Universität Wien

120133 SE Linguistics Seminar (222) = Seminar 1/2 MA (Historical & Descriptive Linguistics) (2010S)

A brief history of time (or actually 'tense', 'mood', 'aspect' and all that)

10.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 12 - Anglistik
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung

Diese LVA gilt für das Masterstudium English Language and Linguistics nach UG2002, das Diplomstudium (UniStG) und das Lehramt UF Englisch (UniStG).


Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").


max. 18 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch


Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert

Montag 08.03. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 15.03. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 22.03. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 12.04. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 19.04. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 26.04. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 03.05. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 10.05. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 17.05. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 31.05. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 07.06. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 14.06. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 21.06. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07
Montag 28.06. 14:00 - 16:00 Besprechungsraum Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-O2-07


Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung

In this seminar we shall investigate how the grammar of English helps (a) to construct concepts such as states, events, their unfolding, and the temporal relations among them, and (b) to express how speakers relate themselves and their speech acts to the processes they communicate about. In other words, we shall learn about tense (past, present, future, etc.), aspect (perfect, imperfect, progressive, etc.) and mood (reality, possibility, obligation, etc.). Although our starting point will be the present, we shall try to explain how the components of the contemporary tense-aspect-mood system (TAM) have emerged historically.

Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel

Participants will be assessed on the basis of (a) class participation, (b) short project outlines and bibliographies, (c) oral presentations and (d) written research papers. All presentations will take place during a seminar conference at the beginning of June (June 11th, afternoon, and June 12th, all day). The conference will be held jointly with Prof. Seidlhofer's seminar. Full participation is mandatory, so please bear this in mind when registering for the course.

Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab

We shall improve our skills in grammatical analysis and deepen our understanding of the English verbal system. We shall also learn how to explain contemporary grammar in historical terms and how to extract relevant evidence of historical processes from available (diachronic) corpora of English texts.


In an introductory phase, the agenda of the seminar will be presented and discussed, and participants will choose their topics. In the following workshop sessions we shall practice our skills in the grammatical analysis of present day English and of earlier stages in its development. We shall also practice the use of electronic corpora. During a seminar conference on the 11th and the 12th of June participants will report on the progress of their projects and attempt to make their findings relevant to one another. The final part of the seminar will be dedicated to the production of written research papers, which will be due in the first week of July.


An introductory list of references will be distributed during one of the first seminar sessions. Intruductory texts and basic reference works will be made available in the departmental library.

Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis

Diplom 343, UF 344, MA812
LI 12-0168, SP-Code 222, 226/228, 236/238, 821, 721-723 / M04

Letzte Änderung: Mo 07.09.2020 15:33