Universität Wien

280392 VO MA PE 03 VO Gravity Field (NPI) (2022W)



Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").


max. 10 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch



Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert

The lecture will be held on-line. Zoom-links will be forwarded only to registered students. Course material covering the entire teaching content will be accessible via moodle which requires registering as well. Please register via u:space in due time.

Donnerstag 24.11. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Montag 28.11. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Donnerstag 01.12. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Montag 05.12. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Montag 12.12. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Donnerstag 15.12. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Montag 09.01. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Donnerstag 12.01. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Montag 16.01. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Donnerstag 19.01. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Montag 23.01. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Donnerstag 26.01. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital
Montag 30.01. 09:15 - 11:30 Digital


Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung

Figure of the earth, ellipsoid, geoid, gravitational and gravity potential, spherical harmonics expansion, normal ellipsoid and normal gravity, solution of Laplace's DGL in ellipsoidal coordinates, theorem of Clairaut, height systems, gravimetric geoid determination (boundary value problem in physical geodesy, integral formula of Stokes, boundary value problem of Molodensky), principles of satellite geodesy, global gravity models, temporal gravity variations, earth tides, free oscillations and core modes, earth rotation, loading effects, isostasy and spatial variation of the gravity field, case histories.

Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel

Oral exam, making use of auxiliary means is not allowed

Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab

Minimum requirements: knowledge of the topics of the course
Assessment criteria: grade better/equal than/to 4 (50%)


Content of the course


Course material accessible via Moodle
Torge, W., 2001, Geodesy, Walter de Gruyter, 400 p.
Torge, W., 1989, Gravimetry, Walter de Gruyter, 465 p.
Hofmann-Wellenhof, H. Moritz, 2005, Physical Geodesy, Springer, 403 p.
Melchior, P., 1978, The Tides of the Planet Earth, Pergamon Press, 609 p.

Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis

Letzte Änderung: Fr 09.06.2023 08:28