads of States
- 030072 KU [ en ] Law Crossing Borders
- 030078 SE Mapping Legal Systems - A Critical Reading of John H. Wigmore's "Panorama of the Legal Systems of the World"
- 030129 KU [ en ] The Common Law and Equity
- 030166 SE Current developments in international private and procedural law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030174 KU [ en ] International Banking and Financial Law - Cross-border Financial Transactions and Global Financial Regulation
- 030206 KU The Swiss Act on a reform of Limited and Public Limited Companies of 2023 - A comparative analysis
- 030220 KU European Family Law with a focus on International Protection of Children and Adults
- 030228 KU Introduction to Austrian Sports Law - with particular reference to private law issues - with aspects of comparative law
- 030251 KU [ en ] Introduction to Japanese Law
- 030255 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Private Law, Conflict of Laws and Comparative Law
- 030277 KU [ es ] Introduction to Spanish law and Spanish legal terminology
- 030297 KU [ en ] Public Markets, Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance - A Comparative EU and US Approach
- 030321 KU International Family Law
- 030367 KU Legal research in the cross-border context - Fiinding sources of law with special consideration to public international, EU law and selected foreign legal orders
- 030390 KU Introduction to the Law Systems of Former Socialist Countries
- 030533 KU [ en ] Introduction to US Law
- 030536 KU The System of European Union Law - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wirtschaftsverfassungsrechts, des Binnenmarktrechts und des Gemeinschaftsprivatrechts
- 030541 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - The Austrian Constitution in an International Setting
- 030559 KU Globalisation and Legal Pluralism (Specialisation) - Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
- 030568 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Discussion, Negotiation and Presentation in English
- 030583 SE Crypto Assets in Private Law
- 030623 MC [ en ] PAX Moot Court - Moot Court for International Civil Procedure and Private International Law
- 030676 KU Modern islamic civil law and its application in Austria and Germany
- 030686 KU [ en ] Analysing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Legal Arguments: Comparative Case Studies - An Introduction to Logic in Legal Argumentation
- 030735 KU Comparative Labour Law
- 030739 KU EU Regulation on Succession and Wills and Main Features of Foreign Law of Succession
- 030761 MC [ en ] Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030799 KU Austrian and international Procedural Law in Family Law Cases
- 030818 KU Credit security with cross-border implications
4.12.1. Law of Culture - Core Area
- 030161 KU [ en ] Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry
- 030674 KU Libraries, Museums, Archives - Legal Perspectives on Traditional Repositories of Knowledge
- 030719 KU The Legal Protection of Cultural Objects - National, European and International Perspectives
4.12.2. Law of Culture - Elective Area
- 030006 SE ( REMOTE ) Law of the Christian East - War and Peace from the point of view of Orthodoxy
- 030068 KU World Heritage, Sustainable! - The Legal Instruments
- 030223 KU ( MIXED ) Personality Rights - of private individuals and celebrities; authors; artists - national and international perspectives
- 030425 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030675 SE The Protection of Cultural and Natural Landscapes in Law - for the diploma thesis module as well (s. 21 of the curriculum)
- 030796 KU ( MIXED ) Labour Law in Sports - Course in Labour Law in Sports
- 030823 KU [ en ] Language Beyond Law - The Vehicle Talking Center Stage: On Laying down, Understanding, Conveying the Law
- 030842 SE Art and Law: Questions of Provenance Research - for doctoral and diploma students
4.13.1. Legal Gender Studies - Core Area (Women's and Gender Research)
- 030102 KU ( MIXED ) Equality between the sexes in European Community Law
- 030197 SE Intersectionality and multidimensionality in Legal Gender Studies
- 030311 VO Women in Law - Part 1/Legal History: Women in the Legal Professions
- 030727 SE Seminar on legal history & legal gender studies: Strategies of Emancipation - Gender identity and legal activism in legal historical perspective and current areas of tension; for diploma and doctoral students
- 030814 KU ( MIXED ) Gender, law and power - Intersectional perspectives of Legal Gender Studies
4.13.2. Legal Gender Studies - Elective Area
- 030005 KU Ombud for Equal Treatment & Equal Treatment Commission in theory and practice
- 030047 KU Gender studies in criminology - accountable for Specialisation - EC-Criminal Law
- 030201 KU Unfree Labour - Legal Philosophical Perspectives
- 030214 KU Introduction to Roman Inheritance Law
- 030246 SE Dimensions of the Political: Reactionary and Illiberal Political Philosophy
- 030311 VO Women in Law - Part 1/Legal History: Women in the Legal Professions
