Universität Wien

Bachelor Geography (655 [3] - Version 2016)

Die Lehrveranstaltungen sind nach der Abfolge der Module geordnet, die in dem für das Bachelorstudium Geographie ab 1. Oktober 2016 gültigen Curriculum aufscheint. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier: https://ssc-geo-astronomie.univie.ac.at/services-info/services-spl-29/bachelorstudien/geographie/

290018 SE Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)
290015 PR Practical Course in Human Geography: District Development in Vienna - Participation, Design and Governance
290150 PR Practical Course in Human Geography: Rural Areas in Transformation - Herausforderungen - Trends - Potenziale
290402 SE [en] Bachelorseminar Human Geography - Climate Change Adaptation: Conceptual Consideration and Empirical Insights from Africa
290405 SE [en] Bachelorseminar in Human Geography - Investigating Redevelopment Projects: From Starchitect Megaproject to Community-Led Initiatives
290015 PR Practical Course in Human Geography: District Development in Vienna - Participation, Design and Governance
290085 SE Bachelorseminar Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - The Spatiality of Services of General Interest
290150 PR Practical Course in Human Geography: Rural Areas in Transformation - Herausforderungen - Trends - Potenziale
290236 PS Databases
290271 SE Bachelorseminar Cartography and Geoinformation: Geo-Multimedia - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)

Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01