Universität Wien
Achtung! Das Lehrangebot ist noch nicht vollständig und wird bis Semesterbeginn laufend ergänzt.

070195 UE Guided Reading Global History - Europe and China (2022W)

5.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 7 - Geschichte
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung


Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").


max. 25 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch


Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert

  • Montag 10.10. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 17.10. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 24.10. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 31.10. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 07.11. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 14.11. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 21.11. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 28.11. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 05.12. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 12.12. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 09.01. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 16.01. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 23.01. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00
  • Montag 30.01. 12:30 - 14:00 Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, EG00


Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung

The course looks at the contacts between Europe and Imperial China (including the broader East Asian and Inner Asian macro-regions) roughly between the 13th and 19th centuries.
Each week we will read and analyse a primary source (e.g. official historiography, travelogues, diaries, letters) compiled by various actors (merchants, priests, diplomats, soldiers) who played a role in shaping the reciprocal image and cultural understanding of the Chinese and European worlds.

After attending the course, the students will:
- have a knowledge of the main chronology, the geography, main events and fundamental concepts to understand East Asian history
- be able to contextualize and work critically with primary sources
- be able to write academically and express critically their thoughts on the readings

Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel


The grade is divided as follows:

- Participation, Attendance, Reading of Assigned texts: 0-25 pt
- Written assignments 0-75 pt

Each week you have to submit an assignment on the given readings. Either you submit the answer to the 3 questions or a source analysis.

Answer to the 3 questions (counts for attendance):

The assignment of answering the 3 questions has been implemented to ensure that you do the readings every week.

Submit them (every time you don't submit a written assignment) as part of the requirements for the 0-20 pt for attendance. If you don't submit them (every single time you don't submit a source analysis) will affect the final grade negatively (-1 to max. -20 pt for attendance). Students can get a + on these assigments and a mere reminder that the assignment has been done more than well: if a student gets many +, they will count for extra points for the final grade (max. 5 extra points).

Written assignments (0-75 points total) consist of:
- 6 source analyses (for 0-60 points)
- mid-term survey (0-15 points)

Source analysis:
Each student has to submit 6 source analyses by the end of the course, for 0-60 pt. The first and the last source analyses are mandatory.
The format has to be pdf or Microsoft Word, 2-3 pages, double-spaced lines, 12 points Times New Roman, margins: 1cm left, top and bottom, 2,5 cm right. The paper can be written in French, English, Italian or German. Do not go beyond 4 pages. DO NOT SIMPLY SUMMARIZE THE TEXT. Concentrate on one topic or idea that appears in the source.

When the source analysis is particularly well done, students can get a +. If a student gets many +, they will count for extra points for the final grade (max. 5 extra points).

This means that the final grade is the sum of class participation + 13 assignments in total: 7 written assignments (for 0-75 pt) plus 6 times answering the 3 questions (as part of attendance, which counts in total for 0-25 pt). Anything less than that will affect negatively the final grade. Extra points (max. 5) can be allocated either for constant, particularly active participation in class or for assignments done extra well.

Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab

To pass the course you need to reach 51 points. The grading scale of the course is as follows:

0-50 -> 5; 51-62.5 -> 4, 63-75 -> 3; 75.5-87.5 -> 2; 88-105 -> 1


will be uploaded on moodle at the beginning of the course


will be uploaded on moodle at the beginning of the course

Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis

Vertiefung zu: VO Globalgeschichte

BA Geschichte (2012): Mittelalter, Neuzeit
BA Geschichte (2019): Globalgeschichte
BEd UF Geschichte: Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Globalgeschichte

Letzte Änderung: So 09.10.2022 12:48