Universität Wien

010099 VU Transformations of Contemporary Atheism (2024S)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 1 - Katholische Theologie
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung


Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").


Sprache: Englisch


Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert

Montag 15.04. 08:00 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7 Hauptgebäude, Tiefparterre Stiege 9 Hof 5
Dienstag 16.04. 08:00 - 11:15 Seminarraum 4 (Kath) Schenkenstraße EG
Mittwoch 17.04. 08:00 - 11:15 Seminarraum 5 (Kath) Schenkenstraße 1.OG
Donnerstag 18.04. 08:00 - 13:00 Seminarraum 7 Hauptgebäude, Tiefparterre Stiege 9 Hof 5
Freitag 19.04. 08:00 - 13:00 Seminarraum 7 Hauptgebäude, Tiefparterre Stiege 9 Hof 5


Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung

The course focuses on analyzing the changes in the concept of atheism in European thinking and society during the modern period. It will concentrate on several levels that relate to this phenomenon. The first will be the semantic level, then the philosophical level and finally the socio-political level. The course will aim to show that modern atheism is essentially an ideological and political concept whose analytical use in science is quite limited. The attention will be paid not only to the analysis and critical reflection of the "classical" forms of modern atheism (e.g. "Enlightenment" atheism, Marxist atheism, Positivist atheism, etc.) but also its contemporary forms, especially so-called new atheism, as well as the recent attempts to critically deal with the phenomenon of atheism in modern Western society, which is connected with attempts to redefine it and apply new typologies, as well as the introduction of new categories, especially the category of unbelief.

Structure of the course:
1. Basic definition of atheism
2. Genealogy of the term and its oldest use
3. Modernist redefinition of atheism
4. From the theological category to the political category
5. Enlightenment atheism
6. Marxist atheism
7. Positivist atheism
8. Existentialist atheism
9. Atheism, secularism, and modern society. Attempts to create an analytical category
10. The so-called new atheism
11. Sociological perspective and concept of unbelief
12. Atheism from a CSR perspective

Method of the course:
Lectures, discussions, reading materials

Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel

Active participation in lectures and seminars (30 %), involvement in final discussions (20 %), final essay (50 %)

Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab

Active participation in lectures and seminars (30 %), involvement in final discussions (20 %), final essay (50 %)


PowerPoint presentations, texts


BUBÍK, Tomáš – REMEL, Atko – VÁCLAVÍK, David (eds.). Freethought and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe: The Development of Secularity and Non-Religion (Routledge Studies in Religion). New York – London: Routledge 2020, 346 s., ISBN 978-0367226312
NORENZAYAN, Ara. Big gods: how religion transformed cooperation and conflict. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013. xiii, 248. ISBN 9780691151212.
MCGRATH, Alister E. The twilight of atheism: the rise and fall of disbelief in the modern world. 1st ed. London: Rider, 2004. xiii, 306. ISBN 1844131556.
BAGGINI, Julian. Atheism: a very short introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. 119 p. ISBN 0192804243.
Religion and the new atheism: a critical appraisal. Edited by Amarnath Amarasingam. Boston: Brill, 2010. xv, 253. ISBN 9789004185579
SMITH, George H. Why atheism? Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2000. 250 p. ISBN 1573922684.
A short history of atheism. Edited by Gavin Hyman. New York: In the United States of America and Canada distributed by Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. xx, 212 p. ISBN 9781848851375.
The Cambridge companion to atheism. Edited by Michael Martin. First publishing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. xix, 331. ISBN 9780521603676.

Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis

066 800: M2.7; M15; M18; BRP 17rwb; BRP 09rwb

Letzte Änderung: Mi 31.01.2024 16:05