SPL 6 - Prehistory and Early History, Egyptology and Jewish Studies
6.01. Ur- und Frühgeschichte
A. Bachelorstudium Ur- und Frühgeschichte
1. Pflichtmodul Studieneingangsphase
- 060003 VU Introduction to prehistory and early European History
- 060009 VO Aerial archaeology - basics
- 060034 UE Introduction to the methods of prehistoric archaeology with excursion
- 060090 UE Scientific Archaeology - Archaeometry
- 060140 UE Scientific Archaeology -Geoarchareology and Bioarchaeology
- 060141 VO Geophysical Prospecting
- 060142 VO Experimental Archaeology
2. Wahlmodulgruppe Epochen der Urgeschichte
WM Alt- und Mittelsteinzeit
WM Jungsteinzeit
WM Bronzezeit
- 060004 VO Introduction to the Bronze Age
- 060123 PS Proseminar Bronze Age
- 060124 BU Practice to determine Bronze Age Finds
- 060148 EX Excursion to sites and collections of the Bronze Age in Eastern Austria
WM Eisenzeit
3. Wahlmodulgruppe Epochen der Frühgeschichte und Historischen Archäologien
WM Römische Kaiserzeit
WM Völkerwanderungszeit
- 060008 BU Practice to determine migration period finds II
- 060088 VO Introduction to migration period
- 060102 EX Excursion to archaeological sites in Austria - 2 days
- 060128 PS Proseminar Early History
WM Mittelalterarchäologie
WM Neuzeitarchäologie
4. Pflichtmodulgruppe Grabungstechniken
PM Grabungstechnik 1
PM Grabungstechnik 2
5. Alternative Pflichtmodule
APM Prospektionstechnik und Landschaftsarchäologie
- 060018 VO archaeological stratigraphy
- 060024 VU GIS Applications in Archaeology
- 060096 VU Archaeological interpretation of aerial photographs
- 060143 VU Geophysical Prospecting
APM Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
APM Restaurierung und Dokumentation
- 060010 UE Introduction to Conservation and Recovery Techniques of Archaeological Objects
- 060013 VU Documentation CAD for archaeologists
- 060132 UE Drawing Archaeological Finds: Ceramics
- 060134 UE Fotografic documentation
6. Pflichtmodul Studienausgangsphase
B. Masterstudium Ur- und Frühgeschichte
1. Pflichtmodul Urgeschichte
- 060011 SE Circular Enclosures of the Neolithic and Bronze Age
- 060021 SE The invention of wheel and wagon in the Late Neolithic Age-Impacts on social and economic structures
2. Pflichtmodul Frühgeschichte/Historische Archäologien
- 060026 SE Centre and Periphery
- 060098 SE The marcomannic wars
- 060099 SE Archaeology and settlement history in the Middle Ages
- 060154 SE The goldsmiths craft from Late Antiquity to the High Middle Ages in the Eastern Mediterranean
3. Alternatives Pflichtmodul zur Methodik
APM Theorie
- 060158 SE Quantitative Seminar
APM Forschungsgeschichte
APM Landschaftsarchäologie
4. Pflichtmodul Master
- 060006 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060016 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060017 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060023 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060030 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060032 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060036 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060075 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060122 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060125 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060137 PV Exclusive tutorial
5. Pflichtmodul Aktuelle Themen der Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Historischen Archäologien
- 060005 SV Selected Subjects of the Middle and Late Bronze Age in Western Europe
- 060007 SV Iron Age horsemen of the Eurasian steppes
- 060035 SV Celtic archaeology
- 060038 SV Special themes of early history
- 060070 SV Stone and metal raw materials in Prehistory
- 060095 VO [ de en he ] Jewish cemeteries - places of worship, places of memorial or places of cultural heritage
- 060103 SV Neolithisation - from the Middle East to Central Europe
- 060131 SV Introduction to Historical Archaeology
- 060146 SV Prehistory in the Alpine Area
- 060155 VO Introduction to the goldsmiths technology
- 060159 VO Introduction to medieval and early modern times/ ceramic typology
- 060160 VO Introduction to questions of the Palaeolithic actual
6. Pflichtmodul Auslandsexkursion
7. Alternatives Pflichtmodul zur Methode
APM zur Theorie und zu interdisziplinären Themen
APM zur Archäometrie und Bioarchäologie
- 060133 VO Greek and Roman Engineering
- 060139 PR Human and Dead - Anthropological Analyses
8. Alternatives Pflichtmodul zur Praxis
APM Landschaftsarchäologie
APM Kulturvermittlung
