Universität Wien

Bachelor Religious Education (Emphasis: Catholic Religious Education) (195 [7] - Version 2017)

020034 VO-L (ON-SITE) STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia
020040 PS (STEOPON-SITE) Introduction to scientific working
020029 VO (MIXED) Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
010028 VO (ON-SITE) Medieval philosophy
010132 VO (ON-SITE) Ancient Philosophy
490033 PR (MIXED) Orientation Practicum
010012 SE Thinking Philosophically and Theologically - In consideration of primary level
010041 SE Specific subject didactics - Main focus primary level
010034 VO (MIXED) Christian Social Ethics I - Sozialverkündigung, Sozialprinzipien und Ethik des Sozialstaats
010006 VO (ON-SITE) Christology
010008 VO (ON-SITE) Dogmatics: On God
010083 VO (MIXED) Metaphysics
010046 SE Intersectionality and the Pluralism of Identities - The Relation of Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity and today
010097 SE Titel
010118 SE (ON-SITE) God's Dwelling Among Us - Jewish theology of indwelling and Christian faith in the incarnation in conversation

Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01