143317 VO Language and Literature in their Social Contexts (2024W)
13:00 - 15:00
Inst. f. Afrikawissenschaften, Seminarraum 4 UniCampus Hof 5 2M-O1-10
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Mi 08.01.2025 08:00 bis Mi 29.01.2025 23:59
- Abmeldung bis Mi 29.01.2025 23:59
Some sample exam questions at the end of the course:With reference to themes and style of writing, including language use, in China Achebe’s Things Fall Apart or any of his other works, outline in what ways a work of literature can help you understand some important sociocultural aspects of the society in which the work is set. Provide particular instances with illustrations from different scenes in the work.With reference to themes and style of writing, including language use, in Mariama Ba’s Une Si Longue Lettre or any of her other works, outline in what ways a work of literature can help you understand some important sociocultural aspects of the society in which the work is set. Provide particular instances with illustrations from different scenes in the work.With reference to themes and style of writing, including language use, in Margaret Ogola’s The River and the Source or any of her other works, outline in what ways a work of literature can help you understand some important sociocultural aspects of the society in which the work is set. Provide particular instances with illustrations from different scenes in the work.What are in your view the main advantages (or disadvantages) of a socio-cultural approach to literature? Outline in what ways an understanding of West Africa society helps understand the works of China Achebe and Mariama Ba. Illustrate with specific themes and scenes in these works.
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
Active participation during all class sessions will be the key. The course will be assessed as follows:
Attendance and active participation in class and online discussions, debates, and exercises: 20 %
Student presentation: 20 %
Term paper (5 to 10 pages): 60 %
Attendance and active participation in class and online discussions, debates, and exercises: 20 %
Student presentation: 20 %
Term paper (5 to 10 pages): 60 %
Letzte Änderung: Do 14.11.2024 09:06