490148 SE Forschungsmethoden: Professionsverantwortung, Evaluation und Practitioner Research (2023S)
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Mi 01.02.2023 09:00 bis Mi 15.02.2023 09:00
- Anmeldung von Mi 22.02.2023 09:00 bis Di 28.02.2023 09:00
- Abmeldung bis Fr 17.03.2023 12:00
max. 25 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch
FR 31.03.2023 15.00-18.15 Digital
SA 01.04.2023 10.00-13.30 Digital
FR 21.04.2023 15.00-18.15 Digital
SA 22.04.2023 10.00-13.30 Digital
FR 28.04.2023 15.00-18.15 Digital
SA 29.04.2023 10.00-13.30 Digital
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
Students are expected to attend lectures and actively participate to discussions, case studies, research tasks and exercises. Moreover, students will have to hand in a few assignments and to develop a research project during the entire course.
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
The students’ work will be evaluated on a scale from 0 to 100 points distributed as following:
- Attendance and participation to the classes, class work and groupwork : 20 points.
- One written report (first assignment): 30 points.
- Final project (second assignment): 50 points.The final grading:
- 1 (sehr gut): 89-100 points
- 2 (gut): 76-88 points
- 3 (befriedigend): 63-75 points
- 4 (genügend): 50-62 points
- (nicht genügend): 0-49 pointsFor the final project, students will have to apply and show proficiency regarding terminology and concepts used during the course. A few options for the topics of the final projects will be suggested during the course.
- Attendance and participation to the classes, class work and groupwork : 20 points.
- One written report (first assignment): 30 points.
- Final project (second assignment): 50 points.The final grading:
- 1 (sehr gut): 89-100 points
- 2 (gut): 76-88 points
- 3 (befriedigend): 63-75 points
- 4 (genügend): 50-62 points
- (nicht genügend): 0-49 pointsFor the final project, students will have to apply and show proficiency regarding terminology and concepts used during the course. A few options for the topics of the final projects will be suggested during the course.
Examination is based on attendance and participation to the classes, class work and groupwork, plus the first and second assignment. The two assignments will be handed in in written form. Students are required to be familiar with all the content and material presented during the course. Supporting learning material such as presentations, papers, documents, videos, slides, and reference literature will be available on Moodle. Oral examination is possible if requested by the students in case they are not satisfied with the final grade.
- Alhadeff-Jones, M. (2012). Transformative learning and the challenges of complexity. The handbook of transformative learning: Theory, research, and practice, 178-194.
- Attia, M., & Edge, J. (2017). Be (com) ing a reflexive researcher: a developmental approach to research methodology. Open Review of Educational Research, 4(1), 33-45.
- Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. L. (2015). Inquiry as stance: Practitioner research for the next generation. Teachers College Press.
- Day, C. (2018). Professional identity matters: Agency, emotions, and resilience. In Research on teacher identity (pp. 61-70). Springer, Cham.
- Hine, G. S. (2013). The importance of action research in teacher education programs. Issues in Educational Research, 23 (2), 151-163.
- Ison, R. L. (2008). Systems thinking and practice for action research. In: Reason, Peter W. and Bradbury,Hilary eds. The Sage Handbook of Action Research Participative Inquiry and Practice (2nd edition). London, UK:Sage Publications, pp. 139–158.
- Kincheloe, J. L. (2011). The knowledges of teacher education: Developing a critical complex epistemology. In Key works in critical pedagogy (pp. 227-243). Brill Sense.
- Knight, P. (2002). A systemic approach to professional development: learning as practice, Teaching and Teacher Education, 18 (3): 229-241.
- Menter, I., Elliot, D., Hulme, M., Lewin, J., & Lowden, K. (2011). A guide to practitioner research in education. Sage.
- Mertler, C. A. (2009). Action research: Teachers as researchers in the classroom. Sage.
- Nieveen, N., & Folmer, E. (2013). Formative evaluation in educational design research. Design Research, 153, 152-169.
- Attia, M., & Edge, J. (2017). Be (com) ing a reflexive researcher: a developmental approach to research methodology. Open Review of Educational Research, 4(1), 33-45.
- Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. L. (2015). Inquiry as stance: Practitioner research for the next generation. Teachers College Press.
- Day, C. (2018). Professional identity matters: Agency, emotions, and resilience. In Research on teacher identity (pp. 61-70). Springer, Cham.
- Hine, G. S. (2013). The importance of action research in teacher education programs. Issues in Educational Research, 23 (2), 151-163.
- Ison, R. L. (2008). Systems thinking and practice for action research. In: Reason, Peter W. and Bradbury,Hilary eds. The Sage Handbook of Action Research Participative Inquiry and Practice (2nd edition). London, UK:Sage Publications, pp. 139–158.
- Kincheloe, J. L. (2011). The knowledges of teacher education: Developing a critical complex epistemology. In Key works in critical pedagogy (pp. 227-243). Brill Sense.
- Knight, P. (2002). A systemic approach to professional development: learning as practice, Teaching and Teacher Education, 18 (3): 229-241.
- Menter, I., Elliot, D., Hulme, M., Lewin, J., & Lowden, K. (2011). A guide to practitioner research in education. Sage.
- Mertler, C. A. (2009). Action research: Teachers as researchers in the classroom. Sage.
- Nieveen, N., & Folmer, E. (2013). Formative evaluation in educational design research. Design Research, 153, 152-169.
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Letzte Änderung: Do 30.03.2023 11:29
- Introduction to Systems Thinking and Action-Research: history and theory.
- Participatory research.
- Action-Research design.
- Systems Thinking for the analysis of the classroom and school environments
- The professional identity and responsibility of the teacher-as-researcher.
- The role of the teacher in modern society.
- Case studies and simulations.Students will acquire the following skills:
- Designing Action-Research projects.
- Recognizing and using basic systemic and participatory research terminology, concepts and tools.
- Understanding the main factors that define the professional identity of the teacher.
- Developing awareness about the role of teachers in modern society.
- Developing the professional and ethical attitude of the teacher-as-researcher.The teaching method is highly interactive and participatory. Learning activities are:
- Lectures with media support on relevant theoretical concepts and empirical themes.
- Plenary discussions of concrete examples, case studies and methodological procedures.
- Research assignments and written elaboration.
- Brief presentation of selected work assignments.
- Literature research and review.
- Continuous work in small groups.
- Guided work.The main language of the course is English.