- 030316 KU [ en ] Women in law - Part 2/Contemporary lssues: Women in legal Professions
- 030352 SE [ en ] Foundations and Applications of Discrimination Law
- 030425 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030727 SE Seminar on legal history & legal gender studies: Strategies of Emancipation - Gender identity and legal activism in legal historical perspective and current areas of tension; for diploma and doctoral students
- 030743 SE ( MIXED ) Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen International Legal Practice and Language (ILPL) - Core A Electives
- 030262 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English II
- 030525 KU [ en ] Introduction to Anglo-American Legal English (formerly known as English for Lawyers) - A systematic first insight into the quintessential terminology and concepts of Anglo-American law and language
- 030561 KU [ en ] International Legal English I
- 030563 KU [ en ] International Legal English I
- 030577 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English II
- 030594 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English I - English for law students
- 030619 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English II
- 030703 KU [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English IV - Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Anti-trust Law US, UK, Austria
- 030725 KU [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English II - US/UK/Austrian Commercial law, Civil Prodecures, ADR, Labo(u)r law - eligible for Vienna LLP
- 030832 KU [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English VI - US/UK/Austrian Intellectual Property Law, Tax Law, Insurance Law - Eligible for the Vienna LLP International Legal Practice and Language (ILPL) - Core B Electives
- 030090 MC [ en ] Jessup Moot Court, International Law Moot Court
- 030385 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Drafting and Negotiating Cross-border M & A and Joint Venture Contracts
- 030568 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Discussion, Negotiation and Presentation in English
- 030761 MC [ en ] Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students) International Legal Practice and Language (ILPL) - Special Subject Electives
- 030038 KU [ en ] International Trade Law
- 030132 KU [ en ] The Austrian Legal System - an overview - for Erasmus incomings
- 030229 KU [ en ] International Human Rights Law
- 030239 SE [ en ] European and International Business and Technology Law Seminar
- 030309 SE [ en ] European Union Law Seminar
- 030323 KU [ en ] International Law in Domestic Courts
- 030356 KU [ en ] Introduction to English Contract and Tort Law
- 030581 KU [ en ] International Monetary and Financial Law
- 030600 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to European Union Law
- 030601 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Free Movement of Persons in European Union Law - Workers, establishment, services and Union citizenship
- 030603 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar in European Union Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030660 KU [ en ] Mastering Academic Reading
- 030756 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) U.S., UK and European Corporate Law - Policy comparison and recent developments
- 030758 KU [ en ] M & A International Part II - Competition Law (cartel-agreements, mergers) - Gesellschaftsrecht und Kartellrecht
- 030811 KU [ en ] International Economic Law - Trade, Investment, Finance and Tax
- 030812 KU [ en ] International Protection of Cultural Heritage
- 030835 SE [ en ] Business and Human Rights - for undergraduate and graduate students
4.14.2. Culture Juridique francophone européenne et internationale
- 030037 KU [ fr ] The Relationship Between the State and Religions - Degrees of Separation in Europe
- 030682 KU [ fr ] Legal French I - Domestic courts systems
- 030824 KU [ fr ] Introduction to International Human Rights, Humanitarian and Criminal Law
- 030831 KU [ fr ] French and Austrian Civil Law: historical and comparative approaches
4.15.1. Real Property and Construction Law - Core Area (Law of the Construction Industry)
- 030098 KU Construction contract and construction management aspects of supplementary contract management
- 030122 KU European and Austrian Public Procurement Law
- 030733 KU Building contract and general contractor
4.15.2. Real Property and Construction Law - Elective Area
- 030064 KU A practical approach to real estate law and real estate contracts
- 030719 KU The Legal Protection of Cultural Objects - National, European and International Perspectives
- 030722 SE Handling of international real estate transaction - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030818 KU Credit security with cross-border implications
- 030845 KU Drafting of Contracts II (Building Law) - Drafting of real estate purchase, construction and exploitation contracts
4.16.1. Mediation - Core Area (Mediation and Other Forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution)
- 030433 KU Communication - A Toolkit for Conflict Settlement
