Universität Wien

Interdisciplinary Master in History and Philosophy of Science - HPS (944 - Version 2013)

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Die Lehrveranstaltungen (LVen) beginnen regelmäßig, d.h. wenn nicht anders angegeben, in der Woche, die nach einem 1. Oktober bzw. 1. März folgt.

Die Hörsäle des Instituts für Philosophie (im NIG 2. und 3. Stock) werden wie folgt bezeichnet:
3. Stock HS: 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F
2. Stock HS: 2G, 2H, 2i
Daneben finden viele LVen auch außerhalb des Instituts statt. Bitte beachten Sie die Angaben zu den einzelnen Veranstaltungen.

180065 SE Plato, Politeia
180122 VO Relativism in Political Philosophy - Historical and Political Debates
180167 SE [en] Why Should I be Responsible for my Inadvertent Acts? - Understanding the Puzzle of Responsibility in Negligence
070011 GR Guided Reading - System, Everyday, Practices: Approaches to the History of Societies During State Socialism
070048 GR Guided Reading - Ethnocentrism and national identity - The Self and the Other in East Asia (18th to 21st centuries)
070067 GR [en] Guided Reading - The historians and the public sphere - The political uses of the past
070085 GR Guided Reading - What became of the history of ideas, 1 - "Human rights" in context (Scholasticism to Enlightenment)
070097 GR Guided Reading - The Things We Carry - Migration History and Material Culture
070145 GR Guided Reading - Follow the Money - The Social & Cultural History of Financing Western & Central Europe (ca. 1000-1700)
070167 GR Guided Reading - Women´s and Gender History - Fragestellungen, Themenfelder und Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte - Guided Reading zur Vorlesung
070173 GR Guided Reading - Political Participation and Protest from the Middle Ages to the Beginning of the 20th Century
070196 GR Guided Reading - Zur gesellschaftlichen Funktion von Geschichtsschreibung
070242 GR Guided Reading - War and Peace
070270 GR Guided Reading - Social and Cultural History of the Human Body
070364 VO History of Science - Wissenschafts- und Wissensgeschichte, 1350-1850
070011 GR Guided Reading - System, Everyday, Practices: Approaches to the History of Societies During State Socialism
070048 GR Guided Reading - Ethnocentrism and national identity - The Self and the Other in East Asia (18th to 21st centuries)
070067 GR [en] Guided Reading - The historians and the public sphere - The political uses of the past
070085 GR Guided Reading - What became of the history of ideas, 1 - "Human rights" in context (Scholasticism to Enlightenment)
070097 GR Guided Reading - The Things We Carry - Migration History and Material Culture
070145 GR Guided Reading - Follow the Money - The Social & Cultural History of Financing Western & Central Europe (ca. 1000-1700)
070167 GR Guided Reading - Women´s and Gender History - Fragestellungen, Themenfelder und Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte - Guided Reading zur Vorlesung
070173 GR Guided Reading - Political Participation and Protest from the Middle Ages to the Beginning of the 20th Century
070196 GR Guided Reading - Zur gesellschaftlichen Funktion von Geschichtsschreibung
070242 GR Guided Reading - War and Peace
070270 GR Guided Reading - Social and Cultural History of the Human Body
070364 VO History of Science - Wissenschafts- und Wissensgeschichte, 1350-1850
180065 SE Plato, Politeia
180122 VO Relativism in Political Philosophy - Historical and Political Debates
180167 SE [en] Why Should I be Responsible for my Inadvertent Acts? - Understanding the Puzzle of Responsibility in Negligence
180141 EK (OV) Methods and Problems
040291 UK [en] Keynesanism and Monetarism (BA) - economic theories and methodological positions
070226 LK Reading course - History of Science
070251 SE Seminar - Working below ground. The Schwaz Mining Codex.
180051 SE Logic II
180082 SE Philosophy of Technology - Menschen, Tiere, Roboter
180088 SE Paradoxes
180095 SE [en] What is life?

Last modified: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31