Elective Modules (75 ECTS)
Algebra, number theory, and discrete mathematics (51 ECTS)
Core modules algebra
- 250004 SE [ en ] Seminar Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms
- 250057 VO [ en ] Group theory
- 250058 PS [ en ] Introductory seminar on group theory
- 250059 VO [ en ] Combinatorics
- 250060 PS [ en ] Introductory seminar on Combinatorics
- 250065 SE [ en ] Seminar (Discrete Mathematics)
- 250142 SE [ en ] Project Seminar (Algebra)
Topics courses algebra
- 250011 VO [ en ] Enumerative Geometry
- 250012 VO [ en ] Representation Theory
- 250124 VO [ en ] Topics from number theory
- 250130 VO [ en ] Algebraic Theory of Differential Equations
- 250161 PS [ en ] Algebraic Theory of Differential Equations
- 250196 VO [ en ] Topics in Modern Number Theory
- 250197 PS [ en ] Topics in Modern Number Theory
Analysis (51 ECTS)
Core modules analysis
- 250006 SE [ en ] Seminar on Calculus of Variations
- 250081 VO [ en ] Real analysis
- 250085 SE [ en ] Seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250099 VO [ en ] Advanced functional analysis
- 250115 VO [ en ] Dynamical systems and nonlinear differential equations
- 250121 PS [ en ] Advanced functional analysis
- 250162 SE [ en ] MCMP Seminar
- 442502 SE [ en ] DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 442506 SE [ en ] Seminar (Harmonic Analysis)
- 442507 SE [ en ] Seminar: Applied PDE
Topics courses analysis
- 250005 VO [ en ] Principal fiber bundles
- 250008 VO [ en ] Mathematical Image Processing
- 250009 PS [ en ] Mathematical Image Processing
- 250024 VO [ en ] Nonlinear evolution equations
- 250130 VO [ en ] Algebraic Theory of Differential Equations
- 250133 VO [ en ] Discrepancy Theory and Quadrature
- 250161 PS [ en ] Algebraic Theory of Differential Equations
Applied mathematics and scientific computing (51 ECTS)
Core modules AMaSciCo
- 250006 SE [ en ] Seminar on Calculus of Variations
- 250071 PS [ en ] Introductory seminar Advanced numerical analysis
- 250078 VO [ en ] Advanced numerical analysis
- 442502 SE [ en ] DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 442505 SE [ en ] Seminar (Optimization)
- 442506 SE [ en ] Seminar (Harmonic Analysis)
- 442507 SE [ en ] Seminar: Applied PDE
Topics courses AMaSciCo
- 250007 VU [ en ] Imaging and Visualization
- 250008 VO [ en ] Mathematical Image Processing
- 250009 PS [ en ] Mathematical Image Processing
- 250024 VO [ en ] Nonlinear evolution equations
- 250074 VO [ en ] Information Theory
- 250079 VO [ en ] Topics in Finite Elements
- 250133 VO [ en ] Discrepancy Theory and Quadrature
Biomathematics (51 ECTS)
Core modules biomathematics
- 250010 PS [ en ] Dynamical System and Nonlinear Differential Equations
- 250049 VO [ en ] Mathematical Ecology
- 250094 SE [ en ] Seminar (Mathematical Populations Genetics)
- 250115 VO [ en ] Dynamical systems and nonlinear differential equations
- 250138 SE [ en ] AG Biomathematics
- 250145 PS [ en ] Mathematical Ecology
Topics courses biomathematics
- 250141 VO [ en ] Mathematical Cell Biology
- 470004 VO+SE [ en ] Molecular Population Genetics: making sense of sequence data
Geometry and topology (51 ECTS)
Core modules geometry
- 250096 VO [ en ] Analysis on manifolds
- 250158 PS [ en ] Analysis on manifolds
- 250162 SE [ en ] MCMP Seminar
Topics courses geometry
- 250005 VO [ en ] Principal fiber bundles
- 250011 VO [ en ] Enumerative Geometry
- 250012 VO [ en ] Representation Theory
- 250013 VO [ en ] Differential topology
Mathematical logic and theoretical computer science (51 ECTS)
Core modules logic
- 250100 VO [ en ] Axiomatic set theory 1
- 250102 SE [ en ] Research seminar in mathematical logic
- 250103 SE [ en ] Seminar (Mathematical logic)
- 250168 VO [ en ] Introduction to mathematical logic
- 250170 PS [ en ] Introductory seminar on mathematical logic
- 250179 PS [ en ] Introductory seminar on Axiomatic set theory 1
Topics courses logic
- 250104 VO [ en ] Advanced topics in mathematical logic
Stochastics and dynamical systems (51 ECTS)
Core modules stochastics
- 250105 SE [ en ] AG Ergodic Theory
- 250107 SE [ en ] Seminar (Stochastics and Dynamical systems)
- 250108 SE [ en ] Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability
- 250115 VO [ en ] Dynamical systems and nonlinear differential equations
- 250185 PS [ en ] Advanced probability theory
- 250189 VO [ en ] Advanced probability theory
- 442501 SE [ en ] Vienna Probability Seminar
Topics courses stochastics
- 250016 VO [ en ] Selected topics in dynamics
- 250074 VO [ en ] Information Theory
- 250110 VO [ en ] Mathematical Finance (continuous time)
- 250111 PS [ en ] Mathematical Finance (continuous time)
- 250186 VO [ en ] Percolation Theory
Letzte Änderung: Fr 26.06.2020 00:49