Achtung! Das Lehrangebot ist noch nicht vollständig und wird bis Semesterbeginn laufend ergänzt.
135814 KO Mapping "African-Diasporic" Literary Voices in the Austrian Cultural Scene (2023S)
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Mi 01.02.2023 00:01 bis Mi 22.02.2023 23:59
- Abmeldung bis Fr 31.03.2023 23:59
max. 30 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch
Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert
The course will be held in a hybrid format (changing between onsite sessions and online sessions )!
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG -
11:15 - 12:45
Hybride Lehre
Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
Expectations on Students and breakdown of the final grade
1. Regular and ACTIVE participation in class and participation in the class excursion
2. Submission of a short report on the class excursion (20%)
3. Group research and group oral presentations on an author’s work (30%)
4. Critical reading, thinking, handling, and writing
5. The readiness to go the extra mile
6. Submission of a 10 pages essay at the end of the semester (50%)
Recommendations for the style sheet:
1. Regular and ACTIVE participation in class and participation in the class excursion
2. Submission of a short report on the class excursion (20%)
3. Group research and group oral presentations on an author’s work (30%)
4. Critical reading, thinking, handling, and writing
5. The readiness to go the extra mile
6. Submission of a 10 pages essay at the end of the semester (50%)
Recommendations for the style sheet:
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
Expectations on Students and breakdown of the final grade
1. Regular and ACTIVE participation in class and participation in the class excursion
2. Submission of a short report on the class excursion (20%)
3. Group research and group oral presentations on an author’s work (30%)
4. Critical reading, thinking, handling, and writing
5. The readiness to go the extra mile
6. Submission of a 10 pages essay at the end of the semester (50%)
Recommendations for the style sheet:
1. Regular and ACTIVE participation in class and participation in the class excursion
2. Submission of a short report on the class excursion (20%)
3. Group research and group oral presentations on an author’s work (30%)
4. Critical reading, thinking, handling, and writing
5. The readiness to go the extra mile
6. Submission of a 10 pages essay at the end of the semester (50%)
Recommendations for the style sheet:
Reading and in-depth analysis of selected literary works, articles, book chapters, video material and pieces presented at poetry slam contests in English, French, and translated from Arabic and Amharic; meet the author sessions, class excursion to the African Literature Days in Graz, May 6-7, 2023.
Reading and in-depth analysis of selected literary works, articles, book chapters, video material and pieces presented at poetry slam contests in English, French, and translated from Arabic and Amharic; meet the author sessions, class excursion to the African Literature Days in Graz, May 6-7, 2023.
Reading list (No worries! To be read/shared in groups!)
Introductory Reading
Bazuaye,Yomi. 2018. "Afropea A Map of the African Diaspora in Europe."
Brancato, Sabrina: Afro-European Literature(s): A New Discursive Category? In: Research in African Literatures, 39 (3) 2008, pp. 1-13.
Chevrier, Jacques. 2004. 'Afrique(s)-sur-Seine : autour de la notion de ‘migritude'. Notre Librairie 155156, 96100.
Christiansen, Elke / Englert, Birgit: "Zimt duftet in Wien". Ishraga Mustafa Hamid im Gespräch mit Elke Christiansen und Birgit Englert. In: Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien 1(2) 2001, pp. 87-95.
Craith, Mairead Nic: "Migrant" writing and the re-imagined community: discourses of inclusion/exclusion. In: German Politics and Society, 33 (1) 2015, pp. 84-99.
Etwebi, Ashur: Tarek Eltayeb: Kommunikation in Echtzeit. Interview. In: Iowa Writing University, 2010, (last access: 03.01.23.)
Garrido, Felipe Espinoza/Koegler, Caroline/Nyangulu, Deborah/Stein, Mark U. 2020. "Introduction. African European Studies as a Critique of Contingent Belonging." In. Garrido/Koegler/Nyangulu/Stein (eds.). Locating African European Studies: Interventions, Intersections, Conversations. New York: Routledge.
