Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Tara Andrews
- Mail: tara.andrews@univie.ac.at
- Telefon: +43-1-4277-40864
Visitenkarte: vCard
Forschungsprofil: u:cris
Sprechstunde: Montag, 15-16h (nur im Semester!)
Lehre (iCal)
- 070147 SE Seminar zur Abschlussarbeit
- 070212 UE Course on Methodology - Introduction to DH Tools and Methods (Skills I)
- 053640 SE Master's Seminar
- 070222 VO Schwerpunkt-Einführung Digital Humanities
- 136033 SE Research Seminar Digital Humanities
- 053631 LP Data Analysis Project
- 070212 UE Course on Methodology - Introduction to DH Tools and Methods (Skills I)
- 070251 SE Seminar zur Abschlussarbeit
- 053631 LP Data Analysis Project
- 070096 VO Introduction to Digital Humanities (Lecture series)
- 070183 UE Methodological course - Digital Humanities Skills: GIS for Historians
- 070212 UE Methodological course - Introduction to DH Tools and Methods (Skills I)
- 070251 SE Seminar zur Abschlussarbeit
- 070265 VO Further Historical Approaches - The Christian Near East, 300-1400
- 070187 VO Introduction to Digital Humanities (Lecture series)
- 136033 SE Computational Methods for Text Stemmatology
- 070153 SE Seminar zur Abschlussarbeit
- 070265 VO Further Historical Approaches - The Christian Near East, 300-1400
- 070130 VO Introduction to Digital Humanities (Lecture series)
- 136033 SE Computational Methods for Text Stemmatology
- 070066 UE Methodological course - Data Structures and Data Management in the Humanities
- 070071 VO Digital Humanities
- 070175 UE Computational Background Skills for Digital Humanities
- 070124 VO Further Historical Approaches - The Christian Near East, 300-1400
- 070203 UE Guided Reading Weitere Zugänge - The Christian Near East, 300-1400
- 070227 VO Introduction to Digital Humanities
- 070263 UE Reading course - Theory and Concepts in the Digital Humanities
- 070066 UE Guided Reading Weitere Zugänge - The Christian Near East 300-1400
- 070071 VO Digital Humanities
- 070174 SE Master's Thesis Seminar - DH Methods in Historical Research
- 070175 UE Methodological Workshop - Computational Background Skills for Digital Humanities
- 070124 VO Further Historical Approaches - The Christian Near East, 300-1400
- 070227 VO Introduction to Digital Humanities
- 070263 LK Reading course - Theory and Concepts in the Digital Humanities
- 070016 VO Einführung in Digital Humanities
- 070017 KU Projektkurs - Arbeiten mit digitalen Daten für GeschichtsforscherInnen
- 070263 LK Lektürekurs - Digital Humanities: Theory and Concepts in the Digital Humanities
- 070264 VO Weitere Zugänge zur Geschichte - The Christian Near East, 400-1400
- 070057 PS BA-Proseminar - The Near East at the time of the First Crusade, 1045 -1144
- 070160 SE Seminar - The medieval Near East and Europe according to Muslims, Christians, and Jews: comparative perspectives
- 070263 LK Lektürekurs - Theorie und Methodik in den Digital Humanities
- 070264 VO Introduction to the Digital Humanities - Introduction to the Digital Humanities
- 070043 AR Methoden-Workshop - Tools and Techniques for Digital Humanities
- 070215 VO Kulturgeschichte des euro-atlantischen Raumes im globalen Kontext [VO]
- 070268 KU Methodenkurs - Management of Digital Research Data
- 070280 AR Methoden-Workshop - Computational Background Skills for Digital Humanities
- 070306 GR Guided Reading - The Armenians in the medieval Near East, 300 - 1375
- 070263 LK Lektürekurs - Digital Humanities
- 070264 VO Schwerpunkt- Einführung Digital Humanities
Letzte Änderung: Sa 01.02.2025 05:01