- 030572 KU ( MIXED ) Conflict Analysis - A Toolkit for Extrajudicial Settlement
4.16.2. Mediation - Elective Area
- 030017 KU Business and workplace mediation
- 030045 MC [ en ] ( MIXED ) CDRC-VIAC-IBA- Mediation and Negotiation Competition - Focus on Mediation
- 030081 KU Mediation in the public sector
- 030084 KU Ethics in Conflict Settlement
- 030097 KU Litigation tactics - the decision between mediation and escalation
- 030198 KU [ en ] Mediation for Lawyers
- 030224 KU Mediation in Construction and Real Estate
- 030227 MC [ en ] ( MIXED ) CDRC-VIAC-IBA- Mediation and Negotiation Competition - Focus on Negotiation
- 030437 KU Mediation in practice
- 030490 KU Psychological Basics of Conflict Resolution
- 030542 KU Pleading before the Court
- 030696 KU Mediation of Employment Disputes
- 030787 KU The influence of media reporting on dispute resolution
- 030799 KU Austrian and international Procedural Law in Family Law Cases
- 030821 MC Mock Mediation Competition 2023: Training and Competition - in cooperation with Assoz.Prof. Dr. Sascha Ferz, University Graz
- 030843 KU Family Mediation
4.17.1. Medical Law - Core Area
- 030742 KU ( MIXED ) Legal Ethics in Biomedicine
- 030764 KU Malpractice Law
4.17.2. Medical Law - Elective Area
- 030025 KU Current questions of medical law - Current issues in the areas of: Medical liability, living wills, reproductive medicine
- 030054 KU Self-employment in Medicine
- 030088 KU Austrian Law on Medicines and Pharmacies
- 030108 KU Artificial Intelligence and medical law
- 030216 SE History of Medical Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030380 KU Rules of conduct of the medical profession
- 030834 KU Biotechnology Law - Legal Aspects of the Use of New Technologies in Medicine and Bioethics
4.18. Migrations- and Integrations Law
- 030099 SE Social rights of migrants
4.19. New Public Management
4.20.1. Public Commercial Law - Core Area (Commercial Constitutional Law and Commercial Administrative Law)
- 030004 KU Economic Law I - Public Economic Law I (Economic Constitiutional Law and European Law)
- 030715 KU Regulatory Law - with a special focus on economic aspects
4.20.2. Public Commercial Law - Elective Area
- 030122 KU European and Austrian Public Procurement Law
- 030303 SE ( MIXED ) Blockchain rules. The legal background of innovative FinTech applications
- 030341 KU Energy market regulation in practice
- 030448 KU ( REMOTE ) Esports Law
- 030543 KU Regulating electronic communications networks an services
- 030709 KU Basics of Bank Supervision Law
- 030713 KU Stock Exchange Law
- 030802 SE [ de en ] Seminar on Law of Communication - for diploma and doctoral students
4.21. Political Theory and Political Science
- 030210 KU ( MIXED ) That's (not) the way we are - A legal perspective
- 030500 SE Selected issues of Comparative Constitutional Law - for diploma and doctoral students
4.22. PR and Media Work
- 030118 KU Investigative journalism - Die zwiespältige Rolle der Medien in Strafverfahren
4.34.1. Criminal Justice and Criminology - Core Area
- 030265 KU Criminal Policy
- 030687 KU Economic and european criminal law
- 030777 VO Fundamentals of Criminology - gilt als LV für das Spezialisierungs-EC Strafrecht
4.34.2. Criminal Justice and Criminology - Elective Area
- 030013 KU Criminal defence
- 030026 KU Victimology - Criminological and legal aspects of the role of the victim
- 030047 KU Gender studies in criminology - accountable for Specialisation - EC-Criminal Law
- 030049 KU Cyber Criminal Law II
- 030050 SE [ en ] International Criminal Justice - for undergraduade and graduade students
- 030053 SE ( MIXED ) Organised crime and terrorism in international law - Seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 030096 KU Traumatized victims of violence in criminal proceedings
- 030168 KU [ en ] Comparative Criminal Law - An introduction to comparative analysis of principles of criminal liability, specific offences, and defences
- 030173 KU Narcotic Substances Act: 50 Questions
- 030300 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy: On the Theory of Punishment and Criminal Law - Safeguarding Public Peace and Processing War? (for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030305 KU White collar crime law in practice
- 030330 KU [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Introduction to crime scene investigation
- 030378 KU Justice and Rule of Law - Fundamental questions of the legal system by current problems
- 030387 KU Course on How to Teach Law in schools - Basic Module on Legal Didactics
- 030463 KU Legal Literacy: Making law simple - Inhaltsmodul
- 030480 KU Discussion group on terrorism
- 030501 KU Famous criminal trials of history - analysis according to the current law
- 030544 KU Juvenile criminal law and penal system
- 030590 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Transnational Organised Crime: Organised Crime, Criminal Procedure, and Prisons, Part 2 of 2 - seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 030611 SE Seminar in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure - for graduates and doctoral candidates
