Universität Wien

Bachelor Teacher training programme: History, Social Studies and Political Education (193 050, 198 411)

070122 VO (REMOTE) History of the Ancient World
070054 VO (MIXED) History of the Middle Ages
070260 VO (MIXED) History of the Middle Ages
070166 VO (REMOTE) Modern History
070242 VO (MIXED) Modern History
070067 VO (REMOTE) Contemporary History
070080 VO (REMOTE) Contemporary History
070217 VO (MIXED) Austrian History I
070145 VO (MIXED) Austrian History II
070072 VO (REMOTE) Austrian History II
070005 VO (MIXED) Economic and Social History - Economy and Society in Europe, 1000-2000
070144 VO (REMOTE) Eastern European History
070019 VO (MIXED) Women's and Gender History
070044 VO (REMOTE) Global History
070077 UE (REMOTE) Guided Reading Austrian History 2 - From the corporative state to consensus democracy: The dream of a reconciled society
070162 UE (MIXED) Guided Reading
070003 UE [en] (REMOTE) Guided Reading Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte - Banking and financial markets in the long run
070032 UE (MIXED) Guided Reading Vienna
070282 UE (MIXED) Guided Reading Vienna: Urban Development and Economy - Begriffe, Diskurse und Praktiken in transdisziplinärer und epochenübergreifender Perspektive
070275 UE (MIXED) Guided Reading Women's and Gender History - Geschlechterbeziehungen und ihre visionäre Gestaltung von "Der Stadt der Frauen" bis "Thelma and Louise"
070004 UE [en] (REMOTE) Guided Reading Globalgeschichte - Nations and empires revisited: Novel perspectives on economic and political integration in the long run
070015 UE (MIXED) Guided Reading Modern Times
070263 UE (REMOTE) Guided Reading Modern Times - History of Violence - Trends, Loose Ends and Open Question
070050 UE (REMOTE) Guided Reading Contemporary History - International Student Mobility in the 20th Century - Global South Students between East and West
070079 UE (REMOTE) Guided Reading Contemporary History - What is the economy? Approaches in the history of knowledge
070013 UE (MIXED) Guided Reading Cultural History - Ports - Gates to the World - Die Geschichte eines Stadttyps im Längsschnitt
090012 PS (REMOTESTEOP) STEOP: Introductory Seminar in Ancient History - anhand ausgewählter Beispiele
070368 PS [en] (REMOTE) Proseminar - Russia and the Sea - European Encounters Around the Baltic Rim
070039 PS (MIXED) BA-Proseminar - Letters in Late Medieval and Early Modern Times - Briefe im Spätmittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit
070048 PS (MIXED) Proseminar - Austrian History 2 - Die "Österreichfrage" als internationales Problem, 1848-1955
070160 PS (MIXED) BA-Proseminar - Microeconomics for historians - A look at the history of consumption
070294 PS [en] (REMOTE) BA-Proseminar - Early Middle Ages - Transformations in Europe and the Mediterranean, c. 300-1100
070180 PS (MIXED) BA-Proseminar - Women's and Gender History - Sports history as gender history. On the relation between sport and gender from the 19th to the 21st centuries
070042 UE (REMOTE) Reading Historiography - Politics and Religion in The Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1918
070100 UE (MIXED) Reading Historiography - Mikrogeschichte
070076 UE (REMOTE) Reading Historiography
070082 UE (REMOTE) Reading Historiography
070274 UE (MIXED) Reading Historiography - Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind... Zur Vergangenheit und Disziplinarisierung akademischer Geschichtsschreibung
070250 UE (REMOTE) Reading Historiography - (Post-)Heroische Demokratiegeschichte(n)
070129 UE (MIXED) Reading Historiography - Materielle Kultur und Geschichtswissenschaft
070164 UE (REMOTE) Reading Historiography - Marx and the Historians: Major Debates and Controversies about Historical Materialism in Historiography
070194 UE (REMOTE) Reading Historiography
070223 UE (REMOTE) Reading Historiography - im Zweiten Weltkrieg
070231 UE (MIXED) Reading Historiography - Travelling in North America, 17th-20th centuries
070234 UE (MIXED) Reading Historiography
070236 UE (MIXED) Reading Historiography
070193 KU (MIXED) Methods of Historical Research and Writing - Quellen und Archive zur Geschichte von Arbeiter*innen und Arbeiter*innenbewegung
070307 UE (REMOTE) Reading Historiography
070188 VO (MIXED) Political System of Austria and the EU - Grundlagen für die politische Bildung im Unterrichtsfach Geschichte, Sozialkunde und Politische Bildung
210048 VO (REMOTE) BAK8: International Politics
210042 VO (REMOTE) BAK7: Comparative Politics
070278 PS (MIXEDPH-WIEN) Democracy and Adolescents Lifeworlds
070300 GK (REMOTEMIXEDKPHPH-NÖPH-WIEN) Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History
070087 VK (REMOTE) Vertiefungskurs Fachdidaktik
070243 VK (MIXEDPH-WIEN) Advanced Course on History Didactics
070246 VK (MIXEDPH-WIEN) Advanced Course on History Didactics - Außerschulische Lernorte
070302 VK (MIXEDPH-NÖ) Advanced Course on History Didactics
070304 VK (MIXEDPH-NÖ) Advanced Course on History Didactics
070259 UE (MIXED) Peer Mentoring
090013 UE (REMOTE) Classical Studies
070045 SE (REMOTE) BA-Seminar
070084 SE (REMOTE) BA-Seminar - Automobilism
070165 SE (REMOTE) Seminar - (1348 - ca. 1720)
070215 SE (MIXED) Seminar - State and Citizens - Interactions in the Context of Street-Level-Bureaucracy
070230 SE [en] (REMOTE) BA-Seminar - From confrontation to EU accession - integration processes in Western and Eastern Europe in comparative perspective
070235 SE (REMOTEPH-WIEN) BA-Seminar

Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04