Universität Wien

1.02. Study of Religions

010223 VO Church History Compact II - The Second Christian Millennium - Von den Kreuzzügen zu Dialogtreffen der Religionen
020031 VO Middle Ages
060065 SE Rabbinic texts and history - Zur Problematik der Verwertung rabbinischer Belege für eine spätantike Geschichtsschreibung
060066 VO+UE Rabbinic story-telling - Rachel, Berurja, Akiva, Eliezer, Elischa ben Abuja u.a.
060071 VO+UE Kabbalistic Texts
020038 PS Church History Proseminar - Reformbewegungen und Reformation - von Wyclif bis Calvin
140175 SE To Teach a Monk to Be Aware of Women - The Fourth Chapter of the Second 'Member' of the Jaina Canon
140483 PS [en] Concepts of the Human Being in Early Ayurveda - Birth, Identity and Liberation
140540 SE Paralokasiddhi - The Proof of a Further Existence according to the Carakasamhita and the Epistemology of Early Ayurveda
140147 VO Aesthetics and Religion - An Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Perspective on Arts and Poetics in East and West
010063 VK Basic Questions of Canon Law 2 - Sources of Canon Law and General Norms
030416 VO Legal Position of religious communities in Austria - Zur Rechtsstellung der Religionsgemeinschaften in Österreich
060066 VO+UE Rabbinic story-telling - Rachel, Berurja, Akiva, Eliezer, Elischa ben Abuja u.a.
060070 VO+UE [de he] Readings in Biblical Hebrew
060071 VO+UE Kabbalistic Texts
140175 SE To Teach a Monk to Be Aware of Women - The Fourth Chapter of the Second 'Member' of the Jaina Canon
010035 SE Church - neighbour Baltics - Traces of its ecclesiastical past and pastoral present
010037 EX Church - neighbour Baltics - Traces of its ecclesiastical past and pastoral present (guided excursion)
140129 SE+EX Excursion or Workshop - 1. Die Safaviden: Gesellschaft, Religion und Herrschaft in Iran vom 13.-18. Jahrhundert; 2. Sufismus im nachmongolischen Iran
030344 SE Islam and Human Rights - for diploma and doctoral students
020027 SE Church Law Seminar - Kirchenrecht zwischen Theologie und Jurisprudenz. Ein interdisziplinärer Diskurs
030090 SE The presence of Religion in public space - für diploma and doctoral students
030112 SE Law of the Christian East - Freedom of Religion in Middle East (for diploma and doctoral students)
030344 SE Islam and Human Rights - for diploma and doctoral students
030358 SE Legal development of the marriage law since Joseph II - for graduate and undergraduate students
030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Revolutions and Woman´s Rights - for undergraduate and graduate students
300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
060066 VO+UE Rabbinic story-telling - Rachel, Berurja, Akiva, Eliezer, Elischa ben Abuja u.a.
060070 VO+UE [de he] Readings in Biblical Hebrew
060071 VO+UE Kabbalistic Texts
010223 VO Church History Compact II - The Second Christian Millennium - Von den Kreuzzügen zu Dialogtreffen der Religionen
140175 SE To Teach a Monk to Be Aware of Women - The Fourth Chapter of the Second 'Member' of the Jaina Canon
140483 PS [en] Concepts of the Human Being in Early Ayurveda - Birth, Identity and Liberation
140540 SE Paralokasiddhi - The Proof of a Further Existence according to the Carakasamhita and the Epistemology of Early Ayurveda
140147 VO Aesthetics and Religion - An Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Perspective on Arts and Poetics in East and West
300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
010063 VK Basic Questions of Canon Law 2 - Sources of Canon Law and General Norms
020027 SE Church Law Seminar - Kirchenrecht zwischen Theologie und Jurisprudenz. Ein interdisziplinärer Diskurs
030090 SE The presence of Religion in public space - für diploma and doctoral students
030112 SE Law of the Christian East - Freedom of Religion in Middle East (for diploma and doctoral students)
030344 SE Islam and Human Rights - for diploma and doctoral students
030358 SE Legal development of the marriage law since Joseph II - for graduate and undergraduate students
030416 VO Legal Position of religious communities in Austria - Zur Rechtsstellung der Religionsgemeinschaften in Österreich
030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Revolutions and Woman´s Rights - for undergraduate and graduate students
010035 SE Church - neighbour Baltics - Traces of its ecclesiastical past and pastoral present
010037 EX Church - neighbour Baltics - Traces of its ecclesiastical past and pastoral present (guided excursion)
140129 SE+EX Excursion or Workshop - 1. Die Safaviden: Gesellschaft, Religion und Herrschaft in Iran vom 13.-18. Jahrhundert; 2. Sufismus im nachmongolischen Iran
010038 DS Michel Foucault - Practices of Self-Formation (techniques de soi) in Graeco-Roman Antiquity and Christianity with respect to their significance for the modern age

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37