Univ.-Prof. ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr. Barbara Seidlhofer
Visitenkarte: vCard
Sprechstunde: Office hours: by appointment.I am retired but continue to be available for my MA and PhD supervisees and for students I teach and examine. This can be on site, by telephone or via video conferencing. Please request an appointment by sending me an e-mail <barbara.seidlhofer@univie.ac.at>, and mention what you would like to talk about.
Supervision of MA and doctoral theses:
I am currently supervising quite a number of theses but am generally not taking on any new supervision responsibilities.
However, if you have a very specific request and can make a strong case for working on a topic that would advance research into English as a Lingua Franca do feel free to contact me by e-mail, and with a draft research proposal.
I am currently supervising quite a number of theses but am generally not taking on any new supervision responsibilities.
However, if you have a very specific request and can make a strong case for working on a topic that would advance research into English as a Lingua Franca do feel free to contact me by e-mail, and with a draft research proposal.
Lehre (iCal)
- 420011 SE Linguistische Dissertationsprojekte
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 420012 SE Professional skills for growing as a linguist
- 122251 AR Advanced Course in Linguistics - Controversies about Contemporary English
- 420006 SE Von der Beschreibung zur Erklärung (und zurück) - From description to explanation (and back)
- 120002 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Investigating learner language
- 120226 SE MA Seminar - Focus: Applied Linguistics / Linguistics Seminar - Conformity and Creativity: Learner English and English as a Lingua Franca
- 122210 VO Communication, Code and Culture
- 122251 AR Advanced Course in Linguistics - Applied Linguistic Controversies about Contemporary English
- 128162 SE SE Thesis Seminar (MA M06)
- 124093 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Exploring 'communicative competence' in ELT
- 124200 SE PhD Seminar Linguistics - The native speaker in linguistics: fact or fiction?
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 128162 SE SE Thesis Seminar (MA M06)
- 420012 SE Argumentation in Linguistics
- 120228 SE MA Seminar - Focus: Applied Linguistics / Linguistics Seminar - English in Europe: Diversity and Adversity
- 124094 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Exploring ‘communicative competence’ in ELT
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 420010 SE Data analysis in the Digital Age
- 120003 SE PhD Seminar Linguistics - Complexity in linguistics: applications and implications
- 120228 SE MA Seminar - Focus: Applied Linguistics / Linguistics Seminar - Understanding English as a lingua franca and its pedagogic implications
- 122210 VO Communication, Code and Culture
- 128162 SE SE Thesis Seminar (MA M06)
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120228 SE MA Seminar - Focus: Applied Linguistics / Linguistics Seminar - English in Europe: Emergent Themes and Issues
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 128141 FS FS Research Seminar I - Exploring accommodation in ELF interactions
- 128162 SE SE Thesis Seminar (MA M06)
- 420007 SE Sprachgeschichte, Sprachwandel, Sprachvariation - Methoden, Zugänge, Perspektiven
- 120228 SE MA Seminar - Focus: Applied Linguistics / Linguistics Seminar - Learners vs. users? ‘Grammar hotspots’ in Learner English and English as a Lingua Franca communication
- 124015 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Exploring ‘communicative competence’ in ELT
- 128162 SE SE Thesis Seminar (MA M06)
- 420009 SE Linguistische Methodologie: Datenerhebung-Datenverarbeitung-Datenanalyse
- 120229 SE Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Concepts of Competence
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 128543 SE PhD Seminar
- 122229 SE Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Conformity and Creativity: Learner English and English as a Lingua Franca
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 128162 SE SE Thesis Seminar
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 128600 SE Research Forum & Thesis Proposal / MA Seminar M06 / Thesis Seminar
- 420004 SE Research perspectives on English linguistics
- 420008 SE Linguistische Methodologie: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten
- 122225 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Conformity and Creativity: Learner English and English as a Lingua Franca
- 122251 AR Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Appl. & TEFL / Hist. & Descr. - Controversies about English
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 128543 SE PhD Seminar - Research Perspectives on English (applied) linguistics
- 128600 SE Research Forum & Thesis Proposal / MA Seminar M06 / Thesis Seminar
- 122210 VO Communication, Code and Culture
- 122221 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Perspectives on Standard English
- 122225 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Perspectives on Standard English
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120002 SE Research Forum & Thesis Proposal / MA Seminar M06
- 122210 VO Communication, Code and Culture
