270149 VO Strategies and Tactics in Organic Synthesis (2025S)
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
Sprache: Englisch
10.3. 14:00-16:00 SR3
17.3. 13:30-14:30 SR3
24.3. 13:00-15:00 SR3
26.3. 15:00-17:00 SR3
31.3. 14:00-16:45 SR3
03.4. 12:00-14:00 SR3
07.4. 12:45-13:45 SR3
10.4. 12:00-14:00 SR3
28.4. 10:45-12:45 HS4
30.4. 11:15-13:15 HS4
08.5. 09:45-11:45 HS3
12.5. 10:45-12:45 HS4
14.5. 12:45-14:45 HS3
19.5. 14:45-15:45 HS3
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
As its name suggests, this lecture aims at discussing how a complex molecule can be approached from a synthetic point of view. In order to do so, selected syntheses will be analysed and commented on. Emphasis shall be placed on retrosynthetic disconnections and their reduction to practice, on maximisation of synthetic efficiency and on the discussion of new methods in Organic Chemistry. Students will be encouraged to think creatively and suggest “out-of-the-box” approaches whenever possible.For illustrative purposes, an Outline of the main broad topics to be covered and a pool of possible case-studies (typically 1 per lecture) are presented below.OUTLINE and CASE-STUDY POOLSample case-studies1. Classical approaches to complex moleculesa) Woodward, Strychnineb) Woodward, Reserpinec) Corey, Prostaglandinsd) Still, Periplanone Be) Curran, Hirsutene and Capnellenef) Corey, Gingkolide2. Biomimetic approachesa) Nicolaou, Endiandric Acidsb) Heathcock, Daphnyphillium alkaloidsc) Johnson, Steroidsd) Pirrung, Isocomenee) Nicolaou, Bisorbicillinoidsf) Shair, Longithorone Ag) Sorensen, FR 1828773. The past and the futurea) Overman, Strychnine (vs. 1a)b) Stork, Quinine (vs. Woodward)c) Volhardt, Steroids (vs. 2c)d) Grubbs, Capnellene (vs. 1e)e) Winkler, Manzamine Af) Corey, Onocering) Baran, Hapalindolesh) Gin, Batzelladine A(sample syntheses listed are only illustrative and not all of them will be covered!)
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
Classics in Total Synthesis I, Nicolaou et al
Classics in Total Synthesis II, Nicolaou et al
The Logic of Chemical Synthesis, Corey
Classics in Total Synthesis II, Nicolaou et al
The Logic of Chemical Synthesis, Corey
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Letzte Änderung: Fr 28.02.2025 15:46