210164 SE M3: Politische Theorien und Theorieforschung (2020S)
A Conceptual History of Radical Democracy. On the unexpected contribution of French Marxist intellectuals to the renewal of democratic theory (engl.)
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
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Studierende, die der ersten Einheit unentschuldigt fern bleiben, verlieren ihren Platz in der Lehrveranstaltung.Beachten Sie die Standards guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis.Die Lehrveranstaltungsleitung kann Studierende zu einem notenrelevanten Gespräch über erbrachte Teilleistungen einladen.
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Studierende, die der ersten Einheit unentschuldigt fern bleiben, verlieren ihren Platz in der Lehrveranstaltung.Beachten Sie die Standards guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis.Die Lehrveranstaltungsleitung kann Studierende zu einem notenrelevanten Gespräch über erbrachte Teilleistungen einladen.
Plagiierte und erschlichene Teilleistungen führen zur Nichtbewertung der Lehrveranstaltung (Eintragung eines 'X' im Sammelzeugnis).
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Mo 03.02.2020 08:00 bis Mo 17.02.2020 08:00
- Anmeldung von Do 20.02.2020 08:00 bis Mi 26.02.2020 08:00
- Abmeldung bis Do 30.04.2020 23:59
max. 40 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch
Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert
- Samstag 21.03. 09:00 - 15:00 Hörsaal 2 (H2), NIG 2.Stock
- Samstag 04.04. 09:00 - 16:00 Hörsaal 3 (H3), NIG 2. Stock
- Samstag 16.05. 09:00 - 16:00 Hörsaal 2 (H2), NIG 2.Stock
- Samstag 06.06. 09:00 - 16:00 Hörsaal 3 (H3), NIG 2. Stock
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
DELEIXHE Martin Gastprofessor
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
a) Active participation to the seminar (20%)
b) Oral presentation of a text in front of the class (20%)
c) Critical essay to submit by the end of the seminar on an article of political theory (50%)
d) An up-to-date bibliography on the issue considered in the essay (10%)
b) Oral presentation of a text in front of the class (20%)
c) Critical essay to submit by the end of the seminar on an article of political theory (50%)
d) An up-to-date bibliography on the issue considered in the essay (10%)
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
In order to getting a passing grade, students are expected to participate to the discussions that will take place during the seminar, to summarize and briefly present orally one article of democratic theory to their co-students and to submit by the end of the seminar a short critical essay (1500 to maximum 2000 words) discussing in normative terms an article of political theory addressing the nature, principles or demands of democracy.
The seminar’s material covers both the texts discussed during the lectures and the content of the lectures themselves.
Abensour, Miguel (2011), Democracy Against the State: Marx and the Machiavellian Movement, trans. Martin Breaugh, Polity Press.
Althusser, Louis (1962), “Contradiction and Overdetermination” in For Marx, trans. Ben Brewster, Penguin Press.
Badiou, Alain (2012), “The Democratic Emblem” in Democracy in what State?, trans. William McCuaig, Columbia University Press : 6-15.
Balibar, Etienne (1993), “’Rights of Man’ and ‘Rights of Citizens’. The modern dialectic of equality and freedom” in Masses, classes, ideas: Studies on politics and philosophy before and after Marx, trans. James Swenson, Routledge : 39-59.
Castoriadis, Cornelius (1987), The Imaginary Institution of Society, trans. Kathleen Blamey, Polity Press.
Gauchet, Marcel (2015), “Democracy: From One Crisis to Another”, Social Imaginaries, 1(1), trans. Nathalie J. Doyle : 163-187.
Laclau, Ernesto and Mouffe, Chantal (2000), Hegemony and Socialist Strategy. Towards a Radical Democratic Politics (2nd edition), Verso.
Lefort, Claude (1986), “Politics and Human Rights” in The Political Forms of Modern Society, trans. John B. Thompson, Polity Press.
Manin, Bernard (1997), The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge University Press : 1-8.
Marx, Karl, (1844) “On the Jewish Question” in The Marx-Engels Reader. Edited by Robert Tucker, Norton & Company, 1978 : 26 – 46.
Nancy, Jean-Luc (2006), “On the Meaning of Democracy”, Theoria, 53(111) : 1-5.
Nancy, Jean-Luc (2010), The Truth of Democracy, trans. Pascal-Anne Brault and Michael Naas, Fordham University Press.
Rancière, Jacques (2010), “Ten Theses on Politics” in Dissensus. On Politics and Aesthetics, trans. Steven Corcoran, Continuum : 27-44.
Rancière, Jacques (2011), Althusser’s Lesson, trans. Emiliano Battista, Continuum.
Schumpeter, Jospeh A. (1943), Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Routledge : 250-273.
Althusser, Louis (1962), “Contradiction and Overdetermination” in For Marx, trans. Ben Brewster, Penguin Press.
Badiou, Alain (2012), “The Democratic Emblem” in Democracy in what State?, trans. William McCuaig, Columbia University Press : 6-15.
Balibar, Etienne (1993), “’Rights of Man’ and ‘Rights of Citizens’. The modern dialectic of equality and freedom” in Masses, classes, ideas: Studies on politics and philosophy before and after Marx, trans. James Swenson, Routledge : 39-59.
Castoriadis, Cornelius (1987), The Imaginary Institution of Society, trans. Kathleen Blamey, Polity Press.
Gauchet, Marcel (2015), “Democracy: From One Crisis to Another”, Social Imaginaries, 1(1), trans. Nathalie J. Doyle : 163-187.
Laclau, Ernesto and Mouffe, Chantal (2000), Hegemony and Socialist Strategy. Towards a Radical Democratic Politics (2nd edition), Verso.
Lefort, Claude (1986), “Politics and Human Rights” in The Political Forms of Modern Society, trans. John B. Thompson, Polity Press.
Manin, Bernard (1997), The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge University Press : 1-8.
Marx, Karl, (1844) “On the Jewish Question” in The Marx-Engels Reader. Edited by Robert Tucker, Norton & Company, 1978 : 26 – 46.
Nancy, Jean-Luc (2006), “On the Meaning of Democracy”, Theoria, 53(111) : 1-5.
Nancy, Jean-Luc (2010), The Truth of Democracy, trans. Pascal-Anne Brault and Michael Naas, Fordham University Press.
Rancière, Jacques (2010), “Ten Theses on Politics” in Dissensus. On Politics and Aesthetics, trans. Steven Corcoran, Continuum : 27-44.
Rancière, Jacques (2011), Althusser’s Lesson, trans. Emiliano Battista, Continuum.
Schumpeter, Jospeh A. (1943), Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Routledge : 250-273.
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Letzte Änderung: Mo 07.09.2020 15:21