Universität Wien

21.01. Political Science

Die Einteilung der Lehrveranstaltungen entspricht dem Aufbau des
Diplom- und Bachelorstudiums. Seminare im Rahmen des Doktoratsstudiums
sind im gesonderten Kapitel 21.02. angeführt.

210258 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden in der Analyse sozialer Ungleichheit
210259 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden, Parteien und Parteiensysteme
210260 UE [en] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methods and Implementation Research
210261 UE [en] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methods and Political Behaviour
210262 UE [en] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methods in Party Research
210263 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden und politische Partizipation Be Part of it. Der Einsatz quantitativer Methoden zur Erforschung politischer Partizipation
210264 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Forschungsmethoden und mediale Wahlkampagnen
210265 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Armut und soziale Exklusion
210266 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden und vertikale soziale Ungleichheit, Bildung, Einkommen und Beruf
210267 UE [en] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Political Inquiry: Concepts and measurement Tool for Data Description and Research Design - Strategies in Party Research
210271 PS e1: Reading Course Internationalisation and Privatisation of Voilence - The Regime of Security in the Era of Globalisation
210279 PS e1: Reading Course Gender and Society - Relating Gender, Class, and Ethnicity - The Categorial Connection of Class, Ethnicity and Gender
210129 GK C2: Basic Course Austrian Politics and EU - The Political Systems on a Local Level
210137 GK C4: Basic Course International Politics - Die EU im internationalen System
140467 VO Interdisc. Lectures: Forced Freedom - Cultural Diversity, Gender Equality and Feminist Agency
210205 PS D1, G8, G10: Gender and Class - Categories of Critical Political and Social Science
210173 VO D3, G10: Soccer - A Contribution to a Spectacle's Phenomenology
210145 PS E1: Long-Term Course Quantitative Social Research (Continuation of the Winter Term) - Introduction to Empirical Social Research: Design and Practice of Surveys
210150 PS E2: Short Term Course Qualitative Social Research - Fundamentals of Qualitative Social Research
210153 PS E2: Long-Term Course Qualitative Social Research - Methodological Fundamentals of Social Research
210154 PS E2: Long-Term Course Qualitative Social Research - Movies and Political Science
210149 PS E2: Long-Term Course Qualitative Social Research (Continuation of the Winter Term) - Qualitative Interviews and Discussions in Groups
210117 VO F, G1: Political Mediation Structures I - Association, Association Systems and Social Movements in Europe
210169 PS F, G1: Political Mediation Structures II - Parties and Party Systems in Europe
210118 SE F, G6, G7: Postindustrial Welfare States - New Social Risks and Reform(in)ability of Welfare State Politics
210253 SE F, G10: Hans Kelsen - Lecture Course
210117 VO F, G1: Political Mediation Structures I - Association, Association Systems and Social Movements in Europe
210169 PS F, G1: Political Mediation Structures II - Parties and Party Systems in Europe
210312 PS G1: Negotiating instead of Governing? - On the Problem of Including Private Stakeholders in the Process of Setting Up Norms
210171 SE G1, G4: European Educational Policy and Educational Systems - Humboldt in the Conflict between the Lisboa Strategy and the Bologna Process
210105 SE G1, Diss: Research Seminar Practical Aspects of EU Politics - (with Dr. Wolfgang Streitenberger, Europäische Kommission; Jean Monnet Projekt)
210190 SE G4: The Black-Blue/Orange Government 2000-2006 - Its Program, its Practice and its Goals
210192 SE G4: Austria¿s Policy on Higher Education - The Implementation of the UG 2002 in the University of Vienna
210012 SE G4: Austria and the EU - The Change of the Political System
210171 SE G1, G4: European Educational Policy and Educational Systems - Humboldt in the Conflict between the Lisboa Strategy and the Bologna Process
210194 PS G5: Ethnic Minorities in Eastern Europe - Integration in and Exclsion of the Political Systems
210057 SE G5, G10: Rise and Fall of Communism - From Socialism in a Country to the End of History
210298 SE G6: Political Economy of the Corporate University - Research, Evaluation of Research and Innovation
210320 SE G6: Comparing Welfare States - Poverty in the Welfare State
210118 SE F, G6, G7: Postindustrial Welfare States - New Social Risks and Reform(in)ability of Welfare State Politics
210118 SE F, G6, G7: Postindustrial Welfare States - New Social Risks and Reform(in)ability of Welfare State Politics
140467 VO Interdisc. Lectures: Forced Freedom - Cultural Diversity, Gender Equality and Feminist Agency
210205 PS D1, G8, G10: Gender and Class - Categories of Critical Political and Social Science
210172 SE G9, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Triumph and Trauma - The "Anschluß" 1938 in a Politological and Psychoanalitical Perspective
210173 VO D3, G10: Soccer - A Contribution to a Spectacle's Phenomenology
210205 PS D1, G8, G10: Gender and Class - Categories of Critical Political and Social Science
210073 SE G10: Art between Event, Aesthetics, Science and - Nothing - (with Prof. M. Wagner, Hochschule f. Angewandte Kunst u. Prof. Chr. Ehalt, Inst. f. Anthropologie)
210057 SE G5, G10: Rise and Fall of Communism - From Socialism in a Country to the End of History
210253 SE F, G10: Hans Kelsen - Lecture Course
210172 SE G9, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Triumph and Trauma - The "Anschluß" 1938 in a Politological and Psychoanalitical Perspective
210121 SE FOP: Research Practice (Continuation of the Winter Term) - How Do International Enviromental Politics work?
210356 SE H: Diploma Course - H: Diploma Course
210357 SE H: Diploma Course - H: Diploma Course

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34