Mag. Oksana Galak, PhD
Visitenkarte: vCard
Forschungsprofil: u:cris
Lehre (iCal)
- 040197 VK EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040353 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (BA)
- 040354 KU European Dimension of International Business (BA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK) - European Dimension
- 040151 KU European Dimension of International Business (BA)
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (BA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK) - European Dimension
- 040836 VK EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040197 VK EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040306 KU European Dimension of International Business (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK) - European Dimension
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK) - European Dimension
- 040836 VK EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040197 VK EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040306 KU European Dimension of International Business (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK) - European Dimension
- 040121 KU European Dimension of International Business (MA)
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK) - European Dimension
- 040836 VK EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040197 VK EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040306 KU European Dimension of International Business (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK) - European Dimension
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK) - European Dimension
- 040836 VK EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040197 VK EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040306 KU European Dimension of International Business (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK) - European Dimension
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK) - European Dimension
- 040836 VK EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040156 UK Organization of the International Firm
- 040197 VK EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK)
- 040095 UK Organization of the International Firm
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK)
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK)
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK)
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK)
- 040095 UK Organization of the International Firm
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK)
- 040227 KU Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040247 SE Bachelorseminar (inkl. Bachelorarbeit) - Organisation und International Business
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK)
- 040095 UK Organization of the International Firm
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK)
- 040156 UK Organization of the International Firm
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK)
- 040053 UE ABWL Unternehmensführung II
- 040824 VK EC GCM: Market Entry Strategies (VK)
Letzte Änderung: Fr 31.01.2025 08:20