Universität Wien

059912 VU Digital Innovation Lab (2024S)

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: English



Most sessions will be held in the co-working space in Apostelgasse 23, 1030 Vienna. The pitch training sessions will take place at INiTS, and the demo day in the Skylounge of the University of Vienna. The schedule below might be slightly changed before the start of the course; please refer to the final schedule provided by the course coordinator at the kick-off.

For further information, details, and updates see: https://ilabs.univie.ac.at/

If you want to participate in this course, you have to register *both* via https://ilabs.univie.ac.at/ AND u:space

Dates & Times:

5 March, 9 - 15: Opening speech and welcome, dos and don'ts of the program, and intro to the main principles of innovation @ Apostelgasse 23, 1030 Wien

8 March, 10 – 12:30: Innovation & Leadership for Innovation
11 March, 10 – 12:30: Emotional intelligence & self-awareness
12 March, 9 – 15: Business model canvas I and Minimum Viable Product I on case study
13 March, 10 – 17: Innovation atelier I – forming topics & teams
14 March, 9 – 13: Why startups fail
18 March, 9 – 12: Strategy
19 March, 10 – 17: Innovation atelier II – theory input & observation strategy
20 March, 13 – 15: Team dynamics & team profiles

9 April, 10 – 17: Innovation atelier III – Presencing
10 April, 10 – 17: Innovation atelier IV – Prototyping 1
15 April, 9 – 15: Large Language Models (TBC)
16 April, 14 – 16: Team coaching
17 April, 9 – 15: Team activity I
18 April, 9 – 15: Doing data Science
23 April, 9 – 13: Digital Ethics and Ethical digital entrepreneurship
24 April, 9 – 15: Business Model Canvas II
25 April, 9 – 15: Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality
7 May, 10 – 17: Innovation atelier V – Prototyping 2

14 May, 9 – 15: Business Model Canvas III
15 May, 9 – 15: Minimum Viable Product II
16 May, 9 – 15: Team activity II
21 May, 12 – 15: Legal considerations I
23 May, 9 - 15: Financial modeling I
28 May, 9 – 12: Strategy, competition, and Market analysis
29 May, 9 – 12: Legal considerations II & mentoring
4 June, 9 – 15: Team activity III
5 June, 9 – 15: Market research
11 June, 9 – 12: Legal considerations III & mentoring
12 June, 9 – 15: Wrap up – bringing all together
13 June, 9 - 15: Team activity IV
14 June, 10 – 12: Pitch training I
18 June, 9 – 14: Pitch training II
19 June, 9 – 14: Pitch training III
20 June, 9 – 14: Pitch training IV

21 June, 17 – 21: pitch competition and award ceremony @ Skylounge (https://event.univie.ac.at/raummanagement/standorte-und-raeume/oskar-morgenstern-platz-1/sky-lounge/ )


Aims, contents and method of the course

This is a course on digital entrepreneurship and innovation. It is part of the Digital Entrepreneurship Innovation Lab Program: https://ilabs.univie.ac.at/ bringing students and researchers from different disciplines together to collaborate on innovations and entrepreneurial ideas.

The goals of this course are twofold:
1 | You will learn about theoretical foundations in the fields of innovation, (digital) entrepreneurship, business models/modeling, legal & ethical issues, as well as advanced topics in data science such as deep learning, digital ethics, etc. In addition, you will learn about approaches to innovation, knowledge creation, and user-centered design/human-technology relations.
2 | In the second part of the course you will develop a concrete innovation project where the theoretical insights from part 1 are applied and design a first prototype.