- 030613 KU History of criminal law
- 030694 VO Forensic Medicine and Law II (from II)
- 030828 KU International und European Criminal Law
- 030837 KU Mental illness and dangerousness - gilt als LV für das Spezialisierungs-EC Strafrecht
- 030838 KU Crime, reintegration and recidivism in theory and practice
4.24. Development Cooperation Law
4.25.1. International Relations Law (Including International Organisations) - Core Area
- 030038 KU [ en ] International Trade Law
- 030123 KU [ en ] International Environmental and Climate Change Law
- 030229 KU [ en ] International Human Rights Law
- 030323 KU [ en ] International Law in Domestic Courts
- 030581 KU [ en ] International Monetary and Financial Law
- 030811 KU [ en ] International Economic Law - Trade, Investment, Finance and Tax
- 030836 KU [ en ] International Investment Law
4.25.2. International Relations Law (Including International Organisations) - Elective Area
- 030050 SE [ en ] International Criminal Justice - for undergraduade and graduade students
- 030052 KU [ en ] International Humanitarian Law
- 030055 SE Seminar in Public International Law
- 030090 MC [ en ] Jessup Moot Court, International Law Moot Court
- 030121 KU [ en ] International Law of Peacekeeping Operations
- 030235 KU [ en ] The Parthenon Marbles: Art Restitution and International Law
- 030238 SE [ en ] Seminar in International Law: International Investment Law and the Rule of Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030359 KU [ en ] International Law and Development
- 030379 MC [ en ] Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court - Part 2 - Part 2 is dedicated to the preparation of the oral pleadings from 17 to 21 April in Jaen, Spain, and afterwards to the writing of diploma seminar papers based on the topics of the Manfred Lachs Moot Court case
- 030559 KU Globalisation and Legal Pluralism (Specialisation) - Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
- 030570 SE [ de en ] Seminar in International Law
- 030606 MC [ en ] International Investment Arbitration Moot Court
- 030682 KU [ fr ] Legal French I - Domestic courts systems
- 030775 SE [ de en ] Seminar in Public International Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030789 SE [ en ] Advanced research seminar in international dispute settlement - for the presentation of dissertation projects (for doctoral students)
- 030798 KU [ en ] The Law of Diplomatic Relations
- 030812 KU [ en ] International Protection of Cultural Heritage
- 030835 SE [ en ] Business and Human Rights - for undergraduate and graduate students
4.27. Public Law in Practice
- 030007 KU Refugee Law Clinic II (Asylum Law in Practice)
- 030152 KU Restructuring and insolvency law - für Diplomand*innen und Doktoratsstudierende
- 030387 KU Course on How to Teach Law in schools - Basic Module on Legal Didactics
- 030395 KU Legal Literacy: Contract drafting, legislation & other areas of law
- 030463 KU Legal Literacy: Making law simple - Inhaltsmodul
- 030481 KU Startup Clinic
- 030620 KU Startup Clinic in Practice
- 030624 KU Refugee Law Clinic in Practice
- 030672 KU Workshop in Legal writing
- 030833 KU Introduction into Legal Writing - including an introduction into the Austrian Land Register and Commercial Register and other juristic databases as well as an excursion into an archive
4.1.1. Philosophy of Law, Ethics of Law and Methodology - Core Area
- 030012 KU ( REMOTE ) Foundations of a Pragmatic Legal Ethics: Plato's Politikos
- 030015 SE ( REMOTE ) System of a Pragmatic State Philosophy: Plato’s Nomoi - für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030107 KU [ en ] An Introduction to Legal Theory
- 030192 SE Liberty & Liberation: On Christoph Menke´s Legal Philosophy - für Diplomand*innen und Doktorand*innen
- 030246 SE Dimensions of the Political: Reactionary and Illiberal Political Philosophy
- 030300 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy: On the Theory of Punishment and Criminal Law - Safeguarding Public Peace and Processing War? (for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030352 SE [ en ] Foundations and Applications of Discrimination Law
- 030580 KU [ en ] Private Law Theory
- 030702 KU ( REMOTE ) Introduction into the Philosophy of Law and State of the Modern Age - Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law II
- 030742 KU ( MIXED ) Legal Ethics in Biomedicine
- 030808 KU ( MIXED ) Human Rights, Democracy and Peacekeeping
- 380001 VO [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Legal Methods between Interest and Judgment Jurisprudence
4.28.2. Philosophy of Law, Ethics of Law and Methodology - Elective Area
- 030197 SE Intersectionality and multidimensionality in Legal Gender Studies
- 030199 KU Law, philosophy, and religion: Foundations of the relationship between law and religion
- 030201 KU Unfree Labour - Legal Philosophical Perspectives
- 030425 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030559 KU Globalisation and Legal Pluralism (Specialisation) - Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
