Universität Wien

Psychologie und Biologie mit Schwerpunkt CoBeNe

301276 SE [en] (GEMISCHT) Journal Club II - Stammzellbiologie: Evolutionäre, entwicklungsbiologische und pathologische Dimensionen
301757 SE [en] Research Report & Journal Club II - Genetik und Entwicklungsbiologie
540002 SE [de en] DissertantInnen-Seminar - Health: mechanisms, prevention, and intervention
540003 SE [en] Into Science Retreat
540004 SE [de en] DissertantInnen-Seminar - Lifelong learning: emotions, motivation, self-regulation, and well-being in educational settings
540007 SE [de en] DissertantInnen-Seminar - Trends in cognitive and affective neuroscience
540008 SE [de en] Forschungsseminar - Multivariate and Complex Data Analysis
540009 SE [de en] Forschungsseminar - Scientific Writing
540010 SE [en] Forschungsseminar - Grant Writing: Identifying, writing and getting research grants and scholarships
540011 SE [de en] Forschungsseminar - Verantwortung für die Zukunft (mit)tragen die Dritte Mission: Konzepte, Umsetzungen und Herausforderungen
540012 SE [de en] DissertantInnen-Seminar - Neuroaesthetics: beauty, attraction, and the arts
540013 SE [de en] DissertantInnen-Seminar - Behavior, changes, and decisions in work, organizational, consumer, and societal contexts
540014 SE [de en] DissertantInnen-Seminar - Social and cognitive lifespan development: individual differences, intraindividual changes, and their assessment
540016 SE [de en] DissertantInnen-Seminar - Research about research and language: metascience, meta-analysis, scientific discourse analysis, and language neuroscience
540018 SE [de en] DissertantInnen-Seminar - Proenvironmental and health behaviors, prosociality, sustainability, and climate action

Letzte Änderung: Di 05.09.2023 11:47