- 122228 SE Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL
- 122251 AR Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Appl. & TEFL - Controversies about English
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 122228 SE Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL
- 122234 AR Linguistics Course (interactive) - ELF + ELT
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 420011 SE Sprachwissenschaftliche Dissertationsprojekte der Wiener Sprachwissenschaften
- 122220 SE Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - English in the world: language policy and education
- 128126 SE MA Seminar (Linguistics)
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 122210 VO Communication, Code and Culture
- 122220 SE Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Understanding English as a Lingua Franca
- 122822 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = MA Seminar (Linguistics)
- 122210 VO Communication, Code and Culture
- 122223 SE Linguistics Seminar = Seminar 1/2 MA (Applied Linguistics & TEFL) - Understanding English as a Lingua Franca
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 420005 SE Research perspectives in English linguistics
- 122228 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper / MA historical & descriptive linguistics / MA applied linguistics - Form and function and the ELF factor
- 122233 AR Linguistics Course (interactive) - On the subject of English: The implications of ELF
- 122822 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = MA Seminar (Linguistics)
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 420010 SE Research perspectives in English linguistics
- 120028 VO Core Lecture Linguistics = Communication, Code and Culture
- 120036 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = MA Seminar (Linguistics)
- 120053 SE Linguistics Seminar (applied linguistics & TEFL) - Forms and functions of ELF: corpus-based investigations
- 420003 SE PhD-Seminar-Research perspectives
- 120028 VO Core Lecture Linguistics = Communication, Code and Culture
- 120036 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = MA Seminar (Linguistics)
- 120048 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120053 SE Linguistics Seminar / Linguistics & Cultural Studies BA-Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA (Ling/CS) - VOICEs of ELF
- 420003 SE Research perspectives on English
- 120028 VO Core Lecture Linguistics = Communication, Code and Culture
- 120036 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = MA Seminar (Linguistics)
- 120048 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120080 SE Linguistics Seminar (222) = Seminar 1/2 MA (Applied Linguistics & TEFL) - Exploring English as a Lingua Franca
- 420004 SE Research Perspectives on English
- 120004 KO Freies Wahlfach - Linguistik - Research Colloquium - Conducting research into English as a lingua franca: theoretical frameworks and analysis
- 120028 VO Core Lecture Linguistics = Communication, Code and Culture
- 120045 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = MA Research Forum & Thesis Proposal
- 120117 AR Linguistics Course (interactive) 225 = MA Advanced Course 1-5 (Applied Linguistics & TEFL) - World Englishes
- 120023 AR Linguistics course (interactive) 223/224 - Critical issues in teaching English as an international language
- 120036 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = MA Research Forum & Thesis Proposal
- 120145 KO Freies Wahlfach - ELF Kolloquium - Conducting research into English as a lingua franca: theoretical frameworks and analysis
- 120004 KO Conducting Research into English as a Lingua Franca
- 120028 VO Communication, Code and Culture - Core Lecture Linguistics
- 120120 SE Linguistics Seminar: Abnormal Language?
- 120112 AR Anglo-Saxon and Other Attitudes - Perceptions of English as a Global Language
- 120118 SE Linguistics Seminar: Beyond Words - Capturing the Reality of Spoken Discourse
- 120172 SE DiplomandInnenseminar
- 120181 KO Freies Wahlfach Linguistik: Forschungsseminar - Conducting research into English as a lingua franca: theoretical frameworks and analysis
- 120004 SE Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Linguistics
- 120023 AR World Englishes: history, politics, pedagogy - Linguistics course
- 120028 VO Core Lecture Linguistics
- 120120 SE English in Europe - Linguistics Seminar
- 120159 KO Conducting research into English as a Lingua Franca
- 120180 KO Research into English as a Lingua Franca - Conducting research into English as a Lingua Franca: theoretical frameworks and analysis
- 120004 SE Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 120028 VO Core Lecture Linguistics - Core Lecture Linguistics 221
- 120133 SE Ling. Seminar: Lang. Variation and Change - Linguistics Seminar: Language Variation and Change
- 120134 AR Ling. course: Controversies Applied Linguistics - Ling. course: Controversies in Applied Linguistics
- 120159 KO Conducting research English as a Lingua Franca - Conducting research into English as a Lingua Franca
- 120013 SE Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 120133 SE Seminar: Exploring Spoken English - Seminar: Exploring spoken English - a corpus approach
- 120134 AR World Englishes - World Englishes
- 120159 KO Compiling a Corpus of Spoken English - Compiling a Corpus of Spoken English: Issues of Data Compilation...