- 030814 KU ( MIXED ) Gender, law and power - Intersectional perspectives of Legal Gender Studies
- 030823 KU [ en ] Language Beyond Law - The Vehicle Talking Center Stage: On Laying down, Understanding, Conveying the Law
4.5. Sociology of Law
4.30.1. Law of Religion - Core Area
- 030726 KU Freedom of Religion and Belief in Europe
- 030792 VO Are there privileged and discriminated Religious Communities in Austria? - Legal Position of religious Communities in Austria
4.30.2. Law of Religion - Elective Area
- 030006 SE ( REMOTE ) Law of the Christian East - War and Peace from the point of view of Orthodoxy
- 030037 KU [ fr ] The Relationship Between the State and Religions - Degrees of Separation in Europe
- 030194 KU Islam in Europe - (Issues from) Legal history and contemporory legal developments
- 030199 KU Law, philosophy, and religion: Foundations of the relationship between law and religion
- 030425 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030557 SE Development of matrimonial Law. A legal comparison between Canon Law and Austrian national Law - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertanti*innen
- 030676 KU Modern islamic civil law and its application in Austria and Germany
4.31. Revision and Controlling
4.31.1. Revision and Controlling Revision and Controlling - Core Area Revision and Controlling - Elective Area
- 040002 VO ( MIXED ) Basic Finance I
- 040058 VO ABWL Management I
- 040064 VO ( MIXED ) Cost Accounting
- 040136 VO ABWL Production and Logistics
- 040192 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) ABWL Marketing I
- 040375 VO Financial Accounting I
- 040628 VO Financial Accounting II
- 040686 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Business Administration
4.31.2. Revision und Controlling - International Business Administration
- 040002 VO ( MIXED ) Basic Finance I
- 040058 VO ABWL Management I
- 040064 VO ( MIXED ) Cost Accounting
- 040136 VO ABWL Production and Logistics
- 040192 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) ABWL Marketing I
- 040375 VO Financial Accounting I
- 040628 VO Financial Accounting II
- 040686 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Business Administration
4.32. Roman Law and Ancient History of Law
- 030160 KU Legal Life in Roman Egypt: Papyri and Roman Law
- 030214 KU Introduction to Roman Inheritance Law
- 030331 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030392 KU Roman Society - Law of Persons / Family
- 030549 SE iudex and dikastes - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030656 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030664 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030822 VO History of Roman Law and selected fields of the law of persons and family law
4.33.1. Tax Law (advanced) - Core Area (Tax Law and Accounting)
4.33.2. Tax Law (advanced) - Elective Area
4.35.1. Technology Law (Technology and Economy) - Core Area
- 030630 KU Hackathon "Legal Tech" - In Zusammenarbeit mit der FH Campus Wien (DI Heimo Hirner)
- 030662 KU Crypto-Assets in European financial markets law: Basics and practical examples - An Introduction to the relevant European and national laws, with a focus on banking- and securities law, collective investment schemes and AML-regulation
- 030760 VO Foundations of Technology Law II
- 030834 KU Biotechnology Law - Legal Aspects of the Use of New Technologies in Medicine and Bioethics
4.35.2. Technology Law (Technology and Economy) - Elective Area
- 030088 KU Austrian Law on Medicines and Pharmacies
- 030108 KU Artificial Intelligence and medical law
- 030149 KU ( MIXED ) Hackaton Digital Collecting
- 030156 KU Legal Design Sprint: Tackling the Wicked - Interdisziplinäre Lösungen für rechtliche Problemstellungen
- 030239 SE [ en ] European and International Business and Technology Law Seminar
- 030249 KU European and Austrian Antitrust Law
- 030250 SE Diploma and LLB Seminar: On the legal relationship between innovation and digitization
- 030258 KU ( MIXED ) Coding for Lawyers
- 030481 KU Startup Clinic
- 030543 KU Regulating electronic communications networks an services
- 030578 MC [ en ] Price Media Law Moot Court
- 030587 KU ( MIXED ) Platform Law
- 030620 KU Startup Clinic in Practice
- 030706 KU Trademark Law
- 030751 KU Competition & Trademark Law and the Internet
- 040060 UK Legal issues of cryptocurrencies and virtual forms of financing
4.36.1. Environmental Legislation - Core Area
- 030729 KU Environmental Law Aspects of Industrial Installations
- 030773 KU Private Environmental Law
4.36.2. Environmental Legislation - Elective Area
- 030029 SE ( MIXED ) Seminar on Public Law - Focus on Public Commercial Law and Environmental Law (also for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030341 KU Energy market regulation in practice
- 030560 MC Moot Court Environmental Law
- 030675 SE The Protection of Cultural and Natural Landscapes in Law - for the diploma thesis module as well (s. 21 of the curriculum)
- 030693 KU Game and gun law
- 030776 KU Environmental impact assessment
