47.03 Dissertationsgebiet Molekulare Biologie
A. PhD-Studium der Naturwissenschaften aus dem Bereich der Lebenswissenschaften, (A094490)
1. Advanced Basic Courses
- 300068 UE+VO [ en ] Computergestuetzte Strukturelle Biologie
- 300362 VO+SE [ en ] Selected Topics at the Biology - Physics Interface
2. Advanced Methods Workshops
- 300052 UE UE in Fluoreszenz und Konfokalmikroskopie inkl.Übungen zur Bild-bearbeitung/analyse - (für Diplomanden, Dissertanten und fortgeschrittene Studenten)
- 300068 UE+VO [ en ] Computergestuetzte Strukturelle Biologie
- 300072 SE [ de en ] Zellbiologie heute: aktuelle Fragen, Methoden, Projektplanung
- 300108 UE [ en ] Methodenworkshop II AMW - Illustrator - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
3. Lecture Series
- 300272 SE Problemfelder der Molekularbiologie
- 300506 SE [ en ] VBC Vorlesung, Teil I
- 300591 VO+SE [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology - VO-Zyklus im Alternativen Pflichtmodul Zellbiologie
- 300652 VO Molekularbiologie der RNA
4. Journal Clubs
- 300010 SE [ en ] Journal Clubs III - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300058 SE [ en ] Journal Club and Work in Progress Seminar III - DK Chromosome Dynamics
- 300078 SE [ en ] Literaturseminar Neuroclubs II
- 300088 SE [ en ] Literatur Seminar in Molekularer Pfanzenbiologie
- 300120 SE [ en ] Recent Literature in Bioinformatics III
- 300125 SE [ en ] Cell Signaling - Journal Club II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300177 SE [ en ] Journal Club: Recent literature on centrosomes and cilia IV - Journal Club: Recent literature on centrosomes and cilia IV
- 300190 SE [ en ] Journal Club: Recent literature on light reception, biological rhythms and hormone biology II
- 300229 SE [ en ] Journal Club fuer Populationsgenetik
- 300236 SE [ en ] Chromatin and Transcription IV
- 300313 SE [ en ] Journal Club: Selected topics in Molecular Biophysics II
- 300327 SE [ en ] Journal Club: Recent literature on autophagy and membrane biology III
- 300395 SE [ en ] RNA Journal Club 2 - DK RNA Biology
- 300399 SE [ en ] Chromosome Dynamics - Contemporary Topics
- 300413 SE [ en ] Connectivity Seminar: Trans/Interdisciplinary Structure Series I
- 300505 SE [ en ] Literatur Seminar, Teil I
5. Thesis Seminars / Work in Progress
- 300043 SE [ en ] Research report & literature discussion: Projects on ubiquitin-mediated immuneregulation II
- 300076 SE [ en ] Work in progress report III - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300091 SE [ en ] Projektplanung in Molekularer Pflanzenbiologie
- 300093 SE Neueste Entwicklungen in der Chromosomenbiologie IV
- 300112 SE [ en ] PhD Program-specific Work in Progress II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300119 SE [ en ] Recent Topics in Bioinformatics III
- 300121 SE [ en ] Vertiefungsseminar Signaltransduktion
- 300152 SE [ en ] Vertiefungsseminar Molekularer Mikrobiologie - Genexpression
- 300179 SE [ en ] Research Report: Projects on centrosomes and cilia IV
- 300191 SE [ en ] Research Report: Projects on light reception, biological rhythms and hormone biology II
- 300228 SE [ en ] ABC-SE Research Report: Algorithmsm, Biomolecules & Computers III
- 300265 SE [ en ] Priming your PhD - VBC PhD Programme
- 300319 SE [ en ] Research Report: Projects in Molecular Biophysics II
- 300328 SE [ en ] Vertiefungsseminar Mausgenetik+Entwicklung II
- 300330 SE [ en ] Research Report: Projects on autophagy and membrane biology III
- 300397 SE [ en ] RNA Work in Progress 2 - DK RNA Biology
- 300400 SE [ en ] Work in progress report I
- 300422 SE [ en ] Resilience for PhD
6. Presentation & Communication Skills
- 300044 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech - Business in Biotech I
- 300140 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Mouse Models & Histology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300154 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Autophagy - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300161 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - DNA/Protein Interactions - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300164 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Cell Culture - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300167 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - FACS - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300176 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Advanced Imaging - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300184 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Writing Research Proposals - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300189 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Developmental Biology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300194 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Structural Biology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300346 SE [ en ] Presentation & Communication Skills I - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300348 SE [ en ] Presentation & Communication Skills II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
7. Elective Courses
- 300370 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 300436 VO+SE [ en ] Molekulare Populationsgenetik
- 300480 VO Therapie von HIV Infektion / AIDS
B. Doktoratskollegs @ MFPL (A094490, A091490, od. A091441)
1. DK RNA Biology
- 300395 SE [ en ] RNA Journal Club 2 - DK RNA Biology
- 300397 SE [ en ] RNA Work in Progress 2 - DK RNA Biology
- 300652 VO Molekularbiologie der RNA
2. DK Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Signaling
- 300108 UE [ en ] Methodenworkshop II AMW - Illustrator - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300112 SE [ en ] PhD Program-specific Work in Progress II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300121 SE [ en ] Vertiefungsseminar Signaltransduktion
- 300125 SE [ en ] Cell Signaling - Journal Club II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300140 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Mouse Models & Histology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300154 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Autophagy - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300161 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - DNA/Protein Interactions - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300164 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Cell Culture - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300167 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - FACS - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300176 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Advanced Imaging - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300184 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Writing Research Proposals - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300189 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Developmental Biology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300194 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Structural Biology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300346 SE [ en ] Presentation & Communication Skills I - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300348 SE [ en ] Presentation & Communication Skills II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
3. DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300010 SE [ en ] Journal Clubs III - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300076 SE [ en ] Work in progress report III - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
4. DK Chromosome Dynamics
- 300058 SE [ en ] Journal Club and Work in Progress Seminar III - DK Chromosome Dynamics
- 300093 SE Neueste Entwicklungen in der Chromosomenbiologie IV
- 300399 SE [ en ] Chromosome Dynamics - Contemporary Topics
Letzte Änderung: Mi 13.06.2018 00:38