APM Technologie und Dokumentation
9. Alternatives Pflichtmodul zur Berufspraxis
APM Grabungstechnik für Fortgeschrittene
APM Kultur- und Museumsmanagement
6.01. Prehistory and Early History
1. Studienabschnitt
- 060003 VU Introduction to prehistory and early European History
- 060004 VO Introduction to the Bronze Age
- 060006 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060008 BU Practice to determine migration period finds II
- 060009 VO Aerial archaeology - basics
- 060010 UE Introduction to Conservation and Recovery Techniques of Archaeological Objects
- 060013 VU Documentation CAD for archaeologists
- 060016 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060017 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060018 VO archaeological stratigraphy
- 060023 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060024 VU GIS Applications in Archaeology
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060030 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060032 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060034 UE Introduction to the methods of prehistoric archaeology with excursion
- 060036 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060038 SV Special themes of early history
- 060075 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060088 VO Introduction to migration period
- 060096 VU Archaeological interpretation of aerial photographs
- 060102 EX Excursion to archaeological sites in Austria - 2 days
- 060122 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060123 PS Proseminar Bronze Age
- 060124 BU Practice to determine Bronze Age Finds
- 060125 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060128 PS Proseminar Early History
- 060132 UE Drawing Archaeological Finds: Ceramics
- 060134 UE Fotografic documentation
- 060136 EX Excursion to special exhibitions about celtic archaeology (Hainburg, Asparn/Zaya) - (Hainburg-Kulturfabrik; Asparn/Zaya-Museum für Urgeschichte)
- 060137 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060148 EX Excursion to sites and collections of the Bronze Age in Eastern Austria
2. Studienabschnitt
- 060003 VU Introduction to prehistory and early European History
- 060004 VO Introduction to the Bronze Age
- 060005 SV Selected Subjects of the Middle and Late Bronze Age in Western Europe
- 060006 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060007 SV Iron Age horsemen of the Eurasian steppes
- 060008 BU Practice to determine migration period finds II
- 060009 VO Aerial archaeology - basics
- 060010 UE Introduction to Conservation and Recovery Techniques of Archaeological Objects
- 060011 SE Circular Enclosures of the Neolithic and Bronze Age
- 060013 VU Documentation CAD for archaeologists
- 060014 UE Stratigraphical practices
- 060016 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060017 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060018 VO archaeological stratigraphy
- 060020 UE+EX The Lombards. The end of migration period
- 060021 SE The invention of wheel and wagon in the Late Neolithic Age-Impacts on social and economic structures
- 060023 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060024 VU GIS Applications in Archaeology
- 060026 SE Centre and Periphery
- 060027 SE History of archaeological science between 1850 and 2000
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060030 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060032 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060034 UE Introduction to the methods of prehistoric archaeology with excursion
- 060035 SV Celtic archaeology
- 060036 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060037 VO Quantitative Methods in Pre- and Protohistory
- 060038 SV Special themes of early history
- 060070 SV Stone and metal raw materials in Prehistory
- 060075 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060088 VO Introduction to migration period
- 060090 UE Scientific Archaeology - Archaeometry
- 060095 VO [ de en he ] Jewish cemeteries - places of worship, places of memorial or places of cultural heritage
- 060096 VU Archaeological interpretation of aerial photographs
- 060098 SE The marcomannic wars
- 060099 SE Archaeology and settlement history in the Middle Ages
- 060102 EX Excursion to archaeological sites in Austria - 2 days
- 060103 SV Neolithisation - from the Middle East to Central Europe
- 060122 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060123 PS Proseminar Bronze Age
- 060124 BU Practice to determine Bronze Age Finds