4.37. Form of Contract
- 030233 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Digital Entrepreneurship Innovation Lab: Legal mentoring
- 030302 KU Employment Law Cases from a Lawyer's Perspective
4.38.1. Business Law (advanced) - Core Area (Commercial and Business Law)
- 030178 KU International Mergers, Reorganisations, Divisions and Conversions - Advanced International Business and Company Law I
- 030185 KU Corporate Finance Law - Advanced International Business and Company Law II
- 030204 KU Consumer law
- 030249 KU European and Austrian Antitrust Law
- 030720 KU Law of Group Companies and Reorganisations - including Mergers, Demergers and Transformations
- 030758 KU [ en ] M & A International Part II - Competition Law (cartel-agreements, mergers) - Gesellschaftsrecht und Kartellrecht
- 030770 KU Co-operative Law
4.38.2. Business Law (advanced) - Elective Area
- 030080 KU Shareholder Disputes
- 030151 KU Take over law
- 030152 KU Restructuring and insolvency law - für Diplomand*innen und Doktoratsstudierende
- 030174 KU [ en ] International Banking and Financial Law - Cross-border Financial Transactions and Global Financial Regulation
- 030176 KU Corporate Law and Digitalisation
- 030180 KU Mergers & Acquisitions Contract Competition Moot Court
- 030182 KU Private- and Company Law in Financial Accounting - Advanced International Business and Company Law III
- 030481 KU Startup Clinic
- 030554 VO Lawyering
- 030609 KU Legal Methods in the context of business law - Wirtschaftsprivatrecht (Unternehmensrecht iwS)
- 030620 KU Startup Clinic in Practice
- 030706 KU Trademark Law
- 030756 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) U.S., UK and European Corporate Law - Policy comparison and recent developments
- 030761 MC [ en ] Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030778 KU Drafting Contracts in Business and Corporate Law I
- 030791 KU M & A Drafting of Contracts - Unternehmenskaufverträge gestalten und verhandeln
- 030818 KU Credit security with cross-border implications
- 030829 KU ( REMOTE ) Copyright in the digital single market
- 030848 KU Corporate Debt Financing - National and international contractual practice
- 040060 UK Legal issues of cryptocurrencies and virtual forms of financing
4.39. Science and Education Law
4.40.1. Right of Abode - Core Area
- 030730 KU ( REMOTE ) Procedural Aspects of Landlord/Tenant Law - Bestandverfahren
- 030768 KU Landlord/Tenant Law - Austrian Tenancy Act
- 030771 KU Law of real estate agents
4.40.2. Right of Abode - Elective Area
- 030064 KU A practical approach to real estate law and real estate contracts
- 030255 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Private Law, Conflict of Laws and Comparative Law
- 030769 KU Austrian limited profit housing law
- 030818 KU Credit security with cross-border implications
Courses to be attended at any stage of study
5.1. Competence in a Foreign Language for Specific Purposes
- 030003 KU [ en ] Constitutional History of the USA
- 030036 KU [ en ] European Competition Procedures - Procedural Law of EU Competition cases and before the ECJ
- 030037 KU [ fr ] The Relationship Between the State and Religions - Degrees of Separation in Europe
- 030038 KU [ en ] International Trade Law
- 030039 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - Heads of States
- 030045 MC [ en ] ( MIXED ) CDRC-VIAC-IBA- Mediation and Negotiation Competition - Focus on Mediation
- 030050 SE [ en ] International Criminal Justice - for undergraduade and graduade students
- 030052 KU [ en ] International Humanitarian Law
- 030072 KU [ en ] Law Crossing Borders
- 030090 MC [ en ] Jessup Moot Court, International Law Moot Court
- 030107 KU [ en ] An Introduction to Legal Theory
- 030121 KU [ en ] International Law of Peacekeeping Operations
- 030123 KU [ en ] International Environmental and Climate Change Law
- 030128 KU [ en ] European Labour and Social Security Law
- 030129 KU [ en ] The Common Law and Equity
- 030132 KU [ en ] The Austrian Legal System - an overview - for Erasmus incomings
- 030142 KU [ en ] Legal Informatics - Legal Information Systems, Legal Tech, Artificial Intelligence and Law, IT-Law
- 030161 KU [ en ] Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry
- 030198 KU [ en ] Mediation for Lawyers
- 030208 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Comparative Labour Law: A Trans-systemic Approach
- 030215 KU [ en ] History of Citizenship and Migration Law
- 030218 KU [ en ] Transitional Justice
- 030227 MC [ en ] ( MIXED ) CDRC-VIAC-IBA- Mediation and Negotiation Competition - Focus on Negotiation
- 030229 KU [ en ] International Human Rights Law
- 030235 KU [ en ] The Parthenon Marbles: Art Restitution and International Law
- 030238 SE [ en ] Seminar in International Law: International Investment Law and the Rule of Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030239 SE [ en ] European and International Business and Technology Law Seminar
- 030244 VO [ en ] European Union Internal Market Law
- 030251 KU [ en ] Introduction to Japanese Law