Grabovszki, Ernst: Österreich als literarischer Erfahrungsraum zugewanderter Autorinnen und Autoren. In: Schmitz, Helmut (ed.): Von der Nationalen zur Internationalen Literatur: Transkulturelle Deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur im Zeitalter globaler Migration. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2009, pp. 275-292.
Innes Lyn/Stein, Mark U. (eds.) 2008. African European. Special Issue, Wasafiri: The Magazine of International Contemporary Writing 23/4.
Kebede, Mihret: Die Anhörung des Schweigens. In: Kessé, Emily Ngubia (ed.): Stille Macht. Silence und Dekolonisierung; Silence, Wissen und Machtstrukturen. Berlin: w_orten & meer, 2018, pp. 89-114.
Kieselbach, Sabine: Fiston Mwanza Mujila: "Für mich ist Literatur eine Brücke zwischen Afrika und Europa". Interview. In: DW, 2017,ür-mich-ist-literatur-eine-brücke-zwischen-afrika-und-europa/a-39565787 (last access: 03.01.2023.)
Lichtungen. Zeitschrift für Literatur, Kunst und Zeitkritik. Schwerpunkt: Afrikanische Präsenz in der österreichischen Literatur. 167, 2021.
Mwanza, Fiston Mwanza (Hrsg.) 2021. Kontinentaldrift. Das Schwarze Europa. Heidelberg: Wunderhorn.
Sultanija, Iva / Hofbauer, Luis: Sound of Silence Mihret Kebede. Radio-Interview. In: Radio Grille, 2022, (last access 03.01.23.)
Van Deventer, Allison/Thomas, Dominic. 2011. 'Afro-European Studies: Emerging Fields and New Directions.' In: Behdad, Ali/Thomas, Dominic (eds.): A Companion to Comparative Literature. Malen, MA: Wiley, 335356.
Selected works by African-Diasporic writers in Austria
1. Chiebonam Nnebedum, Precious. 2022. Birthmarks. Gedichte. Englisch. Deutsch. Haymon: Innsbruck.
2. Eltayeb, Tarek. 2007.Das Palmenhaus. Schiler: Berlin.
Eltayeb, Tarek. Städte ohne Dattelpalmen. 2020. Edition selene: Wien.
3. Mujila, Fiston Mwanza. Tram 83. 2016. Librairie Générale Française: Paris.
Mujila, Fiston Mwanza. 2022. La danse du vilain. Éditions Flore Zoa: Dakar, Yaoundé.
4. Mustafa Hamid, Ishraga. 2017. Das Weibliche der Flöte. Löcker: Wien.
Mustafa Hamid, Ishraga. 2014.Gesichter der Donau: Lyrik und Prosa. Wien: Löcker: Wien.
5. Sakin, Abdelaziz Baraka, Orth, Günther (übers). 2021. Der Messiah von Darfur: Edition Orient: Berlin 2021.
Introductory Reading
Bazuaye,Yomi. 2018. "Afropea A Map of the African Diaspora in Europe."
Brancato, Sabrina: Afro-European Literature(s): A New Discursive Category? In: Research in African Literatures, 39 (3) 2008, pp. 1-13.
Chevrier, Jacques. 2004. 'Afrique(s)-sur-Seine : autour de la notion de ‘migritude'. Notre Librairie 155156, 96100.
Christiansen, Elke / Englert, Birgit: "Zimt duftet in Wien". Ishraga Mustafa Hamid im Gespräch mit Elke Christiansen und Birgit Englert. In: Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien 1(2) 2001, pp. 87-95.
Craith, Mairead Nic: "Migrant" writing and the re-imagined community: discourses of inclusion/exclusion. In: German Politics and Society, 33 (1) 2015, pp. 84-99.
Etwebi, Ashur: Tarek Eltayeb: Kommunikation in Echtzeit. Interview. In: Iowa Writing University, 2010, (last access: 03.01.23.)
Garrido, Felipe Espinoza/Koegler, Caroline/Nyangulu, Deborah/Stein, Mark U. 2020. "Introduction. African European Studies as a Critique of Contingent Belonging." In. Garrido/Koegler/Nyangulu/Stein (eds.). Locating African European Studies: Interventions, Intersections, Conversations. New York: Routledge.