The overarching scope of this project addresses the topic of (the future of) human-technology-relations; it is understood as an interdisciplinary challenge that is not only restricted to technological issues, but considers humanities (philosophy, social science, etc.) as a key element for being able to create sustainable innovations.
This happens in the format of an innovation atelier, in which an innovation prototype is developed in different workshop settings; The innovation process follows the approach of emergent innovation ("Learning from the future as it emerges" | Theory-U) and extends from brainstorming, research and observation processes, identification of future potentials, prototyping and selected methods of design thinking to the development and presentation of a first prototype.
In this course, state-of-the-art innovation and knowledge generation concepts and technologies are practically applied in concrete settings (e.g. making implicit assumptions explicit, understanding perception and thought patterns, theory-u/presencing, various modes of profound and qualitative/ ethnographic observation, interviews, deep knowing, exploring potential, prototyping, etc.).
Students work (individually and in innovation teams) & autonomously under the guidance of the course instructors along a predefined innovation process on an innovation project; in this way they learn theoretical and practical skills and mindsets to carry out their own future-driven innovation project. The course instructors accompany the students and innovation teams as a coach/facilitator through this innovation process.

Learning outcomes:
> understanding basics of innovation and its relation to entrepreneurship
> understanding the differences between innovation approaches and their theoretical foundations with respect to change and novelty (philosophy of science, cognitive science)
> ability to develop an innovation project in an innovation team
> knowledge of group/team and communication dynamics, understanding their importance in innovation processes (in terms of socio-epistemic knowledge creation), and ability to consider and facilitate such dynamics
> basic knowledge and understanding of observation methods and strategies
> knowing why, how, and when to apply observation strategies in innovation projects
> understanding prototyping and its principles and purpose
> knowing how and when to apply prototyping strategies/methods in innovation projects
> fundamentals of human-computer interaction, human-technology interaction; its principles and design
> basics of human-centered design
> understanding of concepts: (digital) entrepreneurship, business models/modeling, legal & ethical issues, advanced topics in data science such as deep learning and financial econometrics

Target groups: This course is open to students of all majors; it is interdisciplinary and is particularly aimed at students who are interested in going through a state-of-the art innovation process and whose future field of work is in knowledge- and innovation-intensive fields/areas and or entrepreneurial/start-up contexts.

Assessment and permitted materials

This is a course with continuous assessment.
Domains of assessment:
- Attendance
- Final presentation
- Documentation
- Continuous assessment throughout project development with “accomplished milestones”

For details see section “Minimum requirements and assessment criteria”

For further information on deadlines and uploads see the associated Moodle course.
By registering for this course, you agree that the automated plagiarism check software Turnitin will check all written partial performances submitted by you (in moodle).

Projects presented on Pitch Day are eligible to receive financial and mentoring support to bring their project to reality. For further information see the website: https://ilabs.univie.ac.at/

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

- Successful registration and admission to this course in u:space as well as through the required additional registration available at https://ilabs.univie.ac.at/
- Your attendance at the first course session/kick-off event (otherwise you will lose your place on that course)

- Active participation in the innovation project in the innovation team you have chosen for the chosen innovation topic
- Active participation in research, in the development and presentation of the innovation project and in documentation/reflection
- Timely submission of the required documents by the specified deadlines (see Moodle)
- Note: attendance is a basic requirement (miss max. 2 times) -- if you are unable to attend a unit, please be sure to inform the course instructor and the colleagues of your innovation team in good time before the respective unit.

Point system & deliverables for innovation atelier
- Active participation in class/sessions -- 12 points
- Reflection on topic, group, and goals -- 3 points
- Setting up project plattform -- 2 points
- Observation strategy -- 3 points
- 2xPeer feedback on observation strategy -- 7 points
- Reflection during observation -- 3 points
- 2xPeer feedback on observation results/insights -- 7 points
- Reflection on presencing and crystallising -- 3 points
- Prototyping strategy -- 3 points
- 2xPeer feedback on prototyping strategy -- 7 points
- Reflection on prototyping -- 3 points
- 2x Peer feedback on prototype (before final pitch/presentation) -- 7 points
- Final presentation of prototype/project (final pitch on 12 July) -- 40 points (see innovation and presentation criteria below)

You can find the deadlines in the associated Moodle course. The deliverables will have to be uploaded there as well.

