Seite 14 von 182 Ergebnissen
150119 UE Leserunde japanische Populärkultur: Visual Novel (2020W)
- Pernegger, Moodle
150024 PS MA - Proseminar LK (Literatur und Kultur) (M2) (2020W)
Performance, Politics, and Pop: Avant-garde Theatre in Contemporary China
- Ferrari, Moodle
123252 AR Literature Course - Literature 1/2 (MA) British/Irish/New English & Cultural Studies (2020W)
The Unmarked Gender? Studying Masculinities
- Mieszkowski, Moodle
124642 VO BEd 04.2: Cultural Theories and Popular Culture (2020S)
Media and Materialities
- Pietrzak-Franger, Moodle
141043 SE Arabische Populärklultur: Arabische Volksliteratur (2020S)
Arabic Folk Literature
- Grigoryan, Moodle
124010 VO Introduction to Cultural Theories (2020S)
- Fagan, Moodle