270284 VO Colloid and Interface Science (2023W)
content of the lecturese.g.- what type of colloidal systems exist?- what are colloids?- what are interfaces?- significant forces between colloidal particles: how they can be calculated in approximation and exactly and how they can be measured?- how to form emulsions and foams?- physical properties required for stable foams and emulsions to form- how to manipulate the wettability of surfaces? - why surfactants are active at interfaces?- how to choose type/class of surfactant to use in certain situations? specifically which would be good to form emulsions, as dispersants and good wetting agents? which would be good to destabilise emulsions?- why are rheological properties important in many applications and how to alter them?- what is adsorption/absorption? how to describe these phenomena?- electrical properties of interfaces- kinetic properties of particles
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
oral examination with individual appointment
2 students at a time
2 students at a time
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
at least three questions per studentto be positive: more than half of them answered correctly
Letzte Änderung: Di 10.09.2024 14:46