- 060125 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060129 EX Excursion to Croatia
- 060131 SV Introduction to Historical Archaeology
- 060132 UE Drawing Archaeological Finds: Ceramics
- 060133 VO Greek and Roman Engineering
- 060134 UE Fotografic documentation
- 060136 EX Excursion to special exhibitions about celtic archaeology (Hainburg, Asparn/Zaya) - (Hainburg-Kulturfabrik; Asparn/Zaya-Museum für Urgeschichte)
- 060137 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060139 PR Human and Dead - Anthropological Analyses
- 060140 UE Scientific Archaeology -Geoarchareology and Bioarchaeology
- 060141 VO Geophysical Prospecting
- 060142 VO Experimental Archaeology
- 060143 VU Geophysical Prospecting
- 060146 SV Prehistory in the Alpine Area
- 060148 EX Excursion to sites and collections of the Bronze Age in Eastern Austria
- 060154 SE The goldsmiths craft from Late Antiquity to the High Middle Ages in the Eastern Mediterranean
- 060155 VO Introduction to the goldsmiths technology
- 060158 SE Quantitative Seminar
- 060159 VO Introduction to medieval and early modern times/ ceramic typology
- 060160 VO Introduction to questions of the Palaeolithic actual
6.01. Prehistory and Early History
- 060006 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060016 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060017 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060023 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060030 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060032 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060036 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060075 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060122 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060125 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060137 PV Exclusive tutorial
6.02. Egyptology
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Egyptology
1. Required Module - Egyptian Language and History of Ideas-Orientation Period
- 060039 VO Middle Egyptian I
- 060050 UE Hieroglyphics I
- 060053 UE Introduction into the Religion of Ancient Egypt I
2. Required Module - Egyptian Archaeology, History of Art and Culture
- 060033 VO Egyptian History and Archaeology - (I-UniStG)
- 060047 PS Proseminar: Material Culture of Ancient Egypt I
- 060144 VO Introduction into Egyptian Art History I
3. Required Module - Egyptian Literature
- 060082 UE Hieroglyphic Texts I
- 060083 UE Introd. into the History of Egyptian Literature I
4. Required Module - Egyptian Archaeology and History
5. Required Module - Egyptian Architecture and Art
- 060052 SE Seminar
- 060078 SE Seminar: History and Art - Der Grabherr des Alten Reiches in seinem "Jenseitspalast": Bildprogramm und Ausstattung
- 060130 VO Egyptian Building History: Late Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period - (III-UniStg)
- 060135 VO Egyptian Art: Late Period - (XIV for UniStG)
6a. Alternative Required Module - Greek
6b. Alternative Required Module - Egyptian Building History
- 060045 VO History of Egypt during the time of the Libyans
- 060130 VO Egyptian Building History: Late Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period - (III-UniStg)
- 060135 VO Egyptian Art: Late Period - (XIV for UniStG)
7a. Alternative Required Module - Egyptian Script
- 060046 UE Reading Egyptian Texts: The Teaching of Amenemhet
- 060051 UE Reading Egyptian Texts: The "Marriage Stelae" Ramses' II
- 060092 UE Hieratic II
7b. Alternative Required Module - Instructional Excavation
- 060042 PR Practical Fieldwork in Egypt - (for advanced students only; limited participation)
8. Required Final Module
B. Master Degree Programme in Egyptology
1. Required Module - Egyptian Language
- 060040 UE Coptic Grammar and Texts II
- 060044 VO Late Egyptian II
- 060046 UE Reading Egyptian Texts: The Teaching of Amenemhet
- 060051 UE Reading Egyptian Texts: The "Marriage Stelae" Ramses' II
- 060092 UE Hieratic II
2. Required Module - Egyptian History/Archaeology and Art
- 060045 VO History of Egypt during the time of the Libyans
- 060052 SE Seminar
- 060078 SE Seminar: History and Art - Der Grabherr des Alten Reiches in seinem "Jenseitspalast": Bildprogramm und Ausstattung
- 060130 VO Egyptian Building History: Late Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period - (III-UniStg)
- 060135 VO Egyptian Art: Late Period - (XIV for UniStG)
3. Required Module - Egyptian History of Ideas
- 060043 UE Comparative Stud. in Anc. Egyptian & pre-Socratic Thought I
