2.1. Schwerpunkt Mineralogie-Kristallographie, Material- und Rohstoffforschung
- 280019 SE B.Sc.work Mineralogy-crystallography - B.Sc.work Mineralogy-crystallography, material-, raw material science
- 280079 SE SE: material- and raw material-science(B.Sc.work) - Seminar in material- and raw material-science (B.Sc.work)
- 280093 EX Mineralogical excursions - Mineralogical excursions
- 280110 VO Crystal Chemistry for Earth Scientists - Crystal Chemistry for Earth Scientists
- 280210 VO Applied Mineralogy: Glass and ceramics - Applied Mineralogy: Glass and ceramics
- 280320 VO Applied Mineralogy: Zeolites - Applied Mineralogy: Zeolites
- 280357 UE Morphology of Minerals - Morphology of Minerals
- 280359 VO+UE Optical Crystallography - Optical Crystallography
- 280361 VO+UE Thermoanalytical methods (minerals-raw minerales) - Thermoanalytical methods (minerals - raw minerales), lect.+lab. course
- 280362 UE Scanning Electron Microscopy in mineralogy - Scanning Electron Microscopy in mineralogy
- 280378 VO Genesis of deposits and use of industrial minerals - Genesis of deposits and use of industrial minerals
- 280576 VO Applied mineralogy: ceramic composite materials - Applied mineralogy: ceramic composite materials - preparation, properties and applications
Last modified: Sa 23.12.2023 01:15