- 713103 AR Computers, Language and Learning - Linguistics course 225: Computers, Language and Learning
- 713221 SE Linguistics Seminar - Linguistics Seminar
- 720480 SE Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 763114 VO Core Lecture Linguistics - Core Lecture Linguistics 221
- 713008 SE Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 720362 AR Controversies in Applied Linguistics - Controversies in Applied Linguistics
- 729705 AR Principles of ELT Methodology - Principles of ELT Methodology 629
- 791614 SE Linguistics Seminar - Linguistics Seminar 222, 821
- 713103 AR Describing Spoken English - Linguistics course 225: Describing Spoken English
- 713129 SE DiplomandInnenseminar - DiplomandInnenseminar
- 713221 SE Linguistics Seminar - Linguistics Seminar 222, 821
- 713008 SE DiplomandInnenseminar - DiplomandInnenseminar
- 713054 VO Core Lecture Linguistics - Core Lecture Linguistics 221
- 720362 AR Controversies in Applied Linguistics - Interaktive linguistische Lehrveranstaltung 225: Controversies in Applied Linguistics
- 791614 SE Linguistics Seminar - Linguistics Seminar 222, 821
- 713129 SE DiplomandInnenseminar - DiplomandInnenseminar 822
- 713149 AR Principles of ELT Methodology - Principles of ELT Methodology 629
- 713221 SE Linguistics Seminar - Linguistics Seminar 222, 821
- 713008 SE DiplomandInnenseminar - DiplomandInnenseminar 822
- 713054 VO Core Lecture Linguistics - Core Lecture Linguistics 221
- 720362 AR Interaktive linguistische Lehrveranstaltung - Interaktive linguistische Lehrveranstaltung 225
- 791614 SE Linguistics Seminar - Linguistics Seminar 222, 821
- 713129 UE Kolloquium für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen - Kolloquium für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 713221 SE Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar - Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7 Abs.8)
- 713427 VO Methodik Englischunterricht - Methodik des Englischunterrichts (gilt als Pflichtlehrveranstaltung für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 713038 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 7 Abs 8 UniStG.)
- 791614 SE Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar - Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar (Aufnahme nach § 7 Abs. 8 UniStG.)
- 713074 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG §7 Abs.8)
- 713129 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7 Abs.8)
- 713074 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG §7 Abs.8)
- 713129 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7 Abs.8)
- 713427 VO Methodik Englischunterricht - Methodik des Englischunterrichts (gilt als Pflichtlehrveranstaltung für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 713252 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 7 Abs. 8 UniStG.)
- 713129 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 713252 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 713438 VO Methodik Englischunterricht - Methodik des Englischunterrichts (gilt als Pflichtlehrveranstaltung für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 713252 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG., beschr. Teilnehmerzahl)
- 713438 VO Methodik Englischunterricht - Methodik des Englischunterrichts (gilt als Pflichtlehrveranstaltung für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 713801 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
- 763741 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar: (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.; beschr. Teilnehmerzahl)
- 713438 VO Methodik Englischunterricht - Methodik des Englischunterrichts (gilt als Pflichtlehrveranstaltung für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 713791 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
- 763741 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar: (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.; beschr. Teilnehmerzahl)
Letzte Änderung: Mi 08.01.2025 10:00
If you want to know more about my work and the ELF research group at our department please visit the ELF research group website.
https://anglistik.univie.ac.at/staff/teams-and-research-areas/elf/There you will also find information on the research projects VOICE and VOICE CLARIAH, and a link to the Journal of English as a Lingua Franca.