Universität Wien

180214 SE Systems thinking and interdisciplinarity for tackling wicked problems (2024W)

5.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 18 - Philosophie
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung

Hinweis der SPL Philosophie:

Das Abgeben von ganz oder teilweise von einem KI-tool (z.B. ChatGPT) verfassten Texten als Leistungsnachweis (z.B. Seminararbeit) ist nur dann erlaubt, wenn dies von der Lehrveranstaltungsleitung ausdrücklich als mögliche Arbeitsweise genehmigt wurde. Auch hierbei müssen direkt oder indirekt zitierte Textstellen wie immer klar mit Quellenangabe ausgewiesen werden.

Die Lehrveranstaltungsleitung kann zur Überprüfung der Autorenschaft einer abgegebenen schriftlichen Arbeit ein notenrelevantes Gespräch (Plausibilitätsprüfung) vorsehen, das erfolgreich zu absolvieren ist.
Fr 18.10. 13:15-16:30 Hörsaal 2i NIG 2.Stock C0228


Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").


max. 25 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch


Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert

  • Freitag 25.10. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 2i NIG 2.Stock C0228
  • Freitag 15.11. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 2i NIG 2.Stock C0228
  • Freitag 29.11. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 2i NIG 2.Stock C0228
  • Freitag 13.12. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 2i NIG 2.Stock C0228
  • Freitag 10.01. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 2i NIG 2.Stock C0228
  • Freitag 24.01. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 2i NIG 2.Stock C0228


Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung

Many pressing societal issues (social and gender inequalities, migration, new technologies, climate change mitigation, etc.) turn out to be “wicked problems”: They seem impossible to solve due to their inherent complexity (many interdependent facets), uncertainty (crucial unknowns) and value divergence (disagreement/controversy/polarization). They involve diverse stakeholders, cut across various fields of knowledge, and span public and private spheres. This course provides a practical introduction to addressing wicked problems through joint problem framing in a transformative learning setting. It employs knowledge and tools from systems thinking and problem-focused inter- and transdisciplinarity.

*** The course is open to students from all academic disciplines holding a bachelor's degree ***

The following learning outcomes are targeted:
* knowing the background, basic assumptions, major concepts and epistemological stances of problem-focused inter- and transdisciplinary research
* knowing basic principles of transformative learning to meet intricate challenges
* ability to apply selected tools/methods from systems thinking
* ability to engage in (cross-)disciplinary perspective taking
* ability to work on complex problems together in cross-disciplinary teams

The course is based on principles of active learning and transformative learning and includes individual/group work, reading/writing assignments, discussions, joint problem-solving and peer-feedback. Students suggest wicked problems that they would like to work on and form teams based on their common interests. Each team will tackle its wicked problem using selected methods and tools from systems thinking and problem-focused inter- and transdisciplinary research throughout the course.

The course is organized in seven units. Each unit builds on the previous one. Except for the first unit, all other units consist of two parts: (1) prep activities/tasks to be completed in advance via Moodle and (2) a corresponding session in class to explore the unit’s topic together in teams. All group work will be done in class, all prep work individually (own schedule/pace, i.e., no coordination with team members outside of class required as long as you do not miss a session in class).

Course Outline:
Unit 1: Welcome and introduction
Unit 2: Initial problem posing
Unit 3: Mapping systems together
Unit 4: Understanding complexity
Unit 5: (Cross-)disciplinary perspective taking
Unit 6: Developing metacognitive awareness
Unit 7: Round-up, reflection and feedback

Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel

A point system is used for the assessment. See details below.
All relevant course material will be provided via Moodle.

Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab

To pass the course it is required that
* you are successfully registered and accepted for this course
* you are present at the first “Welcome and introduction” session (otherwise the place for this course is lost)
* you do not miss more than 1 session in class
* you acquire at least 60 (of 100) points by the end of the course

Course unit | Associated points
Unit 1: Welcome and introduction | 4
Unit 2: Initial problem posing | 16
Unit 3: Mapping systems together | 16
Unit 4: Understanding complexity | 16
Unit 5: (Cross-)disciplinary perspective taking | 16
Unit 6: Developing metacognitive awareness | 16
Unit 7: Round-up, reflection and feedback | 16

For units 2-7 you can acquire 16 points per unit:
* 7 points for doing the prep activities/tasks before the corresponding session in class (criterion: completeness) +
* 5 points for meeting the deadline(s) for delivering the prep activities/tasks (criterion: in time) +
* 4 points for actively participating in the sessions based on the prep work (criterion: participation based on prep work) [-2 points if you are missing the prep work]

Points | Grade
93-100 | sehr gut (1)
83-92 | gut (2)
73-82 | befriedigend (3)
60-72 | genügend (4)
0-59 | nicht genügend (5)

By registering for this course, you agree that the automated plagiarism check software Turnitin will check all written performances submitted by you (in Moodle).


See above.


The course is based on the following texts:

Barbrook-Johnson, P., & Penn, A. S. (2022). Systems mapping. How to build and use causal models of systems. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-01919-7

Bergmann, M., Jahn, T., Knobloch, T., Krohn, W., Pohl, C., Schramm, E., & Klein, J. T. (2012). Methods for transdisciplinary research: A primer for practice (R. C. Faust, Trans.). Campus Verlag.

Cabrera, D., Cabrera, L., & Powers, E. (2015). A unifying theory of systems thinking with psychosocial applications. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 32(5), 534–545. https://doi.org/10.1002/sres.2351

Frodeman, R., Klein, J. T., & Pacheco, R. C. D. S. (Eds.). (2017). The Oxford handbook of interdisciplinarity (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.

Frodeman, R. (2021). Interdisciplinarity and the dilemmas of knowledge. In I. Camerlink (Ed.), Bridging research disciplines to advance animal welfare science: A practical guide (pp. 63–71). CABI Publishing.

Hadorn, G. H., Hoffmann-Riem, H., Biber-Klemm, S., Grossenbacher-Mansuy, W., Joye, D., Pohl, C., Wiesmann, U., & Zemp, E. (Eds.). (2008). Handbook of transdisciplinary research. Springer.

Head, B. W. (2022). Wicked problems in public policy: Understanding and responding to complex challenges. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94580-0

Hubbs, G., O’Rourke, M., & Orzack, S. H. (Eds.). (2020). The Toolbox Dialogue Initiative: The power of cross-disciplinary practice. CRC Press.

Kawa, N. C., Arceño, M. A., Goeckner, R., Hunter, C. E., Rhue, S. J., Scaggs, S. A., Biwer, M. E., Downey, S. S., Field, J. S., Gremillion, K., McCorriston, J., Willow, A., Newton, E., & Moritz, M. (2021). Training wicked scientists for a world of wicked problems. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(1), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-021-00871-1

Klein, J. T. (2021). Beyond interdisciplinarity: Boundary work, communication, and collaboration. Oxford University Press.

Mälkki, K. (2019). Coming to grips with edge-emotions: The gateway to critical reflection and transformative learning. In T. Fleming, A. Kokkos, & F. Finnegan (Eds.), European perspectives on transformation theory (pp. 59–73). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-19159-7_5

Mälkki, K., & Raami, A. (2022). Transformative learning to solve the impossible: Edge-emotions and intuition in expanding the limitations of our rational abilities. In Transformative learning theory and praxis. Routledge.

Meadows, D. H. (2008). Thinking in systems: A primer (D. Wright, Ed.). Chelsea Green Publishing.

Metcalf, G. S., Kijima, K., & Deguchi, H. (Eds.). (2020). Handbook of systems sciences. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0370-8_7-1

Mezirow, J. (1997). Transformative learning: Theory to practice. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 1997(74), 5–12. https://doi.org/10.1002/ace.7401

Repko, A. F., & Szostak, R. (2020). Interdisciplinary research: Process and theory (4th ed.). SAGE Publications.

Repko, A. F., Szostak, R., & Buchberger, M. P. (2020). Introduction to interdisciplinary studies (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications.

Schickore, J. (2020). Mess in science and wicked problems. Perspectives on Science, 28(4), 482–504. https://doi.org/10.1162/posc_a_00348

Tromp, C. (2018). Wicked philosophy: Philosophy of science and vision development for complex problems. Amsterdam University Press.

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Letzte Änderung: Do 26.09.2024 12:46