Pflichtmodul Vertiefung in aktuelle Forschungsthemen B (20 ECTS)
M-VAF B Vertiefung in aktuelle Forschungsthemen B (20 ECTS)
- 260004 SE [ en ] Physics and chemistry of clouds
- 260005 VU [ en ] Quantum Information Theory - Quantum Computing
- 260012 SE [ en ] Concepts, phenomena & paradoxes at the interface betw. quantum physics & general relativity-Part IV
- 260014 VU [ en ] Statistical Methods of Data Analysis
- 260017 VU [ en ] The maths and the physics of space-like quantum correlations
- 260021 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Materials for tomorrow´s challenges
- 260022 VU [ en ] Advanced X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction in Materials Physics
- 260031 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Modern methods in materials physics
- 260045 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260049 VU [ en ] Fundamentals of Photonics
- 260056 SE [ en ] Current Research in Experimental Materials Physics
- 260068 VU [ en ] Scientific image processing
- 260071 VU [ en ] Advanced electron microscopy
- 260083 SE [ en ] Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 260104 VU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Low-level programming in C and C++ (Part 2)
- 260110 VO [ en ] ( VDS-PH ) Low Dimensional Solids
- 260114 SE [ en ] Seminar Applied isotope physics
- 260117 VU [ en ] Relativity III
- 260211 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Quantum Optics
- 260229 LP [ en ] Project oriented laboratory experiments, Environmental Physics
- 520002 SE [ en ] Quantum Photonic Technology
- 520004 SE [ en ] Seminar on mathematical physics
- 520010 SE [ en ] Literature seminar (Gravitation Theory)
- 520012 SE [ en ] Seminar in particle physics
- 520018 SE [ en ] Literature seminar complex materials and hybrid systems
- 520023 VO [ en ] Introduction to solid state spectroscopy
- 520024 VU [ en ] Polymer Theory
- 520028 SE [ en ] Magnetism and Superconductivity
- 520031 SE [ en ] Quantum enhanced metrology and microscopy
Letzte Änderung: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01