- 060052 SE Seminar
- 060078 SE Seminar: History and Art - Der Grabherr des Alten Reiches in seinem "Jenseitspalast": Bildprogramm und Ausstattung
4a. Alternative Required Module - Instructional Excavation
- 060042 PR Practical Fieldwork in Egypt - (for advanced students only; limited participation)
4b. Alternative Required Module - Papyrology/Museology for Egyptologists/Texts
- 060046 UE Reading Egyptian Texts: The Teaching of Amenemhet
- 060051 UE Reading Egyptian Texts: The "Marriage Stelae" Ramses' II
5. Required Master Module
6.02. Diploma Degree Programme in Egyptology
- 060033 VO Egyptian History and Archaeology - (I-UniStG)
- 060039 VO Middle Egyptian I
- 060040 UE Coptic Grammar and Texts II
- 060042 PR Practical Fieldwork in Egypt - (for advanced students only; limited participation)
- 060043 UE Comparative Stud. in Anc. Egyptian & pre-Socratic Thought I
- 060044 VO Late Egyptian II
- 060045 VO History of Egypt during the time of the Libyans
- 060046 UE Reading Egyptian Texts: The Teaching of Amenemhet
- 060047 PS Proseminar: Material Culture of Ancient Egypt I
- 060049 EX Excursion to Excavations and Museums in Egypt
- 060050 UE Hieroglyphics I
- 060051 UE Reading Egyptian Texts: The "Marriage Stelae" Ramses' II
- 060052 SE Seminar
- 060053 UE Introduction into the Religion of Ancient Egypt I
- 060078 SE Seminar: History and Art - Der Grabherr des Alten Reiches in seinem "Jenseitspalast": Bildprogramm und Ausstattung
- 060082 UE Hieroglyphic Texts I
- 060083 UE Introd. into the History of Egyptian Literature I
- 060092 UE Hieratic II
- 060130 VO Egyptian Building History: Late Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period - (III-UniStg)
- 060135 VO Egyptian Art: Late Period - (XIV for UniStG)
- 060144 VO Introduction into Egyptian Art History I
6.02. Doctoral Degree Programme in Egyptology
- 060048 SE Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 060054 SE Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
6.03. Jewish Studies
A. Bachelor Jewish Studies
Compulsory Module - Introductory Phase
- 060064 VO Introduction to Jewish History, Religion and Literature from the Antique Period until Today
- 060100 PS Proseminar 1 - Introduction into Jewish Studies
Compulsory Modules Hebrew
Compulsory Module Hebrew
- 060080 VO+UE [ de he ] From Biblical Hebrew to Modern Hebrew 1
Compulsory Module Modern Hebrew
- 060072 VO+UE [ de he ] Modern Hebrew 1 - (former "Modern Hebrew 3")
Compulsory Modules: 5 Epoch Modules and 1 Text Module
Compulsory Module Antique Period
- 060097 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls
Compulsory Module Rabbinic Period
Compulsory Module Medieval Period
Compulsory Text Module - from the Antique to the Medieval Period
- 060059 PV Mishnah
- 060065 PV Medieval Jewish Texts
- 060074 SE Women in Antique Judaism
- 060138 PV Talmud
Compulsory Module Modern Period
- 060066 SE Modern texts about antisemitism from the 19th century to the Shoah
- 060068 VO Eva Frank, the female Messiah - History of the heretic Kabbalah
- 060094 VO+UE Buber, Fromm, Heschel - prophets of the jewish "counter-culture"
Compulsory Module Contemporary Period
Compulsory Modules: 2 Special Topic Modules
Special Topic Module A
- 060063 VO The position of women in orthodox Judaism through the ages
- 060073 VO The origins of antisemitism from antique until early medieval times
Special Topic Module B
- 060060 SE Women in the time of the rabbis: Legal situation, daly life, stereotypes
- 060079 UE Hebrew Bible, Antique Judaism and the Museum of the History of Arts
- 060093 VO+UE 'Collectors' and Rebels: The Haskalah in Central Europe
- 060121 VO Conflicts, pieces of wisdom and pernicketiness in Judaism
Compulsory Final Module
- 060060 SE Women in the time of the rabbis: Legal situation, daly life, stereotypes
- 060066 SE Modern texts about antisemitism from the 19th century to the Shoah
- 060074 SE Women in Antique Judaism
B. Master Jewish Studies
Elective Modules: 3 Epoch Modules
Epoch Module Antique Period
- 060074 SE Women in Antique Judaism
- 060084 PV Acculturation in hellenistic times
- 060097 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls
Epoch Module Rabbinic Period
- 060138 PV Talmud
Epoch Module Medieval Period
- 060065 PV Medieval Jewish Texts
Epoch Module Modern Period
- 060066 SE Modern texts about antisemitism from the 19th century to the Shoah
- 060068 VO Eva Frank, the female Messiah - History of the heretic Kabbalah
- 060094 VO+UE Buber, Fromm, Heschel - prophets of the jewish "counter-culture"