- 030262 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English II
- 030277 KU [ es ] Introduction to Spanish law and Spanish legal terminology
- 030297 KU [ en ] Public Markets, Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance - A Comparative EU and US Approach
- 030309 SE [ en ] European Union Law Seminar
- 030316 KU [ en ] Women in law - Part 2/Contemporary lssues: Women in legal Professions
- 030323 KU [ en ] International Law in Domestic Courts
- 030330 KU [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Introduction to crime scene investigation
- 030352 SE [ en ] Foundations and Applications of Discrimination Law
- 030356 KU [ en ] Introduction to English Contract and Tort Law
- 030359 KU [ en ] International Law and Development
- 030379 MC [ en ] Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court - Part 2 - Part 2 is dedicated to the preparation of the oral pleadings from 17 to 21 April in Jaen, Spain, and afterwards to the writing of diploma seminar papers based on the topics of the Manfred Lachs Moot Court case
- 030385 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Drafting and Negotiating Cross-border M & A and Joint Venture Contracts
- 030416 SE [ de en ] EU Energy Law: Foundations and Current Developments - The European Union and Climate Change: Energy Law and Policy
- 030459 PUE [ en ] Discovering the legal reasoning behind the ECJ case law - Practical exercises in preparation for the written exams in EU law
- 030472 MC [ en ] European Law Moot Court Competition
- 030495 PUE [ en ] Practical Exercises in European Law
- 030525 KU [ en ] Introduction to Anglo-American Legal English (formerly known as English for Lawyers) - A systematic first insight into the quintessential terminology and concepts of Anglo-American law and language
- 030533 KU [ en ] Introduction to US Law
- 030541 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - The Austrian Constitution in an International Setting
- 030561 KU [ en ] International Legal English I
- 030563 KU [ en ] International Legal English I
- 030566 MC [ en ] Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030567 MC [ en ] Jewish Law Moot Court - The Rabbinic Tribunal of Prague
- 030568 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Discussion, Negotiation and Presentation in English
- 030570 SE [ de en ] Seminar in International Law
- 030577 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English II
- 030578 MC [ en ] Price Media Law Moot Court
- 030580 KU [ en ] Private Law Theory
- 030581 KU [ en ] International Monetary and Financial Law
- 030590 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Transnational Organised Crime: Organised Crime, Criminal Procedure, and Prisons, Part 2 of 2 - seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 030594 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English I - English for law students
- 030595 KU [ en ] The Jews in Modern Times. A Legal History
- 030600 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to European Union Law
- 030601 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Free Movement of Persons in European Union Law - Workers, establishment, services and Union citizenship
- 030603 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar in European Union Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030606 MC [ en ] International Investment Arbitration Moot Court
- 030619 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English II
- 030623 MC [ en ] PAX Moot Court - Moot Court for International Civil Procedure and Private International Law
- 030652 KU [ en ] EU Constitutional Law: The Evolving Constitution of the European Union - Structures, Principles and Recent Developments
- 030678 KU [ en ] Ukraine & International Law - Turns to history in international & constitutional law
- 030682 KU [ fr ] Legal French I - Domestic courts systems
- 030686 KU [ en ] Analysing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Legal Arguments: Comparative Case Studies - An Introduction to Logic in Legal Argumentation
- 030703 KU [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English IV - Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Anti-trust Law US, UK, Austria
- 030725 KU [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English II - US/UK/Austrian Commercial law, Civil Prodecures, ADR, Labo(u)r law - eligible for Vienna LLP
- 030756 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) U.S., UK and European Corporate Law - Policy comparison and recent developments
- 030758 KU [ en ] M & A International Part II - Competition Law (cartel-agreements, mergers) - Gesellschaftsrecht und Kartellrecht
- 030761 MC [ en ] Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030789 SE [ en ] Advanced research seminar in international dispute settlement - for the presentation of dissertation projects (for doctoral students)
- 030798 KU [ en ] The Law of Diplomatic Relations
- 030811 KU [ en ] International Economic Law - Trade, Investment, Finance and Tax
- 030812 KU [ en ] International Protection of Cultural Heritage