Grabovszki, Ernst: Österreich als literarischer Erfahrungsraum zugewanderter Autorinnen und Autoren. In: Schmitz, Helmut (ed.): Von der Nationalen zur Internationalen Literatur: Transkulturelle Deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur im Zeitalter globaler Migration. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2009, pp. 275-292.
Innes Lyn/Stein, Mark U. (eds.) 2008. African European. Special Issue, Wasafiri: The Magazine of International Contemporary Writing 23/4.
Kebede, Mihret: Die Anhörung des Schweigens. In: Kessé, Emily Ngubia (ed.): Stille Macht. Silence und Dekolonisierung; Silence, Wissen und Machtstrukturen. Berlin: w_orten & meer, 2018, pp. 89-114.
Kieselbach, Sabine: Fiston Mwanza Mujila: "Für mich ist Literatur eine Brücke zwischen Afrika und Europa". Interview. In: DW, 2017,ür-mich-ist-literatur-eine-brücke-zwischen-afrika-und-europa/a-39565787 (last access: 03.01.2023.)
Lichtungen. Zeitschrift für Literatur, Kunst und Zeitkritik. Schwerpunkt: Afrikanische Präsenz in der österreichischen Literatur. 167, 2021.
Mwanza, Fiston Mwanza (Hrsg.) 2021. Kontinentaldrift. Das Schwarze Europa. Heidelberg: Wunderhorn.
Sultanija, Iva / Hofbauer, Luis: Sound of Silence Mihret Kebede. Radio-Interview. In: Radio Grille, 2022, (last access 03.01.23.)
Van Deventer, Allison/Thomas, Dominic. 2011. 'Afro-European Studies: Emerging Fields and New Directions.' In: Behdad, Ali/Thomas, Dominic (eds.): A Companion to Comparative Literature. Malen, MA: Wiley, 335356.
Selected works by African-Diasporic writers in Austria
1. Chiebonam Nnebedum, Precious. 2022. Birthmarks. Gedichte. Englisch. Deutsch. Haymon: Innsbruck.
2. Eltayeb, Tarek. 2007.Das Palmenhaus. Schiler: Berlin.
Eltayeb, Tarek. Städte ohne Dattelpalmen. 2020. Edition selene: Wien.
3. Mujila, Fiston Mwanza. Tram 83. 2016. Librairie Générale Française: Paris.
Mujila, Fiston Mwanza. 2022. La danse du vilain. Éditions Flore Zoa: Dakar, Yaoundé.
4. Mustafa Hamid, Ishraga. 2017. Das Weibliche der Flöte. Löcker: Wien.
Mustafa Hamid, Ishraga. 2014.Gesichter der Donau: Lyrik und Prosa. Wien: Löcker: Wien.
5. Sakin, Abdelaziz Baraka, Orth, Günther (übers). 2021. Der Messiah von Darfur: Edition Orient: Berlin 2021.
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
MA M1MA Afrikawissenschaften: SAL.T1, SAL.T2
Letzte Änderung: Do 04.07.2024 00:13
This conversation is envisioned as a long-term process. We will start with an inventory of these voices in Austria before narrowing the course down to paying closer attention to the works of selected African-Diasporic voices in the Austrian literary scene from a comparative perspective.
1. To design a map of the who is who of the African-Diasporic literary scene in Austria
2. To do comparative case studies of the literary œuvre of selected writers
3. To draw the attention of my co-teachers to the relevance of ‘other(ed)’ voices in the Austrian literary scene
4. To develop a consciousness of the ties between literature and migration, integration/participation, intercultural and intercontinental communication
5. To foster a reflection on literature festivals, literary institutions, and academic discourse
1. ACTIVE reading of texts, research, and ACTIVE participation in class
2. Group work throughout the semester
3. Group research and oral presentations/reports on selected topics
4. Class excursion to the African Literature Days in Graz (May 6-7, 2023)
Reading and in-depth analysis of selected literary works, articles, book chapters, video material, and pieces presented at poetry slam contests in English, French, and translated from Arabic and Amharic; meet the author sessions, class excursion to the African Literature Days in Graz, May 6-7, 2023.