Grading/Criteria for the final pitch/presentation:
max 40 points for final pitch:
A | innovation criteria (rating the "content") -- 20 points max sum score
B | presentation (rating "the form", how content was delivered) -- 20 points max sum score

A | innovation criteria (rating the "content") -- 20 points max sum score
1. Feasibility (how "far along" the prototype/project idea is in terms of level of implementation and its concreteness. If it is still rather conceptual and how to implement it is rather unclear, rate 1. If it could easily be realized right away, rate 5)
2. Originality (consider how unique, special, and novel the project/idea is in comparison to already established services/products/etc. on a scale from 1 to 5. 1 would be "more of the same", 5 is a genuinely novel approach to /interpretation of the area of innovation)
3. Sustainability (in terms of "environmental fit" with the intended field/market/niche/research area. Rate potential of prototype/project idea to have long-term success under real-world conditions on a scale from 1 to 5)
4. Impact (how impactful is it, i.e. can it cause a transformation/change in the intended area/field/market/niche? 1 is unlikely to affect it at all, 5 would mean it has a potentially disruptive effect)

B | presentation (rating "the form", how content was delivered) -- 20 points max sum score
→ 20 points for the presentation itself, 5 points per criterion (the more points, the better the criterion was met)
1. Overall structure and coherence of presentation
2. Clarity and comprehensibility of presentation
3. Use of creative presentation techniques/dramaturgical elements,
4. Timekeeping/time management (e.g. finish the pitch/presented everything in time, adapted if time ran out, manage to focus/prioritize)

Grading scheme:
0-60 = grade 5 / nicht genügend
61-70 = grade 4 / genügend
71-80 = grade 3 / befriedigend
81-90 = grade 2 / gut
91-100 = grade 1 / sehr gut

Examination topics

See section on Objectives & Contents as well as section on Minimum requirements and assessment criteria.

Reading list

On innovation:
Chen, J., A. Brem, and P.K. Wong (Eds.) (2019). The Routledge Companion to innovation management. Oxon, New York: Routledge.
Dodgson, M. and D. Gann (2010). Innovation. A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Edwards-Schachter, M. (2018). The nature and variety of innovation. International Journal of Innovation Studies 2018.
Peschl, M.F., T. Fundneider, and A. Kulick (2015). On the limitations of classical approaches to innovation. From predicting the future to enabling "thinking from the future as it emerges". In Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development (Ed.), Designing the Future: Economic, Societal and Political Dimensions of Innovation, pp. 454–475. Wien: Echomedia.
Peschl, M.F. (2019). Design and innovation as co‐creating and co‐becoming with the future. Design Management Journal 14(1), 4–14.
Scharmer, C.O. (2016). Theory U. Leading from the future as it emerges. The social technology of presencing (second ed.). San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Tidd, J and J. Bessant (2020). Managing innovation. Integrating technological, market and organizational change (7th ed.). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

On Entrepreneurship:
Blank, S. (2013). Why the Lean Start-up Changes Everything. Harvard Business Review Link: https://hbr.org/2013/05/why-the-lean-start-up-changes-everything
Bland, D. J. and Osterwalder, A. (2019). Testing Business Ideas. Link: https://www.strategyzer.com/library/testing-business-ideas-book

On legal considerations:
1. European IP Helpdesk, “Your Guide to IP in Europe” (2019), https://intellectual-property-helpdesk.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2021-01/EU-IPR-Guide-IP-in-Europe-EN.pdf
2. European IP Helpdesk, “Joint Ownership” (2022), https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/3f3f4f1d-87fa-11ec-8c40-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-284756646
3. European IP Helpdesk, “Inventorship, authorship and ownership” (2022), https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/e8312ba4-4aa1-11ed-92ed-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-284756659
4. European Data Protection Supervisor, “Flowcharts and Checklists on Data Protection” (2020), https://edps.europa.eu/sites/edp/files/publication/flowcharts_and_checklists_on_data_protection_brochure_en_1.pdf
5. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, “Handbook on European data protection law” (2018), https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/5b0cfa83-63f3-11e8-ab9c-01aa75ed71a1
6. CNIL (French Data Protection Authority), “Self-assessment guide for artificial intelligence (AI) systems”, https://www.cnil.fr/en/self-assessment-guide-artificial-intelligence-ai-systems
7. High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, “Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence” (2019), https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/library/ethics-guidelines-trustworthy-ai

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Sa 27.04.2024 16:25