B. Doktoratskollegs @ MFPL (A094490, A091490, od. A091441)
1. DK RNA Biology
2. DK Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Signaling
300071 UE 2 ECTS [ en ] Methodenworkshop II AMW - Illustrator - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signalingBaccarini
300215 SE 1 ECTS [ en ] Cell Signaling - Journal Club III - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signalingBaccarini
300224 UE 2 ECTS [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Illustrator II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signalingBaccarini
300225 UE 2 ECTS [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - FACS - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signalingKovarik
300228 SE 1 ECTS [ en ] Presentation & Communication Skills III - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signalingBaccarini
300247 UE 2 ECTS [ en ] UE Advanced Methods workshop II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signalingBaccarini
300249 SE 1 ECTS [ en ] Presentation & Communication Skills I - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signalingBaccarini
300254 SE 1 ECTS [ en ] Presentation & Communication Skills II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signalingBaccarini
300255 UE 2 ECTS [ en ] UE Advanced Methods workshop III - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signalingBaccarini
3. DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
300303 SE 1 ECTS [ en ] Work in progress report IV - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological MacromoleculesSkern
4. DK Chromosome Dynamics
Mittelsten Scheid
Letzte Änderung: Mi 13.06.2018 00:39