Universität Wien

Master Banking and Finance (974)

Core Programme (36 ECTS)

A.1 Introductory Module (8 ECTS)

A.2 Core Courses in Finance 1 (12 ECTS)

A.3 Economics (16 ECTS)

Elective Programme (60 ECTS)

B.1. Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe: Studienschwerpunkt Business Orientation

B.1.a Econometrics for Business Orientation (8 ECTS)

B.1.b.i Alternatives Pflichtmodul Banking for Business Orientation (24 ECTS)

Pflichtfächer (16 ECTS)
Wahlfächer (8 ECTS)

B.1.b.ii Alternatives Pflichtmodul Corporate Finance for Business Orientation (24 ECTS)

Pflichtfächer (16 ECTS)
Wahlfächer (8 ECTS)

B.1.c Electives in Finance, Accounting and Economic Law (20 ECTS)

B.1.d Electives in Business, Economics and Statistics (8 ECTS)

B.2 Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe Studienschwerpunkt Science Orientation

B.2.a Core Courses in Finance 2 (12 ECTS)

B.2.b Econometrics for Science Orientation (16 ECTS)

B.2.c.i Alternatives Pflichtmodul: Banking for Science Orientation (16 ECTS)

Pflichtfach (4 ECTS)
Wahlfächer "Advanced Banking and Financial Intermediation" (8 ECTS)
Wahlfächer (4 ECTS)

B.2.c.ii Alternatives Pflichtmodul Corporate Finance for Science Orientation (16 ECTS)

Pflichtfach (4 ECTS)
Wahlfächer "Advanced Corporate Finance" (8 ECTS)
Wahlfächer (4 ECTS)

B.2.c.iii Alternatives Pflichtmodul: Financial Markets (16 ECTS)

Pflichtfach (4 ECTS)
Wahlfächer "Advanced Asset Pricing and Finanicial Markets" (8 ECTS)
Wahlfächer (4 ECTS)

B.2.d Electives (16 ECTS)

Master´s Thesis Module (24 ECTS)

Master´s Thesis Seminar (2 ECTS)

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Letzte Änderung: Fr 10.01.2020 00:35