- 030823 KU [ en ] Language Beyond Law - The Vehicle Talking Center Stage: On Laying down, Understanding, Conveying the Law
- 030824 KU [ fr ] Introduction to International Human Rights, Humanitarian and Criminal Law
- 030830 MC [ en ] Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition - Master Candidates
- 030831 KU [ fr ] French and Austrian Civil Law: historical and comparative approaches
- 030832 KU [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English VI - US/UK/Austrian Intellectual Property Law, Tax Law, Insurance Law - Eligible for the Vienna LLP
- 030835 SE [ en ] Business and Human Rights - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030836 KU [ en ] International Investment Law
5.2. Advanced Historical Competence
- 030003 KU [ en ] Constitutional History of the USA
- 030012 KU ( REMOTE ) Foundations of a Pragmatic Legal Ethics: Plato's Politikos
- 030015 SE ( REMOTE ) System of a Pragmatic State Philosophy: Plato’s Nomoi - für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030033 VO Postwar Justice and Nazi Crimes. Austria in International Comparison
- 030052 KU [ en ] International Humanitarian Law
- 030072 KU [ en ] Law Crossing Borders
- 030078 SE Mapping Legal Systems - A Critical Reading of John H. Wigmore's "Panorama of the Legal Systems of the World"
- 030079 SE Seminar in Legal History: History of Civil Procedure Law
- 030130 KU From poor relief to social welfare
- 030141 KU History of international law
- 030160 KU Legal Life in Roman Egypt: Papyri and Roman Law
- 030165 KU ( MIXED ) Introduction to methods of legal history for diploma and doctoral students
- 030194 KU Islam in Europe - (Issues from) Legal history and contemporory legal developments
- 030214 KU Introduction to Roman Inheritance Law
- 030215 KU [ en ] History of Citizenship and Migration Law
- 030216 SE History of Medical Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030218 KU [ en ] Transitional Justice
- 030246 SE Dimensions of the Political: Reactionary and Illiberal Political Philosophy
- 030311 VO Women in Law - Part 1/Legal History: Women in the Legal Professions
- 030392 KU Roman Society - Law of Persons / Family
- 030393 SE Seminar of legal history: Colonial injustice, postcolonial restitution? - Provenance Research between History, Law and Politics
- 030418 SE Seminar: Forced migration from the perspective of legal and constitutional history - for diploma students
- 030420 VO History of Fundamental and Human Rights
- 030441 KU Colonialism and Law
- 030528 SE Seminar: The "Upheaval" in 1918: From Monarchy to Republic - Continuities and Breaks - for diploma students
- 030549 SE iudex and dikastes - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030557 SE Development of matrimonial Law. A legal comparison between Canon Law and Austrian national Law - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertanti*innen
- 030559 KU Globalisation and Legal Pluralism (Specialisation) - Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
- 030566 MC [ en ] Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030567 MC [ en ] Jewish Law Moot Court - The Rabbinic Tribunal of Prague
- 030595 KU [ en ] The Jews in Modern Times. A Legal History
- 030613 KU History of criminal law
- 030678 KU [ en ] Ukraine & International Law - Turns to history in international & constitutional law
- 030684 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030702 KU ( REMOTE ) Introduction into the Philosophy of Law and State of the Modern Age - Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law II
- 030707 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - Generalthema: Rechtsfragen im Spiegel von Medien (Presse und Film)
- 030727 SE Seminar on legal history & legal gender studies: Strategies of Emancipation - Gender identity and legal activism in legal historical perspective and current areas of tension; for diploma and doctoral students
- 030745 SE Times of Turmoil: The General Austrian Civil Code (ABGB) and Legal Scholarship at the Fin de siècle - also for diploma and doctoral students
- 030750 SE The dark side of reception: The influence of Roman law on early-modern slave law - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030767 KU Legal media competence (Legal Sources and Searching, including historical sources)
- 030808 KU ( MIXED ) Human Rights, Democracy and Peacekeeping
- 030822 VO History of Roman Law and selected fields of the law of persons and family law
- 030831 KU [ fr ] French and Austrian Civil Law: historical and comparative approaches
- 030833 KU Introduction into Legal Writing - including an introduction into the Austrian Land Register and Commercial Register and other juristic databases as well as an excursion into an archive
- 380006 VO Methodology of Public Law - for diploma and doctoral students
5.3. Latin
- 030200 VO+UE Latin Morphology and Syntax - Introduction to Latin for Jurists
- 030382 KU Latin based Legal Terminology
- 030394 VO+UE Latin Morphology and Syntax - Introduction to Latin for Jurists
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53