Universität Wien

142246 BA The image of women in South Asian art: Cultural Studies (2024S)

Continuous assessment of course work

Nur gemeinsam mit LV-Nr. 140248 zu absolvieren.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 35 participants
Language: German



The first unit will take place on Friday 01.03.2024.
Further dates by arrangement.


Aims, contents and method of the course

The bachelor seminar offers a comprehensive examination of the image of women in modern and contemporary South Asian art by bringing together artistic forms of expression, cultural contexts and gender perspectives. The course is aimed at students with an interest in cultural studies perspectives on artistic creation in the Indian subcontinent.
The seminar focuses on analysing and critically reflecting on the image of women and the representation of femininity in various artistic media, taking into account the cultural, social and historical contexts.

1. to research and analyse works of art (painting, sculpture, film) from South Asia that focus on women and the female body.
2. critically analysing artistic representations with regard to gender roles, identity and socio-cultural influences.
3. deepening the understanding of the diversity of artistic forms of expression in South Asia.
4. development of interdisciplinary perspectives through the combination of critical textual and visual analysis and a broad range of cultural studies approaches.

Methods include:
1. analysis of artworks and texts: students will consider different concepts and expressions of femininity in visual and performing arts and analyse them in the context of their respective cultural backgrounds.
2. interdisciplinary discussion: different perspectives and approaches, especially from art and cultural studies, South Asian studies, gender studies, literature, etc. will be incorporated into the discourse.

Assessment and permitted materials

Compulsory attendance;
Active participation (30% of the overall performance): regular reading and (written) preparation of texts
approx. 20-minute presentation with handout (20% of the overall performance)
Bachelor's thesis (50% of the overall performance)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Minimum requirements:
Good language skills in a modern South Asian language required. The BA seminar must be completed with a BA thesis, which consists of a philological part and a cultural studies part.
Regular and active participation in all sessions of the seminar.

Examination topics

The examination material includes the excerpts from the research literature announced before the individual sessions and a literature list specified for the preparation of the Bachelor's thesis.
(selected literature and presentations will be made available on Moodle)

Reading list

The literature and other relevant materials are provided via Moodle.

Association in the course directory

BA18 a (mod)

Last modified: Mo 26.02.2024 13:06