10. Compulsory Optional Subjects
- 020042 VO Roman Empire and the Early Church
- 020043 VO History and Church History. Problems and Genesis I
- 020058 UE Bible in religious education (Stories about sky and heaven)
- 020050 UE Violence and Nonviolence in Religious Education
- 020060 UE Introduction to scientific working
- 020056 VU For Theologians: Everything you always wanted to know about law and politics ...
- 020052 VO History of the Bible as a Book
- 020016 VU Experiencing Bibliodrama
- 020019 VO-L Time and the World of the New Testament
- 020047 VO Introduction to Judaism
- 020048 SE The Portrayal and Perception of Muhammad in other Religions
- 020054 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience I
- 020055 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience II
- 020004 VO Biblical Archaeology: Syria
- 020014 EX The world of the Bible in Museums of Europe: Paris
- 020020 VO Introduction to biblical archaeology
- 020021 VO+UE Introduction to methodes of archaeological field research
- 020022 VO Ancient Irael and Ancient Egypt 1
- 020059 PV Free Compulsory Optional Subjekt
- 020040 UE Rhetorical Communication I
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36