Epoch Module Contemporary Period
Compulsory Module Hebrew and Aramaic
- 060086 UE [ de he ] Biblical Texts
- 060089 UE [ de he ] Mishnaic Hebrew
- 060091 PV [ de he ] Modern Colloquial Hebrew - (Voraussetzung: Modernhebräisch 1-4, Hebräische Grammatik 1-2)
Compulsory Module Hebrew and Aramaic Texts
Compulsory Modules: 2 Advanced Special Topic Modules
Advanced Special Topic Module A
- 060063 VO The position of women in orthodox Judaism through the ages
- 060073 VO The origins of antisemitism from antique until early medieval times
Advanced Special Topic Module B
- 060060 SE Women in the time of the rabbis: Legal situation, daly life, stereotypes
- 060079 UE Hebrew Bible, Antique Judaism and the Museum of the History of Arts
- 060093 VO+UE 'Collectors' and Rebels: The Haskalah in Central Europe
- 060121 VO Conflicts, pieces of wisdom and pernicketiness in Judaism
Compulsory Final Module Master
C. Bachelor, Master and Diploma Degree Programme in Jewish Studies (expiring curricula)
1. Hebrew Language
- 060072 VO+UE [ de he ] Modern Hebrew 1 - (former "Modern Hebrew 3")
- 060091 PV [ de he ] Modern Colloquial Hebrew - (Voraussetzung: Modernhebräisch 1-4, Hebräische Grammatik 1-2)
2. Jewish Literature and Sources
- 060084 PV Acculturation in hellenistic times
- 060074 SE Women in Antique Judaism
- 060059 PV Mishnah
- 060060 SE Women in the time of the rabbis: Legal situation, daly life, stereotypes
- 060138 PV Talmud
- 060065 PV Medieval Jewish Texts
- 060066 SE Modern texts about antisemitism from the 19th century to the Shoah
- 060086 UE [ de he ] Biblical Texts
- 060089 UE [ de he ] Mishnaic Hebrew
3. History, Culture and Religion of Judaism
- 060074 SE Women in Antique Judaism
- 060079 UE Hebrew Bible, Antique Judaism and the Museum of the History of Arts
- 060084 PV Acculturation in hellenistic times
- 060097 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls
- 060101 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Medieval Period 1
- 060068 VO Eva Frank, the female Messiah - History of the heretic Kabbalah
- 060060 SE Women in the time of the rabbis: Legal situation, daly life, stereotypes
4. Elective Courses
- 060063 VO The position of women in orthodox Judaism through the ages
- 060073 VO The origins of antisemitism from antique until early medieval times
- 060094 VO+UE Buber, Fromm, Heschel - prophets of the jewish "counter-culture"
- 060093 VO+UE 'Collectors' and Rebels: The Haskalah in Central Europe
- 060121 VO Conflicts, pieces of wisdom and pernicketiness in Judaism
- 060095 VO [ de en he ] Jewish cemeteries - places of worship, places of memorial or places of cultural heritage
6.04. Numismatics
A. Individuelles Masterstudium Numismatik und Geldgeschichte
1. Grundlagenmodul
- 060118 KU Sources of numismatics
- 060150 KU Cataloging - Digital Photographing for a Numismatic Database
2. Epochenmodul Antike
- 060114 KU Greek Imperials - a success in the provinces
- 060153 KU Ancient Greek Coins - a survey
- 060173 SE Why do we deal with provincial coins?
3. Epochenmodul Mittelater / Neuzeit
4. Methodenmodul
5. Themenmodul
6. Spezialisierungsmodul
7. Praxismodul
8. Masterseminar
B. Individuelles Diplomstudium Numismatik und Geldgeschichte
- 060062 VO Introduction to Numismatics - Grundbegriffe und Methoden
General Numismatics
- 060062 VO Introduction to Numismatics - Grundbegriffe und Methoden
- 060105 KO Discussion Course following the Introductory Lecture
- 060118 KU Sources of numismatics
- 060150 KU Cataloging - Digital Photographing for a Numismatic Database
Antique Numismatics
- 060114 KU Greek Imperials - a success in the provinces
- 060153 KU Ancient Greek Coins - a survey
- 060173 SE Why do we deal with provincial coins?
Numismatics of the Middle Ages and teh Modern Era
- 060108 VO+UE Introduction into Mediaeval and Modern Numismatics
- 060115 VO Monetary History of the Byzantine Empire II - The 7th century
- 060152 UE Exercises in describing and identifying new material in the collection of the institute - coins, medals, paper money
- 060156 VO+UE Describing and Identifying Medieval and Modern Coins
Tutorials, Proseminars, Seminars
C. Erweiterungscurricula Numismatik
EC Numismatik des Altertums
EC Numismatik des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit
- 060108 VO+UE Introduction into Mediaeval and Modern Numismatics
- 060156 VO+UE Describing and Identifying Medieval and Modern Coins
EC Numismatische Praxis und Katalogisierung
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34